True BYH Addict
Sad to hear, hopefully it'll all work out. That's a manufacturer, wire is really getting expensive. I've found 2 that make in 14awg. Buy a pallet sell it in pcs by the foot. If I did that somebody would come up with a different system. Imagine shipping this to California.That's a different place? Not the one in WI? That is very expensive, but that is 100ft. I got 50ft and it is 24inch and I'm pretty sure I got the baby saver. Then you have to add shipping! This wire is super expensive. And it's specifically for rabbits. Why do they feel we need to have such costs? Probably because they don't want us having our own sources of meat production quietly in our city yards? Lol. So my poor doe that my daughter bred accidentally just had 12 kits. Three were dead when I checked cold. I fixed the nest box. There was alot of blood. I hope my doe is okay. Her kits are only like 45 days. You are supposed to wait 21days before breeding again right? My poor doe. I gave her some oats, Kale, spinach, and alfalfa. And I put alot of collidial silver in her water. She only wants greens right now. All the kits were black I think. She is black, but with the other buck there were three yellow with silver marbling. The other two does haven't pulled fur yet. The champagne, I'm not worried about she is great mother. The other doe is first time kindle. So I hope she can figure it out. She thinks she's in first class now, she's never been in the house. And she's using the litter box pretty good.