Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It's Thursday eve. It was a tough day yesterday. We did the pregnancy check on the cows he got moved home from the pasture. All were bred except, 2 of mine were open, but both were with the bull for the first time, I forgot that we moved 4 there from the nurse cow field and 2 were a bit thin. They were first calf heifers, so they are going to get a second chance since they are in very good shape. We had taken the bull out of that field when we had to move a heifer home with a swollen foot/leg. He had been in there for about 60 days, but my 4 had been moved in there a couple weeks after the bull went in so they had a shorter time in there. The longhorn heifer is bred, and the older nurse cow is bred. Both were in a little better shape than the 2 others. Maybe I should ship them, but I decided to give them this spring with a bull and see if they can catch. They ought to get bred right away since they are in such good condition.

Did the farm this morning and really feeling it. I really never got much of a break yesterday with helping to work the cows through the chute. But they are done and that was the last of the pregnancy checks. The ones that they worked through the other day had some open ones but a couple are really old cows, and so that is not unexpected. I don't know exactly how many were open, but I think out of about 30 there were 5 or 6. A couple will go back with the bull I think but 2 of the old cows are mine and will be sold. They are in pretty good shape. I think he is going to sell a couple others that are his. There is one that has a real "hump back" that will be sold while she is still walking good and not gotten crippled up. She is open anyway. I haven't gotten the paperwork done up yet so am not sure.

Heading to NC in the morning for the pre op appt and will know more about what to expect next week. Time for a shower as I didn't get alot of sleep last night.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yes, I can text on my phone, so will give a basic update. Will just have to see how I am feeling after it and how the stay in the care/rehab center goes too. But there will be time to at least send a text. Plus, I intend to take my laptop so will hopefully be able to get online too.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Okay, quick update. pre op appt went good yesterday. They said I was a great one to "check in" because I don't take alot of stuff, stopped all vitamins and supplements when I went in for the mammogram and bone density 2 weeks ago and didn't start again knowing that they want you to stop all medications a week before the replacement surgery; have no apparent problems. All things are good to go, even the little bit of congestion I have from a cold that got a start as a sore throat a week ago, that I did ask the PCP for a prescription for so that I didn't screwup my ankle surgery date and she did give me the Z pac that I normally get and so the little bit of congestion that causes the drip down the throat and coughing, that I take guafenisum (Mucinex) for, she said was okay to take. I got exposed to a guy at a dairy that had a raging cold and sneezing. But that is not going to be an issue unless I have any problems between now and Thursday.

Did find out that I won't know where they are going to send me afterwards, until the next day after the surgery, but that is pretty much a given. PCP has talked to the surgery co-ordinator, and it is known with all the pre-op people, etc.

Long day, 4 hours down, appt., blood drawn, all that , 4 hours home. I was gone about 12 & 1/2 hours. Took rental car back this morning and so foggy it was awful. Tested this afternoon, am sitting for a bit then going to work on some more stuff getting moved around for space to manipulate through the house. Also have a BIG pile of stuff that "needs going through" that I can do when I am sitting around. Took a few things to Goodwill, and have some stuff on the porch to go to the dumpster. Got to re-arrange things in the bedroom due to the odd shape so I can get around the bed.... need a wider space between the foot of the bed and the dresser.... may just have to sleep on the other side. We'll see.

It poured rain all the way home and my son said that they had flurries and cold rainy stuff all day off and on. Today was cloudy, FOGGY, little rain this afternoon and all around crappy cold and damp. Was ice/frost stuff up on the ridge on all the trees and shrubs this morning. 32 to 48 temps and the 48 was way late this afternoon. Got a little sun peeking through around 5-6 pm. Tomorrow supposed to be sunny and warming up for the next several days. I will do some laundry so it will dry on the line, and then get things packed as I plan to have enough clothes/underwear/socks and stuff for the 2-3 weeks I am gone. Plus I don't want alot of "cow barn" smelling clothes sitting around for weeks.

@Baymule has my number for texting. Don't know how or when I will be feeling up to much conversation.
Thank you to all for your positive thoughts.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
For rehab, they will pick up your clothing every day and wash it. Put your name in everything and take nothing that you don't want to lose. When my Mom was in rehab, the only way I could keep them from doing (losing) her laundry was to pick it up every day, take it home and wash it.

the idea of taking enough clothes to last the 2-3 weeks that you are in rehab, probably won't work.

You might want to call several rehab centers in the area and ask them about their protocol.

Pack 2 suitcases, label #1 and #2. In #1 put the bare minimum in case they will do your laundry and not let it stay in your room. In #2 put the rest of your things, just in case the rehab lets you bring extras and keep them until you go home.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Baymule , yes I have been told about the clothes washing, but I am very allergic to most detergents so do not want them to wash my clothes. I am not about to get skin rashes and irritations because they are using detergents that I can not tolerate. I will make sure that they know this and that they are not to wash the clothes. I have talked to one of the rehab centers, but they don't want to tell you much if you have not already had a procedure.... really weird. Must be a "southern"....NC..... thing. Here they will talk to you about such stuff. Plus, the one "girl" in the "admitting part" of the pre-op testing office, was very nice and told me the better 2 hotels to stay at and she is the one who said about the rehabs not wanting to talk to you ahead of time. I also questioned the 2 different techs that did all the different things and asked and answered questions. They said that there would be someone to talk to me after it was decided that I would not be going home.... the ins companies do not want you to be making these plans, because they don't want to pay if they do not have to. Of course, I will not be feeling like talking to anyone about that stuff, I will just want to not be feeling any pain at that point...... GRRRRRR:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:duc:duc:rant:somad