And Blanket kit, was given a pass. Broken black otter. He's been the most friendly, last one to cull of the litter. Posed him and he looked good, so after seeing the awful shape of my other bucks, I decided to find a mom who would let him live with her & her kits.
Placed him with Obscure. She's a bit lungey at me, but took him in. Will move him if I see any issues.
Sep 14
Freckles adds fur on cold nights. I believe she did that with her last batch, too.
And Zero started to work on her nest! No complications so far this time around! *phew*
Sep 14
Speedy kits at 7wk, 4 of them, average 2.4#.
At 9wk, 3.7 average.
Darkie(2ndspeedy) kits st 7wk, 3 of them, average 3.9#.
At 9wk, 4.95 average.
So, the Speedy kit I kept back will be culled.
Redoing kit weights to pull more for culling today.
Sweetie Baymax got a bigger cage. He's just too loving.
Freckles kits
Bunch more in the cull pen!
Sep 15
May have a buyer for a butcher demonstration for 5-6 meat buns. Hope they're still interested in October! Going to pick out the 6 biggest & feed them out until then.
Rest listed and fed to dogs, like usual.
Since Baymax got a bigger cage, was able to move Swirl over and all the bucks are back on one side.
Everyone got bottles and/or pumpkins to play with.
Cut a wall divider in half to give to 2 rex does to sit on them.
Split the culls into 6 biggest and rest, moved to the 2hole cage.
Lynx kits. Chocolate, blacks, castors? Idk.
The lilac? kit was dying yesterday, gave it formula. Idk how much it actually ate, but it's alive and fed today.
Torts are still confusing me, maybe not black tort, but blue and lilac torts??
And these will also be tough to color id.
Too bad they're the smallest of their litters. Some are decently shaped.
Continuing that litter-
Black otter
Lilac otter
Lifted the water bin as high as I could make it. Tired of it being "empty" when there's about half actually left.
Sep 16
Still waiting on Zero to kindle. Will be culled if she doesn't have any. Have to decide which chocolate doe to also sell and I think I'll sell speedy. She's too much of a lardarse=too much work to get bred. Last litter no one grew quickly. Failed to get bred, retried. But will cull if she fails again.
Looks like Obscure & Meanie will be culled. If they don't have an excellent kit, their lines may stop, too. Blue rex will also be culled.
Broken blue otter is younger gen to Vickie, Kitty's replacement. So, kitty is half siblings to the broken blue otter. I'll have to check on exactly who are/is sire. Might be full sisters or half.
Sep 18
Zero's kits. 3 fatties. Tort, Broken black and a black. I like the brokens that are more dalmatian typed.
Also moved the struggling Darkie kit in with these guys.
Sep 19
The wee kit from Darkie's nest is a fat tick today! Just hope it stays in the nest and doesn't explore early, since it's a week older.
Lynx2.0 & brknbluotter does.
And 2min of their kits exploring. After adding pellets to their nests for a week, I start putting them out to wander. Usually put them back myself for a few days, until they figure out how to do it on their own. Nests are lowered to cage door level as well.
Sep 19
Sep 20
Day younger is the smaller. Rex in them is still so behind.
More pear trimming
freckles kits
Ugh. Need to try different nipples and maybe clamps.
The kept back blanket buck. Looking bad this week. Lol
Future update. I tossed him into cull cage. Went to feed him to dog n posed him real quick. He's back in with Obscure n her kits. Lol.
evil witch. Attacks siblings and me, at such an early age! But that shape! Why?!
Future update. She turned nice for a week, but is back to being nasty...
A lot of the SF are nasty as heck! Got them in 4 different single cages bc of it!! Wtf?!
Sep 21
Big sleepy mix kit. Lol
Zero kits & Darkie foster. She's a calm mom, doesn't care at all when I handle the kits, just turns an ear, feeds them well, too. Just gotta get her to have them all live and not loose any. Will have another chance if these continue to grow well.
Future update. She hates boxes and completely loses her mind.
Supposedly have a guy wanting 5-6 for a butcher class. So, chose the biggest 6 to grow out for him, she's one of them. Just hope he shows up the first week of October, as planned.
Would of been dog food if he hadn't of contacted me in time.
I'm being extra strict these days. Culled two feed dumpers and a water bowl sitter kits last week. I'm tired of dealing with problems, so away they go!
Had to swap the bowl for a nipple on Swirl's cage. I had filled up the water bin last night. He drained it completely over night....About to buy new nipples.
Also bought 4 bags of 16% for the bucks & dry does 2 days ago. But realized I should feed this to the dry does today, so it starts tomorrow. Trying to keep track on how long a 50# bag lasts them. Might be worth it to continue.
18% wasn't available, should be delivered tomorrow to the store.
Sep 24
More culls moved. Have about 4 more I'll move once cages thin out.
Sep 25
Seems like I've been sweeping up the barn every 3 days, after pan dumping, and there's always more to clean! But it's finally getting decent. Hay is the bulk of the mess. Ugh.
Zero's 3 kits & Darkie foster. Fat n happy. Foster still content to sleep in the nest than explore. *phew*
Darkie kits. Kicked them out today, lol, to start growing up.
The two neighbors n kits are regularly out n about.
Guard pup always on the job. No bullpoo bothering the hoppers, just chill n patient.
No pics. Freckles kits, 2 escaped. Forgot about the jfeeder hole I didn't cover up. It's covered now and everyone is in the nest napping.
3 does and a buck will be culled in about a week, if they don't sell. Going to breed the buck first. The broken tort will be bred and probably be listed or culled in about 2mo as well. And the blue rex will also be culled in a couple of weeks, no listing her. Looks like all of her kits will probably be dog food, too. Not seeing anything worthwhile yet.
Should free up some space, though, I've got does in pairs & with their dams, so the space will be used up real quick.
Gotta find a better poop pan for the one cage that's missing it, then will use the top row of the stackers.
Made a posing & picture taking nook!
Need to make an attached phone holder as well. Then add a couple of clips to hold info cards on the back wall, so IDing will be easier when cropping pics.
Sep 27
I'm thinking this one might have to be a cull in the end. Sis to the opal mutt.
Previously kept back. Shedding in a funny way.
Proven two does. Waiting until their replacements are proven before culling. Didn't with Blackie and that sucked.
Yesterday and today, some does have been humping their kits, so, been breeding some does.
This guy can't wait for the new batch of snacks that Choco and Baymax will make.
Sep 28
$657 in the red.
Plus 545 in feed.
Currently $1202 in the red. Ugh.
Got a bunch of nest liners cut out. Bun tried to help...
Let Baymax out to roam. He came hopping right over when I went to get him.
Waited for pup to wander off first, though.