my sister and I made strawberry jelly and instead of using water or juice, we used strawberry margarita mix - oh, my word!!! screw pint jars, we should have made that in quart jars!
I love sun dried tomatoes. Do you have a recipe? I'd love to make a sun dried tomato cheese. I've thawed out some frozen tomatoes (from the garden) and added to the cheese, but I'd like a stronger tomato flavor . . .
Sloooooooow day at the market today, the morning seemed to drag by. I did gain some new customers though that specifically were looking for me. One of my regular customers had taken some of my stuff to a Celiac support group and that's where they learned of my stuff.
My Coconut Marmalade was a hit until a kid put their tasting spoon back into the cup contaminating it so that I had to throw that sample away.
I think that I've decided to offer shipping on my stuff...sorry folks I can only do so to Ohio residences. The market plans to hold winter markets monthly starting in January but that leaves a gap of a couple of months for me.
DH is out right now with B processing the last rabbit from Roll farms. I'm gonna roast it tomorrow.
Speaking of rabbits...our newest litter now has their eyes open and is at that stage of doubling size daily. It still amazes me how fast that they grow.
Little Roll is excited every time he sees me because he knows that I'm gonna give him some basil. I might be in trouble when my plant is done for the season.
Oh, I decided to make a salsa verde jam yesterday too. It didn't go to the market because my printer ran out of ink and I couldn't make anymore labels after that.
I was invited to sell pumpkins at Art on the Square in late October. If I do, then B will have a display of his photography there. They'll also station an artist next to me who can paint pumpkins for those who buy them.
About the gluten free I'd known you already when my daughter at age 8 months was diagnosed with Celiac...not much info back then and I never did get any recipe right using potato and rice flour...but, by age 3 years old she was given the "works" test for Celiac and turned out she was gluten intolerant and not Celiac and she did grow out of it by age 6 years old.
So many Celiac people and I'm glad you know how to make things tasty with no gluten...would help so many people!!!!
Sorry it was slow at the market. You put so much effort it seems into your products, every single item should sell! Coconut marmalade sounds delish! What a great product.
I tried giving my sheep mint and thought they would love it, but they didn't, so I don't know if they would like basil or not. You better start some basil indoors to get Little Roll through the winter
I do put a lot into it - both time and heart. I bake all day on Friday...then go to market on Saturday. By the time I'm done I crash for a 3 hour nap
If I start offering shipping then I'll have to switch my baking day to either Sunday, Monday or Tuesday so that customers get the freshest product possible (don't trust weekend shipping where available).
I've tested a couple of products with freezing and then checked quality after thawing. The flavor "relaxes" a little but they are still quite good. But this regular customer of mine says that she freezes everything when she gets home and then heats it up and when she took the stuff to the support group and told them that she'd frozen it and heated it they were amazed. Really in general gluten free stuff tends to fall apart after being stuck in the fridge or freezer, so I'm happy that I've avoided that nastiness.
I'm a little scared to offer shipping. Kind of afraid it'll become more than I can handle on my own. It's hard to think that I might have to hire someone to help especially since I'm guarding these recipes so tightly. *sigh*
The Coconut Marmalade was inspiration when I decided to play in the alcohol and had a bottle of Vanilla Rum which sounded good in theory but really doesn't work very well in taste (and I'm a rum type of girl). It works beautifully in this recipe though. Kind of like the Lager Jelly...I don't like beer but this jelly is AMAZING.
Yeah, Bridgemoof, I'll need to construct a greenhouse of nothing but basil to keep Little Roll happy. I should say in case anyone is wondering...Little Roll is not named after Roll farms . He got his name because he has never been little and is a rollie pollie, so kind of like giving a giant the nickname of tiny
When are you moving to Ohio? Right now I'm labeled "Cottage Industry foods" which means I can only sell within the state boundaries. But...if this keeps picking up I may have to rent a commercial kitchen sooner rather than later which makes it even bigger because then I can open up to the whole US....