ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
We lost another one of the chickens that was attacked...and they attacked yet another today.


At close in time tonight I was able to separate 7 of the 9 Hit Squad guineas and cage them, so hopefully the remaining 2 by themselves won't cause any issues tomorrow.

The rabbit is doing well now that he's been separated. He's been named Vinnie for Vincent Van Gogh (missing ear).

I just received a call from my doctor...yeah at 9pm. The body scan that I had came back normal. What does that mean? I have no tumors! We were looking for a tumor that produces a specific hormone that I'm producing (and shouldn't be). It still leaves us with a mystery of what is going on, but as I've been told sometimes mysteries remain so. We'll repeat my blood work in a few months and as long as it doesn't rise we're not going to worry.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
I've been a medical mystery since the day I was born :p My mom claims that I'm an alien :lol:


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
Northeast Mississippi
Glad that no tumour showed up...whew! That had to be a scary wait on those results and a call at 9 pm from a doctor would have freaked me out!!

The hit squad has been awful...good that you got that many caged!!

An alien medical mystery? Hmmm...I believe that makes you super unique ;)

Sleep well Em :hugs


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score
N. Kentucky
Your relatives dont seem to understand that sacrificing a childs happiness because she doesnt fit their mold of normal isnt very Christian.

I know it will be difficult for her and how all of this has been difficult for you. I am amazed at how you have stepped up to the challenge. I never wanted kids and I have no idea how I would handle it if two children who need extra special care and love came into my life. I would like to believe that I could be as good as a Mommy as you have become but I am not certain I am that strong.

There will be challenges, lots of tears and lots of joy. Love is thicker than blood. Get those people out of your life that make it difficult.

I hope your health improves and the chickens thrive now that the nasty birds are being eliminated.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
We moved the Hit Squad from the cage in the coop to our small coop since DH cannot slaughter them until Sunday. Since it there was light to see by when we made the move I look at each one closely and found something that they all had in common...dried blood in the creases on their heads. So I went to the main coop at dark tonight and used a flashlight to inspect each guinea left and found one more with the same thing and moved it as well.

Our single remaining chicken that was attacked is getting better she is able to open one of her eyes to a squint and she is eating and drinking. So we really think that she will pull through :fl

Today has been a very busy day. Chiropractor, regular doctor, get the kids from school and go to the attorney's office....doesn't sound like much but after dropping the kids off at school had to drive 20 minutes to the chiro, then another 30 to get to the dr, then an hour to get back to the school, then another 20 to get to the attorney....had breakfast and lunch while out too. So we really didn't get much done today but running. Our attorney visit was to sign the papers to file for guardianship of the kids which will be filed with the court on Monday. We still have to set a date for court and go before a judge but it's almost complete...we're hoping for before the end of the year but our county is incredibly slow so we won't hold our breath. But at least it's almost done.

jodief100 said:
Your relatives dont seem to understand that sacrificing a childs happiness because she doesnt fit their mold of normal isnt very Christian.

I know it will be difficult for her and how all of this has been difficult for you. I am amazed at how you have stepped up to the challenge. I never wanted kids and I have no idea how I would handle it if two children who need extra special care and love came into my life. I would like to believe that I could be as good as a Mommy as you have become but I am not certain I am that strong.

There will be challenges, lots of tears and lots of joy. Love is thicker than blood. Get those people out of your life that make it difficult.

I hope your health improves and the chickens thrive now that the nasty birds are being eliminated.
Thank you Jodie :hugs I've said many times that this whole thing is both hard and easy with both kids but it's really very true. When you truly love someone you will do anything for them...and that love is what gives you the strength.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Just read your update on j2p post.

This is a tough one. As a mom you are going to be protective, which is understandable. I would like to offer you perhaps a different insight. The child you mentioned IS just a child, perhaps 7 or 8 maybe. At this age the statement is not really inaccurate... by that I mean a child of that age is going to have a limited understanding. It may very well be an Innocent statement. If the child was saying the same thing AND adding derogatory statements then that's another issue. For a young child, that is trying to process this, and something well beyond their emotional ability to process, the statement is more of that"simple" processing that a 7 year old has.
In other words if a child had Downs Syndrome, spina bifida, Autism etc. would you really expect a 7 year old to understand chromosones, neural tube defects, hole in the spine, etc. Of course not . Simple answers help kids to understand in simple terms something that is well beyond their emotional capacity and accept someone else that is somewhat "different" from the norm of what they see everyday. Other children that have been around to witness the gradual transition are still going to process at different emotional developmental stages.

I have seen over the years way too many times a statement taken out of it context and many people were hurt because of it.
I have first hand experience with this too. There are cruel people out there yes, but more often than not I have found kids make innocent statements with no ill intent. Perhaps you can talk with the parents of the child, I always find this to be better than having a go between. Mom's especially relate to other moms and that maternal protective instinct, when the situation can be discussed rather than being confronted in an accusatory fashion.

Love does go a long way!

:hugs :hugs :hugs