ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
The Natural State
Congrats to you and B for selling great today even if it did rain. At least it will be cooler for your that is what has happened here


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
I noticed a couple of roosters running around the backyard being chased by 4 guineas and went out to investigate. The rooster in the front of the chase had a pretty good size item in it's mouth. Hmmm...I thought it must have a peach that fell from the tree as they've been enjoying the fallen fruit for about a week now. Nope. It had one of my tomatillos stolen from the vine! :barnie

Then I decided to give Little Roll a treat...one that he loves immensely. I walked to my herb bed and he was immediately at that side of his hutch watching me. I pulled some basil leaves and headed his way. Basil seems to be the catnip of rabbits. He loves it and will do anything for it. His mama is the same way. His papa likes it but isn't as ecstatic as they are over it.

I took the opportunity to check over the baby buns and they are doing good. Still 6 of them so looks like my modifications to the hutch the last time did the trick. They're all snuggled into their nest and cute as buttons, but unless they are sold they'll go to the freezer.

Speaking of freezer, we'll be processing the other rabbit that I got from Roll farms tomorrow. I haven't decided whether I'll cook it tomorrow or just put it into the freezer. Actually the plan is that DH will take care of this one since I did the first one so we both get the experience out of it. For whatever reason I found processing rabbits to be easier technique wise and mentally than poultry.

Though DH thinks I have a guilty conscious based on a dream I had when I took a nap earlier...

In my dream I went out to the backyard to check on the rabbits and there was a rabbit running around the yard the size of Baboo (dog that weighs approx 50 pounds). I grabbed it by the ears and it bit my leg and yelled - "You will not eat me!" Startled I dropped it and it ran off. DH was at the neighbors chasing guineas back over the fence who had gone wandering and I told him about the big rabbit when he came back. We went to the library to research it and for some reason took my mom. The library was 2 story with stairs and no elevators and the section we wanted was on the 2nd floor. When we were done we started to go down the stairs and my mom tripped. She bounced down the stairs and hit her head on a steel pole. I yelled for someone to call for help. Next thing I know we're in the hospital and mom is in a coma. I bought her a birthday book thinking that we could all write down some stuff to cheer her up when she woke up even though it was no where near her birthday...

Then I woke up.

I had a headache when I laid down for the nap. I'd put some herbal aromatherapy stuff (for headaches) on my forehead first. I can only guess those 2 things combined for the crazy dream. :rolleyes:

Boingo ate enough of his food tonight to receive his insulin injection. So he's definitely starting to improve. He wanted to go for a walk tonight too, so that's another good sign. I'll check his skin elasticity in a bit and determine whether or not to give him some fluids.

Chowdy, one of our kittens has a minor rectal prolapse. I noticed it tonight when I was drawing her attention away from DH and Boingo going for their walk. Chowdy loves DH and has no fear. Boingo hates cats and is extremely jealous of our affection to other animals.

Chowdy is quite the character who has learned how the screen door works. She'll stand on the banister and put one paw onto the button and one paw on the handle. If she's ever able to push the button and pull the handle we'll be in trouble! :lol: She's one of the kittens that we took off my grandma's hands and we all just love her to pieces.

Susie is still out of the coop tonight. :fl that she maintains a safe spot. We'll have to look for her with chicks somewhere around the 26th to the 28th of this month I guess.

Have a lot planned for tomorrow...taking care of that rabbit, fixing some fencing issues, probably getting a start on a new coop for the ducks and fixing up a hole in the barn that is a little bit of a problem.

Hope that everyone is having a great weekend!


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
What a wonderful sentiment that I just had to share as I've met many friends here on BYH



Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Pearce Pastures - thought I'd give you an update on Specks. I don't think I've ever known such a well mannered rooster before in my life.

He has a fascination with my barn boots. Whenever I'm in the field he comes over to check them out...doesn't peck them or show any aggression to them just looks at every square inch of them. Each and every time.

He's become best buddies with Snickers (my favorite goat) and every night we have to go to the barn and collect Specks as he's bedded down with Snickers. Occasionally a guinea or another chicken goes after him and Specks being a lover, not a fighter runs to Snickers and puts Snickers between himself and the aggressor and the fight is over. Snickers shows genuine affection for Specks as well. It's so lovely when friendships cross species borders that way.

Specks has a rather small flock of hens started. These girls liked his charm right away and defected from their previous rooster for Specks. He'll likely gain more girls later this month when we start processing unwanted / extra roosters.

His crow is still deep and beautifully different.

Such a special boy. I have to thank you again for bringing him to Herdstock for me. :hugs


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Well the rabbit bought some more time since it looked of rain most of the day and I didn't want to be standing under a tree (with a rabbit tied to it) butchering the rabbit if it started to storm.

We did get the fence fixed. While we were working on that 3 of the guineas attacked Cruella (a favorite chicken hen - appenzeller). Since the kids were closer I yelled for them to run the guineas off - they froze in place. So I took off running and chased them off of her and then picked her up to examine her for injuries. She had no injuries but was quite scared. I sat on a block for a little while with her in my lap giving her some love. Then when it was time to get back to work I started to put her down...she latched on to me. So I put her up on my shoulder and there she stayed. Anyone ever tried to repair fences with a chicken on your shoulder? It's kind of hard to do. After a while she realized that the guineas weren't coming back for her and jumped down.

Specks found the whole fence repairing thing rather interesting and followed me around watched everything that I did. He came over to check on Cruella when I had her in my lap.

Then we had to round up Jerry and DH "perp walked" him to the field he belonged in. It was none too pleased with us over it.

We didn't get a start on the duck coop either. Unfortunately I slept in pretty late due to taking a sleep aid last night and then I about fell on my face before I got to bed and just couldn't get up today. I finally had to take an energy shot just to be able to get out of bed. Ugh. I guess I'll stick with Valerian tea.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio

I'm sitting at the dinner table and look out the window to see 3 neighbor kids hop my fence and pick up one of my chickens and hop back over. They stood there petting her until their big ole rott dog started jumping at her and then they threw her back. I sent DH out the backdoor but they took off when they saw him coming. So I ran out the front in my bare feet and chased them down. I made it quite clear that if I ever so much as see them looking at my animals again they will not like what happens. Made it clear that they have no right to be in my field, no right to touch my animals and if they ever do either again they will be speaking with the sheriff and I will press all applicable charges against them.

I have yelled at these same neighbors for trying to feed my animals before.

Next time they may be staring down the barrel of my shotgun while I call the sheriff on them. :rant

Really, why the heck do they think that I have a fence up. It's kind of like walking into my house uninvited because you want to look at my wallpaper - you don't do it. Duh. :somad

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
So our rooster is pals with a goat and has a shoe-fetish, LOL! Thank you so much for the update and I am so glad he is working out so well. I will have to pass along credit for his personality to our friends whose 4 daughters (all under 8 years old) played with him daily and kind of treated him like a kitten more than a chicken.