Well, we cleaned both ears. It was pretty easy with a pocketful of alfalfa pellets! Little chowhound!
I squirted 3 cc of peroxide/water into each ear and dh held her so she couldn't shake while I massaged the ears and stuffed her with alfalfa pellets. Then I cleaned with gauze squares first and got a couple of chunks of wax from the ear in question, just some wax color from the other ear. I could get my little finger in there with her being well restrained. It looked like normal ear wax to me, like would come from my own ear. I got right up to her ear and took a couple of good sniffs....nothing, nothing but sweet goat face smell. I went in with a swab, carefully, and got nothing other than normal wax color on the cotton. No smell from either ear.
I'm thinking it was just a gob of wax? It was the goopy texture that still concerns me, but I am far less concerned now.
When we let her go, she shook a bit, and all that I saw come out was the peroxide. I watched her for a bit after letting her back out in the sunshine, and she shook a couple more times, but didn't look uncomfortable. No more goop came out. Hmmmm.
MMMM??? Well...??? I guess I would wait and see as well??? Maybe something was softening on its own and that bonk in the head made it come out quick and goopy...a timing thing...something you probally would not of seen if you wer'nt out there. But then saw and got alarmed???
I dont know...I guess I would just wait and watch. If everything seems fine then I would leave it alone.
Goaties!! They have a way of making us lunitics!!!
Glad everything appeared normal for her...strange event...never saw anything goopy come out of the ears like that myself. So??? Just watch I guess.
Now shes got a nice ear cleaning done anyway...and some yummy snacks!! Chomp Chomp!!
Yeah, they like to see us sweat. But I really don't want to deal with a raging infection, so I will be watching it closely. I am the type that normally notices the slightest little thing with my critters, so it leads to lots of unnecessary worry, but also to early catching of problems. And births, usually!
Hopefully it will just be that she was making Shrek-style candles...
I've seen the goop come out of my lamanchas ears before. I hadn't cleaned her ears in a while and she got in a fight with another doe(who just got reintroduced after kidding) after letting them fight it out awhile I separated them and she had yellowish earwax goop coming out both ears. I think the the impacts of headbutting so hard made the gobs of wax come loose and come out. I cleaned her ears out and squirted in some Vet Rx just in case but she was fine and her ears have been normal. I wouldn't be to concerned, just keep and eye on her like you have been. Good luck!