Loving the herd life
Vickir73 said:Aaaaah, pet a Snickers while you eat a snickers - then finish that up with some chicky love - there's (almost) no better therapy !

Vickir73 said:Aaaaah, pet a Snickers while you eat a snickers - then finish that up with some chicky love - there's (almost) no better therapy !
looks goodelevan said:Can't eat a Snickers...I'm allergic to peanuts
Well we found a "Big Bear" necklace. Or I made a Big Bear necklace using a polar bear figurine, a couple of beads, an eye hook, some plastic rope and jewelry clasps.
Here is the Big Bear necklace worn by B. Keep your fingers crossed that the spirit of Big Bear is with the necklace and will keep B out of trouble so he doesn't have to drag Big Bear everywhere.
We have a well and we have good water. No filter or softener. It's 1500 feet deep. You do need a deep well to get good water here. The "terrible" water story is that water at lesser depths is extremely "hard". Lots of iron and other minerals.ksalvagno said:Hey Elevan, do you have a well? If you do, do you have a filter or water softener? We are potenially buying a home in Morrow county and we have to do some plumbing repairs. The home currently has a water softener but no filter. We are trying to figure out what we really need. We heard the water was terrible in Morrow county but can't seem to find out what that actually means.