Moved culls to outdoor pen. Contacted the cull buyer and setting up day for pickup of 12-13 culls.
Have a buyer for 2 pedigreed torts, might have a buyer for the 3rd.
Moved 4 torts and the broken castor to inside cage to keep watching.
4 of Berry kits moved to cull housing. Rest and Berry moved to cage with the new floor wire.
Broken castor buck is larger than 12wk 1st gen buck and doe, so still holding him back.
Have put Quincy buck in cull pen.
Looking at the posed pics vs weights, I put the lowest weights on the cull list. Looking over pics, they're better side profile, sometimes other sides also better than the heavier ones. Ugh. Kind of tired of just working mostly on size...
Tort litter-
Buck to buck, the smaller looks better. So, maybe I'll swap those out...
Does to does, I'll keep as is.
Then the Berry kits, Vapor sire.
Buck to buck, will add one to the list.
Does to does, will add one to the list.
More predator damage!
Thought the long pen would be low enough to the ground to be safe, nope!
Moved them into the barn.
Working on adding fencing to keep it out from under cages.
The two keeper does that were in the outside pen. Now in a 2×4ft stacker, away from predator hands. Didn't try too hard to pose them, since they're a bit freaked and mangled, but still so mellow.
The swapped kits, Buttons' kits were under fed with her, now super fed today with Malty!
3 days difference and huge size difference. Will monitor. May try to put them with Coral to be permanently with her single to grow up.
Steel kit and earless are most adventurous.
Earless looks so funny, like a seal or something.
Something was super yummy back here.