Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I just have to keep the peace since she is still pushing the bp medicine... it is always way up when I go there. I think it is partly because I just don't like to go to drs
My mother-in-law has that - White Coat Hypertension

going to get it put together and see if I can manage to get around on it while I am still "all in one piece". Then I will have an idea if I can manage it once I absolutely cannot use the ankle.
Excellent plan. If you get good with that and the other devices before you need them you'll be ahead of the game once you need them.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Actually @Senile_Texas_Aggie I do test a farm very much like this. I have 2 that have a parlor exactly like this, where the cows are milked from the back, that each milk about 150 to 200 each. Those two farms have 8 on each side at a time They stand like these and go out all in a group just like these do. Then I have a 550 cow herd, they had 525 go through the parlor at the last test. Their parlor has 16 on each side, and works a little different,there is a bar that they come in and stand against, as opposed to turning a 90 degree, and since they do not turn totally away from the milker, they are milked from the side. but they are staggered so that you have the back half towards you and the front half is away from you. The whole bar raises up when all of them are all done milking in that bunch. But it is the same principle.... it is called a rapid release in that the animals do not file out individually, but are all released at the same time, step forward several steps, and the divider/bar/front head catch, comes down and the next group can come in before the other group has left the barn; instead of waiting for each cow to play follow the leader going out which takes more time. It will cut about 5-10 minutes off each group of cows on a side, so if there are 10 groups ,that is at least an hour of time saved on the "milking time". It allows the cows to spend more time out in the barn eating, or laying in the stalls just chewing their cud and ruminating which is what they do to digest their feed and make the milk. Besides, it is a long time to be milking cows so saving an hour is alot of time for the humans to not be on their feet/legs in the parlor on concrete. Most all dairies have mats on the concrete to help mitigate and cushion the leg stress, but it is still concrete underneath it.
Thanks for the video, it was good. The farmer is very accurate and good at presenting the facts.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yes, @Bruce , since my bp is about 20 pts less on the top # and 5-10 less on the bottom # when I go to the chiropractor, I can only think it is because I am more comfortable and looking forward to an adjustment because I know I will feel better when I get done there. I am just not going to get too worked up over it right now. Get the replacement done and then see how I do with the therapy and all that and see if I can maybe work on losing some more weight during it because I have found that I normally don't eat alot when I have been recovering from accidents/etc. We'll see. Just hope that I don't get too uptight when I go down for the pre-op, so it doesn't show up too high then. Even though I want to get this replaced, I am not looking forward to the whole idea of surgery.....


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Just hope that I don't get too uptight when I go down for the pre-op, so it doesn't show up too high then. Even though I want to get this replaced, I am not looking forward to the whole idea of surgery.....
Om, om, om ;)
Focus on relaxing, slow your breathing, just push your heart rate down. That surgery is going to improve your life quite a bit and is something TO look forward to :D


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
You can always fill the RX. Take it until after your surgury is over and you are back home....everyone gets what they want and need. ....
Don't have an rx yet. She was pushing it a little bit more when I was there and I just said that my pre-op and surgery instructions I printed off all say that I have to stop all medication, supplements etc a week before surgery unless it is something like a blood thinner, gave examples like cumadin, etc and they had to be stopped 48 hrs ahead.... plus I will have to take a standard aspirin for a week after the surgery for blood thinning/clot preventative.... so I just said I have just stopped my vitamins and all until it is done. And, after everything is done and I am through the rehab center stay, and all, and whatever they have me doing here, then she wants me to come in for a followup appt.... but that I will keep her informed about what is going on and she will be in the loop as a possible co-ordinator since she will be local here. I understand that is pretty much standard practice to have the "specialist" and the PCP work in tandem. So that is what I am saying about keeping the peace.... I am not taking any of that stuff with everything else being so up in the air.... and not having any problems with my chiropractor's bp readings.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It's Tuesday eve and I just got home a bit ago from the 500+ cow herd. My son wound up going and helping, he has been off the crutches around his house and all, but has been using a single crutch to give some support while he is out and about. He has his appt with the surgeon the week after I have my surgery and thinks that they will release him for work 2 weeks after that, around the last week of Feb. I think he was getting tired this eve since it was more than he has done "straight through" without a short break in between. I know after all these days testing in a row I was really hurting this eve. I am "off" tomorrow, but have a farm early Thursday morning that i have to leave by 4 to be there by 5:10 or so. It's a bit over an hour away. Tomorrow he is planning on moving home the last group of cows to be preg checked and since this is the 2nd chance for this group, any that are not bred will be on the truck Friday to the stockyard. They are all in very good condition, none have any calves on them. They should be "very pregnant" due to calve in like March/April. Grass has been good there so we left them, but now they are needing to be fed some hay so it is time. Plus this pasture can use a break for a couple of months.
Weather has been decent, warmer than usual for January. Been partly cloudy and yesterday was rather cool and damp, today was a bit warmer and milder. Got up into the mid 50's. Supposed to be like this for the next few days.... although there is a possibility of some snow flurries on Thursday and down into the 20's-30' overnight. But most nights have been staying in the upper 20's low 30's pretty much and days up into the 40's and 50's.
I'm tired and am headed for the shower. May be able to write some more tomorrow or so. Friday I have to go to the pre-op appt in NC. Getting down to the wire.