Mike CHS
Herd Master
We won't take any more stock to the sale barn until spring and if we have to cull anymore they will go into the freezer instead. The market here is like you posted and is at the bottom.
I reckon you read this posted on the cow board..What doesn't make any real sense, although I do realize there is the shipping and all, is that markets out west are really seemingly to be up. But here they are absolutely horrible. The feeder calf market is limping along. Our retired vet friend said that he has started his buying for this year. He buys feeders 5-6 wts and sells them in the fall at 8 wts and up. Said he is averaging $100 head less for purchase prices than he did last year. I don't know exactly where we are going. We are cutting back, through attrition; some death loss and older ones that are open. Losing a couple of places will keep us from adding any.
But they are still costing us to feed and not being pregnant will cost us 6 months of downtime so to speak, that they are still eating. But to ship a young cow and get less than $200 salvage value is just a waste.
So my policy of if they are open, they leave is having to make a change for now. If they are old and open, they will leave in some form or manner. But if they are younger, they are going to get a second chance back with the bull. If nothing else, they will put some weight on with no calves on them. If all these dairies keep selling out, and there is a glut of cull cows on the market this spring and summer, maybe the demand will catch up with the oversupply and by fall the prices will look better. At least we have plenty of hay to feed.
We had already decided that we are going to make more square bales this year. We are going to put up anther "shed type pole barn" and be able to park more wagons inside with hay on them so we don't have to handle it so much. Had another person call looking for square bales the other day. A friend of a friend. No cold calls, just another referral. If we can't make it on the cattle, we will have to try to make it more on the square bales. We can always feed them to the cows, if we don't sell them. We have one barn we can stack square bales in, but lost another barn with the loss of the lease. So being able to leave them on the wagons will work. We have running gears for 3 more wagons, so they will get built and 2 more need extensive repair that we had acquired. We have also told a couple of these people that if they can get it right off the wagon in the field, that we knock a little off the price. There are 2 that did that this year. Only had to handle the hay one time. Gotta make it more profitable. And I told my son that there are no more "cheap" prices. He hates to go up, yet everything is costing us more. And the person that called said their hay guy has stopped making hay.... that's it in a nutshell. There are less and less making the hay around here. So we need to "make some money" on the hay and if the demand is there, then not making it is just dumb.
@greybeard ; just a question. I am having trouble getting on the CT Q & A forum. I have been able to get on several of the other parts, tried the market reports, the Baxter Black tab, a couple others. But the Q & A tab just comes up blank on my computer. I tried turning it off, and starting from scratch with pulling CT up and still nothing. Are you having any problems? It did this yesterday and I just left it and said I would do it today.... but still can't get on it. ???