Herd Master
My DS is going to show our lab/Australian shep mix, Maizy this year in 4H.
And have told him we can add a 2nd dog that he can call his own for next year. (Current dog is my dog) in any case I have a friend with corgi pups. Always have wanted a corgi.... but their price has always deterred us from getting on. Anyways in the past I have always preffered to "rescue" but frankly it hasn't always been a good match just because rescues rarely know a dog's background, breed, ect. Since I know the owners (through rabbit showing) am considering just getting a pup. Maizy was from an aquaintences litter and been great. Our kids are still young enough I feel getting a dog with solid background is pretty important. Thoughts? Keep in mind any dog we get will be a companion.... and yes I like my herding dogs though they're a bit crazy.... we stay pretty active. So purebred or rescue?