Devonviolet Acres


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
DH saw the Infectious Disease (ID) doctor on Tuesday, and it turns out the blood test didn‘t show any growth of Candida. YAY! So the doctor released him to have the pacemaker put in tomorrow. He still has the rash, which has actually gotten worse, but the doctor wasn’t concerned about it. He gave him a cream and anti-fungal powder to put on his feet. The surgery will take about three hours and he will stay over night for observation. Then comes the hard part! He can’t lift more than five pounds, raise his arms past his shoulders, or do any strenuous exercise for SIX WEEKS! This is going to be a huge challenge!!! But, hopefully now he will have more energy, not be so light headed and be able to stay more focused.
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Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
There's some excellent news for getting pacemaker surgery clearance....prayers for that to work well, both surgery and after improvement for health.:love

Now the unfortunate part is the 6 wk of restriction after will put most all chores/work on you. :hugs
Think scoop of feed not bucket of...a little, slowly will help. You will get it worked out. He'll be a tiger again after the healing process! 😁


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Well, DH had his Pacemaker surgery, and it went well. He managed to keep the sling on for the full six weeks and healed up just fine. He has gone, several times, to have the Abbott PM Representative test the pacemaker and it is working perfectly.

All seemed to be going just fine, until three weeks ago he passed out in church again! :thThis time I drove him to the ER, where they did a whole series of tests and then admitted him for observation overnight, and two more tests. The bottom line was that they never did figure out what was making him pass out. Five different doctors told him he may never know why he was passing out. :idunno :barnie

Fast forward one week and he passed out in church again! :thThis time I just took him home and he slept the rest of the day. But it seemed each time he passed out, I had a hard time getting him to wake up, but once he got outside, he started coming out of it.

After looking at everything that happened, I came to realize there is something in the church that was causing him to pass out. I suspect black mold, but the Elders INSIST there is no black mold! Well then, what are the black splotches on the front wall of the church??? So sadly, we decided that we can’t go back to the church, and we are currently without a church home. For now we are watching Dr. David Jeremiah on the Sunday morning Shadowmountain Church Services. Since that last time he passed out two weeks ago, he has not passed out once!

Now for some more sad news. DH turned 77 last November, and with my right foot and knee causing me a lot of pain, we made the difficult decision to sell most of our goats. I listed them on Craig’s List and only sold three does. So, as I mentioned on Latestarter’s Tribute Page, we took the remaining 8 (that we decided to sell) to auction.

Since we still have Violet and Deo (our Maremma LGDs and we would never sell them), we kept Danny Boy (our amazing buck) and Melody (our biggest and sweetest doe). We figure as long as we have Violet and Deo, they need to have a job to do. So, we will always keep at least two goats for them to guard. Melody has been bred and is due around April 20th. So we will still be able to enjoy Spring babies. :love

We had both been thinking about downsizing the chickens as well, and were given an offer to buy all of them, which we accepted. That left us with five Muscovy ducks and one drake, as well as four Guineas. I have known for years that I have a lot of food allergies. Last year I had a blood test to see if I had any more allergies. Well, of all things, it turns out I am allergic to EGG WHITES!!! We decided to go with ducks for eggs, instead of chicken eggs, because I can still eat egg yolks and duck yolks are a lot bigger than chicken yolks. Granted, it’s not the same eating just yolks, but it’s better than nothing, and I have figured out a way to cook them so they are at least palatable. So, when Tractor supply starts selling birds again soon, we will buy some Pekin ducks, to increase our duck egg supply. The Muscovy‘s started laying again in January, so I am eating duck yolks for breakfast now.

I won’t go into to detail now, but I am trying to convert my veggie garden to deep mulch. My pain issues with my right knee and foot have really put the kabash on that, and we have not been able to get chemical free round bales of hay. So, I have been saving the hay that I bought for the garden, to feed to the goats.

So, I haven’t been able to get started in the garden yet this year. Several years ago I bought five 4x12’x12” raised bed kits, and we haven’t put them together yet. Twelve inches isn’t really tall enough for two old people to bend over to garden, so we bought a pallet of 100 8x8x16” cinder blocks, to make an 8” base to put the 12” beds on, to raise them up to 20”, which will make them a lot easier to work on. The problem right now is, the pallet of cinder blocks is sitting on our trailer. Neither of us has had the energy or strength to move them off the trailer, so we can go buy hay. :thCatch-22!!! BUT! This past week, my daughter called and told me her boyfriend wants to come help us with projects, on the farm, that we just don’t have the energy to do and can’t find anyone to help us! WooHoo!!! :weee So, they will be coming in a couple weeks. Once he moves the cinder blocks off the trailer and builds the raised beds, we can go buy some chemical free square bales, that I found on FB!!! Then, we will have hay for the goats AND the garden!! :thumbsup

Well, today is our monthly shopping trip to Sulphur Springs, so I had better get ready to head to town.
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Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
So, we will always keep at least two goats for them to guard.
The dogs need work, and you need the goats to keep the brush in control. Babies for occasional sale? Sounds good to me - you have lessened your workload considerably and still have the pleasure of watching your goats in the pasture. If you have fenced pasture of several acres put up a sign at the Coop and lease it to someone to make hay on it to keep your AG. Or graze cows.

I agree with you - it sounds like something in the church causing some sort of allergic reaction for Craig. Hope you both stay well.
today is our monthly shopping trip to Sulphur Springs, so I had better get ready to head to town.
Once we have moved you need to come by when you are in Sulphur Springs. We are only about 10 minutes south of the Walmart on the 154!