ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
The Natural State
elevan said:
I'm all baked out. I added a Zucchini Chia Muffin to my line up this week. My kitchen table is full of stuff that I must fit into the car tomorrow morning...along with 2 boys. I need an SUV, I think.
Good Luck tomorrow


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Thanks. I've got a babysitter lined up so at least I won't have to deal with the kids and the customers.

I've had 2 people call to ask if I can bring them eggs at the market...um...no. I guess it might be time to re-evaluate whether or not to get the licensing to do it. A lot of my egg customers shop at the market so it would be convenient for them and have the potential for new customers.

My finger is killing me right now. I accidentally sliced it earlier with my bread knife :rolleyes: My back is killing me too. My chiropractor is gonna love me on Monday. He's already ordered me to have his brother (who sells coffee at the market) unload my car and help with my tent. Um...no again....I'm pretty self sufficient. Besides the kids help me unload and set up then they go off with the babysitter when I have one.

I'm taking the kids school clothes shopping tomorrow evening. That should be fun. And exhausting. I'm gonna need a vacation. :)


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Good luck at the market.

We will be doing school clothing shopping next weekend when it is tax free weekend. May as well save what little bit we can by not paying taxes on it!


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Had a good day at the market today. It was a little slow but I've grown a devoted group of customers who come out to get my stuff. I'm going to have to find a new venue come October.

Right now I think I need a nap. *yawn*

You know that I read an article stating that research had been done and found that kids ask an average of 57 questions a day...I really think that my kids do that by mid morning. And when it comes to B most questions revolve around food.

Speaking of food...I picked up a few things at the market. I got some swiss chard, green beans and honey. I bought a jar of honey a few weeks back but this is a different vendor. This vendor allows you to sample each type he has (3 of them). I really liked the light honey that he had, it had a beginning note of cinnamon but the end note I couldn't quite distinguish. His dark was not to my taste and his medium was intriguing but very distinctive in flavor.

I also got K a chapstick from the herbal products vendor. I had promised K that is she was good for the babysitter that I would.

Then we came home and the kids finished off my samples. That's their favorite part about the market I think.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Just came in from letting the poultry out of their coops, checking on mama chickens / babies, checking waterers and loving on the goats. I'm tired today so I hit the snooze button on my alarm (several times), so I was a little over an hour late going out.

I'm a little disappointed that so many of my chicks this year are turning out to be roos. I guess the upside is that I'll have extra chicken in the freezer this Fall. I'll also be evaluating my roos for attitude and color and choosing those that I like and culling the rest so I guess it gives me more choices too.

Speaking of roosters...Did I say before that Charlie flogged the kids the other day? Well, I'll just say it again anyway (short term memory sucks sometimes). The kids were in the barnyard doing their respective jobs - K gathers eggs and B fills waterers with the hose. Well Charlie was mating a hen when B saw him and shouted "Charile's on a hen and won't get off!" I told him to leave them alone but he got too close for Charlie's liking and Charlie gave chase kicking B in the butt all along the way. :lol: Then when K came out of the barn K got the same treatment from Charlie, only K was a little faster and Charlie missed each time. But now B is afraid of all of the big chickens and thinks that they are all trying to get him. :rolleyes: I've tried to talk to him and teach him but right now fear is winning out. I guess I'll have his counselor talk to him about it if nothing else.

B has been a different kid since his break through at the counselor. Behavior issues are almost non existent. He does insist on taking "Big Bear" his huge white teddy bear everywhere. He says that Big Bear keeps him from getting into trouble. It's his security blanket so to speak. But he cannot take Big Bear to school which is coming up soon. So I discussed it with B and we decided that we'll try to find a white bear pendant for him to wear around his neck so that he can keep Big Bear's spirit with him. So far I'm having trouble finding one. I might have to make a trip to the zoo just to hit up their gift shop...I'm sure that they would have at least a polar bear necklace...maybe.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Just secured a hundred bales of hay from our supplier across the road for $2.50 a bale. :woot

Her husband hurt his back and she has bronchitis so they can't load it up for a little bit. But no rush as we don't use hay until Winter anyway.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
That's a cool website. Thanks for sharing it. B is insistent that his necklace look like the real Big Bear. Considering that we've had very few behavior issues from him in almost a week and he's been toting Big Bear everywhere (except into stores, Big Bear stays in the car), then I'm inclined to indulge him in his request.