Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
We got about 4 " snow and then it changed to this sleety rain stuff.:eek: It is only 35 so just plain cold and miserable. :duc Rain in the forecast for the next 4 days.:hit:hit:hit Looks like Tn got hammered with rain, and not alot warmer there from what I can see. YUCK:rant:rant:rant:th:th:th
Got hammered? We ARE being hammered right now. Im looking out the window. ITs coming down in sheets. Unbelievable. My window is leaking, too. I had to move the desk over with the computer on it because the water was splashing on it. They need to fix this window.


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
We got about 4 " snow and then it changed to this sleety rain stuff.
None of us are a fan of this roller-coaster weather. Be careful with the sleet, then rain stuff. I hate when we get those. Usually it gets cold after the rain and everything freezes, black ice every where.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Had some of the "precip" freezing on the twigs of the bushes and such earlier. I went out & filled the chickens' feeder, they hadn't come out all day. Not much else I could do for them. Put the rain gauge out as it is staying right around the 33-36 degree range. Radio says it is supposed to slowly warm up over the course of the evening to near 40. But I remembered I had a 1 gallon bucket in the back of my truck, so it will collect any precip and I can measure that as it won't freeze and crack anything unless we get down to FRIGID temps again. So, between the 2, I ought to get a pretty good idea of what we get.
Looking at the radar, I guess Tenn is getting more again. We might get a bit of a break from 7-8 pm until maybe midnight when it is supposed to hit us again. Glad you got your hay out @Mike CHS .

Had the water pump go on the big 4wd tractor. Had already replaced the 2 thermostats hoping that was it. I had to run back to town and pick it up yesterday eve before I came home for the night. One good thing about having accounts at the parts places, and knowing the guys working there. They can leave it for you and bill it. There were 4 different bags and boxes of stuff for different people when I got our box. My son was going to try to get it on last night before he went to work while it wasn't quite so cold. I haven't talked to him all day, will try him in a little while cuz I am pretty sure they will be working again tonight by the looks of the road and the temps. I hope he got some sleep today.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I hope you can get at least a couple of the heifers, they sound like it will be a good deal for buyers, but not so great for the seller.

Spring will come and winter will fade away. Sooner for me than for you, but you will get your turn. We got rain, but not a lot. DH's cousin in north Alabama texted him and said there was flooding, all the creeks were up and a campground was underwater.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Baymule , the funny thing is I hope that I don't get any of the jerseys because that means they will bring somewhat decent money. But we will see. I'm not planning on any, and am afraid I will wind up with several. I am going to download the current info from that farm into my computer, and study what they are producing, what their breeding status is, etc. Then I will have the "inside tract" on them when I go. I called the farm that I test that I have one of my cows on; and talked to the farmer. He has a couple of jerseys himself. I wanted to give him a heads up and see if he is interested in any. He has a couple of cows he culled a couple of weeks ago, and may have one or two more to go. He might be interested in one or two for himself if he sells a couple cull cows.

I could also get 2 that are in production and put them on his farm like my other cow is. I get milk whenever I am up that way and want it and he gets the rest and it's a wash. It just made it easier when I had several coming fresh at once a couple years ago, and he needed a couple more to milk. He has a couple of cows that belong to other people and they do the same. Get milk for their own use, he gets the rest in exchange for the feed and all that they eat. In my case, he gets more benefit than I do really, as I don't use near the milk a family would, but it means I can "keep" a few cows and not have to do the milking myself right now. The idea was that I would be able to take them back when they are ready to go dry and then keep them. If milk prices were decent, he would be making a little off the milk but here in the last year, not so much.
So we will see. Maybe there will be a farmer looking for a few cows and they will bring a fair price. One or two are pretty small, first calf heifers I think, so they aren't worth diddly-squat for slaughter prices. The thing is, the cull cow buyers don't even want jerseys as they are small and the slaughter plants don't want to be bothered with the small carcass. The 2 teat witch I have will most likely be hamburger and just the good cuts like NY strips and filet, and maybe some sirloin.... but maybe more for processing into hot dogs and such. If she is only worth 150 or 200 then she is worth more than that in the freezer. I can make jerky too.