Do your goats creak?


Overrun with beasties
Oct 22, 2010
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Washington State
emilypaonia said:
do you mean creaking in their joints and bones and toes? my goats do that too. i have heard that it happens because their diet could be too rich... too much alfalfa, etc. or maybe too rich when they were young. i have been able to lessen the creaking by allowing them access to pasture and scrubland so they can choose what they eat. but they still click.
No, my girls are creaking vocally. Only when they are relaxing - I've decided it's a contentment thing.

Kinda funny story:
Ariel has creaked a little here and there when in the sun - but Jasmine, she makes the noise any time she lays down to relax. I have a baby monitor to listen for labor sounds. She creaks ALL NIGHT LONG!!! I've gotten used to it, but it just doesn't cease at night!
Ariel had her babies on Wednesday - in the goat shed. After babies were dry we moved Ariel and the two babies over to a "postpartum" stall to have some alone time for a few days. Jasmine did not like being alone, poor thing. And she didn't creak at all. Not once. For three days straight. Sunday was beautiful here, temps hit the upper forties. We moved Ariel and the babies back so Ariel could stretch her legs and the babies could run and jump in the sun. Jasmine was thrilled to have Ariel back and even did quite well with the babies. After about 5 minutes of greeting eachother, Jamine found a comfy spot in the sun and immediately started creaking. I didn't have the heart to pull Ariel and the babies out again after that. They're all doing well togehter. And Jasmine has been creaking all night long again.


Ridin' The Range
Sep 9, 2010
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Mine creaks when I milk her. At first I was surprised (never had a goat in milk) then I decided it was a goat version of a sigh of relief. :p

RabbleRoost Farm

Ridin' The Range
Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
When I'm sitting in the pasture and my bottlefed doeling (who's due soon!) lays down beside me, every time she exhales she moans/creaks a little. When she flicks her head around to scratch/bite her rear she does the same "Mmhrhrrrmmrhhrm" kind of thing too.

Another goat I had did the creaky thing when she layed down too, so I always thought it was because they were happy. :)
Glad to know I was right!