ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
J2P was updated this afternoon after today's counseling visit.

Today has been a day of run run run for me. Kids had counseling this morning. Then it was off running errands. I'm finally home for a bit but have to run out in a while to have my blood tests done.

I still haven't found where the chickens are hiding their eggs. I fear that they're likely laying in the pig's pen in which case I'll never find them as they'll become snacks for Spam.

I'm working on a new book. Shhh...sorry cannot tell you details just yet.

I've shelved the children's books for now. Maybe one day they'll be published but there are more promising items on the table right now.

J2P will become a book at some point in the future but we have a long way to go before we get to that point.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Just call me the Yankee Cowgirl.

I went to go get my bloodwork done tonight. You should note that only one hospital in the state processes one of the tests and so I had to go there - over an hour away.

I called before I left to find out their hours and was told that I needed to get to the "Yellow" lab by 6:30pm but if I was late that I could still be drawn up until 9pm.

I left and arrived in the "Yellow" parking lot at 6:25 and rushed inside to find that the Yellow lab was closed for construction from yesterday until next week. A sign was on the door to go to the "Green" lab instead.

Let me tell you that this hospital color codes sections and the sections are HUGE. I practically ran through the hospital...through yellow...through orange....and into green. But I couldn't find the green lab. I asked someone in surgical registration and she pointed me part of the way and then I stopped a surgical nurse who helped me to the right hallway. I walk down a very long hallway only to find that the green lab was locked and closed at 4:30pm!

:he :barnie :rant :somad

I pulled out my cell phone and called the number that I'd called before I left. The woman who answered told me to take a deep breath. It was gonna be ok. All I had to do was walk BACK to YELLOW and stop at radiology and they'd call the lab and someone would come out.

And so I walked back through green, through orange and back through yellow to get to radiology. The lady there called the lab and I waited.

A guy came out and said "I'm sorry but the yellow lab is closed for construction. You'll need to come back tomorrow before 6:30pm" :smack :rant

And so I launched into a tirade about driving over an hour and all that I had gone through since getting there and I HAD arrived before 6:30 tonight even though it was now almost 7pm. He told me to wait and he went to call someone else to come out.

Then this German lady comes out and says "I'm sorry but our lab is closed for construction. You'll need to come back tomorrow before 6:30pm" :he

I erupted like a volcano...repeated what I told the guy. She then told me that if it were that important that I could go to the ER in the RED section and wait and someone there could draw my blood.

I looked at her from under the brim of my hat and said, "I will NOT walk through one more colored section of this hospital. I will NOT go to the ER to wait hours for someone to draw my blood. I was told to be here by 6:30 at the yellow lab, which I was. But it's under construction and closed with directions to go to the green lab - which closed at 4:30! When I called YOUR LAB a lady told me to come BACK to yellow radiology and someone would come out to draw my blood!"

She asked me what number I called and I showed her. She said that was the main hospital number. I told her that I KNEW that and that I had asked for the lab and that the lady who answered said she was with the MAIN lab for the hospital!

She then told me there must have been some mis-communication. Um, you think? REALLY?

I told her that I was not leaving until SOMEONE drew my blood. I was NOT going to the ER. I was NOT walking through another color of the hospital. They WERE going to draw my blood today!

She told me to wait a moment and left.

One of the ladies from radiology came up and gave me a free parking pass for the hassle.

About 5 minutes later the guy came back and asked if I had my license and insurance card. Yep. He made copies, gave me the originals and told me to wait.

Another 10 minutes went by when the lady came back out. She said that "Ferhad" had graciously agreed to draw my blood. GRACIOUSLY???!!! I didn't say anything but my blood was boiling.

She led me to an office cubicle and asked me to sit in an office chair. Ferhad came in and pulled up another chair to use as a table for his tubes and stuff. He asked how my veins were...they're small and roll so you gotta be quick about it. He decided to use a butterfly and went to work. He then tells me "You're a good bleeder."

"Um, yeah. That's the whole reason I went to a hematologist and ended up here."

While he was taking my blood I heard the lady talking to someone and heard her refer to me as the "Yankee Cowgirl".

When he told me that I was done and did I have any questions my only response was "How do I get outta here?"

I never wanna go through that again. I told DH that if Ferhad had started digging for a vein that DH likely would have had to bail me outta jail.

So, I guess a Yankee Cowgirl is loud and obstinate....that would be me. Just call me the Yankee Cowgirl.

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
Can't say I blame you. They're lucky it was you....I tend to go more "ghetto thug" in those situations....:p


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Yankee Cowgirl...haha :lol:

You know they are going to make you go back and do the blood work again, since your blood was boiling and the test results won't come out right. :lol:

Sounds like an awful, but typical, medical situation.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
Oh man, I hate hospitals but that is way worse than any nonsense I have had to put up with. I am so impressed that you got them to do what they were supposed to do! Can I borrow some of that "Yankee Cowgirl"? :lol:


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Just plop a cowgirl hat on your head and get your swagger on and you'll be a Yankee Cowgirl too! :lol:

I'll be wearing my hat to Herdstock...just hope I don't have to eat it with rain and all :hide


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio

If I could I would leave for Indiana RIGHT NOW! I need the break. I so very much need a break.

I'll be getting a "critter fix" by bringing back a member's rooster. And Roll is tempting me on FB with meat rabbits ready to process...


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
This evening we expanded our pasture by a little bit by bumping out the fence. When the calf realized that the area was open now he charged straight for us...but then his back legs started moving faster than his front legs and he did a sliding face plant right into a pile of his own manure. :lol: There is never a video camera handy enough around here. I swear I need constantly rolling video cameras all over my farm!

Then I headed out for pizza and called autumnprairie. I'm gonna head over to Indiana tomorrow night and meet up with her and another member just South of Roll's place. We'll have a little pre-Herdstock party :D

Autumnprairie learned a little secret about me tonight. I sound like a stinkin kid on the phone. Or as she put it "Your voice doesn't match your online personality" :p

Tomorrow I have a bunch of running to do in the morning. Then I promised the kids that I'd take them to the County Fair for a few hours in the afternoon. I'll leave for Indiana early evening. Poor kids have to put up with DH's cooking tomorrow nite and Saturday all day!