ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


Smiley Crazy
Nov 18, 2011
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an acre
elevan said:
B & K got remote control boats from Santa and are driving me crazy wanting to go out to the pond and race them. We're waiting for DH to get home from work (about 1pm) before we open presents that we're from Santa. So the Santa stuff is getting a lot of playtime right now, but those boats are driving them crazy because I won't take them out to the pond. :lol:
Cute little boys !!! Can't wait to hear how the first sail out on the pond went !!!

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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Thank you EleVan for that Christmas Wish.

Hope you and your family had a Wonderful Christmas.

Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.



Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Yesterday morning the boys got up and had breakfast and then were allowed to open their Santa gifts.

Then I went out to take care of the critters. Came in and started dinner preparations.

DH was supposed to be home at 1pm and that's when we would open all other gifts. He was 2 hours late getting out of work :(

So we rushed through gifts so that I could finish up dinner and then we could eat and then go see Grandma Emily.

Dinner was heavy on the protein and starch (not a normal planning for me but I had other cooks in the kitchen). We had turkey (our hen), ham, mashed potatoes, ham gravy, sweet potato with walnuts and maple syrup, scalloped potatoes, homemade noodles, sweet corn pudding, dinner rolls and pumpkin pie. Where were the veggies? (I don't consider potatoes or corn veggies - they are a starch). Well...I had my brother's gf bring a side (sweet corn pudding), it was good and I normally don't like corn pudding. Mom wanted scalloped potatoes and after I sliced all the potatoes there were some slices left over from the dish so I turned them into mashed taters. By the time I was done with everything then I just didn't have time or space for anything else.

Food was good. The turkey was our hen (we had the tom at Thanksgiving). She had a lot more flavor than the tom. She also had more fat.

We ate and then Mom and I went to visit Grandma Emily. Remember Christmas was her wedding anniversary and this year would have been 65 years...it's also the first without Grandpa. Mom and I walked in to see my Uncle (who lives with her) with the recliner upside down and Grandma shining a flashlight on it. Apparently Uncle Early (as the boys call him) had lost one of his hearing aids. Losing a hearing aid is not a new occurrence for him, but for some reason last night he was desperate to find it. He once looked for one for 3 weeks and it turned up in the driveway intact until the day he found it...Early had just spotted it right before a friend stepped on it. So as Early said, he's lost it 952 times and found it each time...just don't know why he was so frantic this time. :/

We had a nice visit with Grandma. But of course she turned the conversation to Grandpa in telling us that one of my Aunts had taken 7 candles to the grave to light (6 kids + 1 wife). Then another Aunt took Grandma there and lit them again. Grandma was hinting that Mom and I should do that. But we don't visit graves (at least I don't and I've never known my Mom to). I know it upsets Grandma that we don't go to "visit" Grandpa but he's not there.

When we went to leave Mom stopped dead at the screen door and I ran in to her back...she just kept staring at the door and saying "Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh" I finally said "What is the problem?" and looked around her as she was saying "That's a possum!" There was an opossum standing in the cat's dish on the porch eating their food. It was the fattest possum I've ever seen. It ran under the porch when it noticed us and we hurried down the ramp to the car. When we got into the car we noticed that it was watching us. When it realized that we weren't coming back it got back on the porch and started eating again. It's no wonder that Grandma goes through so much cat food. That thing probably eats 90% of the food.

Came home to find B sick. And he continues to be sick today as well. Coming from both ends :sick Of course the whole thing is making me queasy too. I hate seeing someone hurl.

K is having a blast with his new stuff. Although we got him some new DJ style headphones for his MP3 player and now we can't find the player :rolleyes:

They didn't get to the pond to race their boats yet and won't until B is feeling better.

I've got a raging sinus headache today along with TN pain and nausea from dealing with B. DH had better not be late today (he's supposed to be home at 2p) as I'm turning the boys and critters over to him when he gets here.


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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I dont visit graves either. I get some grief about that, too.

I hope B gets to feeling better. And I hope you get to feeling better!


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
B is still feeling bad :(

I got the top end stopped but the bottom end is still a problem. Poor guy is so upset that he can't have food. I joke that when he's a teenager that I'm just gonna give him a gift card to a buffet to go have dinner as it'll be cheaper...the boy loves to eat.

Here's B with one of his favorite presents yesterday. He got a complete kids tool set (real tools).

And K with his DJ style headphones. I'm still looking for his MP3 player :rolleyes:

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