Herd Master
I actually know nothing about any of them.@RollingAcres
The other two breeds you mentioned I have never had...I don't know anything about those breeds of Chickens.
Have you had them before?...
So here's my chicken history...3 years ago when we bought our house, the chicken coop "came" with the house. So for mother's day my step daughter gave me an assortment of chicks. The chicks came from someone she knows but unknown breeds. I knew I had a Barred Rock, Easter Egger and I think Rhode island red. Out of the 8 she gave me only 2 were hens. Anyways, the roos were long gone and I have had the 2 hens since.
Martini was a black Easter egger and she was a good layer until a few days ago when something got her.
Sweetheart is my brown hen who used to lay brown eggs but had stopped for quite a while now, not sure why.