I just wanted to stop in and say it was really nice meeting you at herdstock. I had alot of fun with you and my excuse for not doing the goat milk fudge dance is because you didnt really eat your hat HAHAHA.
I just wanted to stop in and say it was really nice meeting you at herdstock. I had alot of fun with you and my excuse for not doing the goat milk fudge dance is because you didnt really eat your hat HAHAHA.
I expected the duck to go as she has been being picked on by the others and not doing well with it.
The missing chicken is Cruella's girl. She went over the fence at the back of the property last night and we tried to catch her but the brush was just too thick and then it became to dark to try to find her in it even with flashlights. I know for a fact that there are coons in that brush There is no sign of her this morning. I'm hoping that she is hunkered down and will show up later.
The dead chicken breaks my heart...it's Specks. He obviously got into a fight with a rooster or guinea in the coop and lost. I walked in as he was taking his last breath.
I am so very sorry Pearce Pastures! I feel like I failed him and you.
Oh no! So so sorry for you and the fam. Don't worry about me though---I am so glad he had a chance to be a real rooster for awhile (ya know crowing and wooing his own flock of ladies---our other rooster wouldn't allow it ).
Sorry to hear of the losses and I feel your pain as we lost the following with mainly just heads missing - 5 full grown Muscovy ducks and 2 ducklings, 1 Indian runner duck, my prizewinner Chantecler rooster called Mario who came from Quebec, numerous chickens and worst of all a mother blue egg chicken with a clutch of 11 chicks - one little chick survived. It happened on a warm night with the last full moon we had. Whatever it was spooked everyone as even before sundown they make their own way into the barns so we just go and close the doors. Two nights later I was sat out late on the deck and a huge Great Horned owl landed on the barn roof. My prime suspect but I have no intention of killing it.
We eradicated the coyote pack due to lamb attack so guess what "a fox has now made residence" - its just one permanent battle with wild critters - serves me right for free ranging everything.
Aww so sorry about all of your losses...it is hard trying to look out for the welfare of all the farm animals all the time. It's sad when things go awry like that.