Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Getting ready to go out and check the rain gauge and go do a few errands that need doing. It is a comfortable 70 now but is supposed to get up to the low 90's. Slight chance of more showers this afternoon, but better chance for the next few days as the temps heat up and it gets into the typical summer t-storm patterns with the heat and humidity.

Have been reading more information on this whole "covid vaccine" situation. The more I read the more it is really starting to scare me. The more that it is starting to make sense along the line of total gov't control that will spill into everything we do and say and how it is slowly getting worse. Reminds me of the frog in the pan of water that they slowly heat and he doesn't realize he is burning up and being boiled until it is too late. They are talking a 3rd shot now as a booster... coming along in probably September.... and the continued "different studies papers" that are leaking out about what this spike protein actually does to your system...
The elite money powers in this world have gone crazy.... actually, no, they have gone into the coldest most controlling stage of anything I have ever seen.... and it really is something that is unfathomable to decent honest people.

The drought conditions that are affecting the farmers and the crops.... is something that we all need to take seriously. Between the lack of rainfall, the restrictions on irrigation water in many western states, and the outright failure of even the dryland crops, there is going to be a severe food shortage on the grocery shelves. It is not just going to be "this year" and shortages that will be short lived. Most on here grow gardens and preserve, can, freeze, and dry food for future use. Believe me, this is going to be even more important going down the road. Get your supplies for next year situated in the way of canning supplies so that there is not the problem with finding lids like this past year.

I don't know how to do alot of things, and am not very knowledgeable in herbal remedies and things so am at a disadvantage for that... hope that if it comes to that I will be able to barter off things that I am good at for someone elses' expertise in that. I really don't have the desire to learn some of that because I am more interested in other aspects of life... What I am concerned about is that the money situation is going to collapse, and then we are not going to be able to buy things either... and I don't know how to solve that other than to owe as little as possible to anyone.

Well, I am going to go and do some things that need doing today while I am not rushed... Looking at some more stoves, and recliners, etc .... get some things at the store.....need to get out of the house today for awhile.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
The trickle down from so many weather, fire, and job issues is going to be more devastating than it is, or seems!! I've said it all along. So know how to be self sufficient. Know how to garden and preserve prepared. Know how to live without electric. Know your water source is good. Know it will be more than this year.

I've always said with a garden, some chickens, my goats...I have veggies, eggs, dairy and meat. I can make bread, grow pasture and some grains. Plenty of dry foods and goods in hand. I have traps, guns, ammo, machete, hand tools and supplies. I can hunt, forage and repair. It's about being aware and prepared. Animals also provide fertilizer and grass cutting services. :lol:

Yeah, I'm in a fairly good state for getting by. Meds...I'm stocked up with those items and know enough herbal to get by, I grow some, too. I think many of us are reasonably prepared. Some just see the need stronger than others. Especially some of the "not gonna be there" items that are taken for granted. My old school knowledge gets used.

So, still no shots for me!! My protocol prep is ready. Rather have the flu than the shot. :old


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, the rain gauge was not impressive.... only .15 inches.... it is still better than nothing... and looking like we might get some more in the pop up scattered showers type over the next few days.... PRAYING we do :fl:fl🙏🙏.

Had a change of plans today but that was good. I had seen a portable dishwasher on craigslist while looking for a gas stove.... rethinking that, which I will write about in a minute... So, I e-mailed them and left my phone number... Heard back today.... got a phone call from this man... he was selling it as he was going to be moving.... very decent to talk to... and so I asked when it would be convenient to come see it... I didn't want to interfere with his work schedule or anything... he laughed.... said he was retired many years.... he is 93 yrs old, going on 94😮:ep:ep... and is moving to a different retirement/assisted living facility because he is tired of having to cook all the time for himself.....his wife passed away.... he said it was full of dishes and he was going to run it this morning and was going to meet some friends for lunch... and would be back after about 1... I said I would be down around 1-1:30.... he gave me directions... and I map quested it to see the actual layout of the roads... I was a little confused with his directions.... so went and made a stop at the bank, and headed south. About an hour, not far from the stockyards we go to on some Mondays....
Directions were pretty accurate, found it and went in and looked at it. It is in very good shape, price was reasonable... I bought it.... was able to roll it out to the car and tip it on the back and lay it down in the back of the outback.... tied the hatch down because I have a bunch of stuff in the back seat and could not put the seats down... and came home with it.
I have wanted a dishwasher for being able to sterilize the glass jars from the milk and the canning jars mostly. Been looking sporadically because I wanted one with a butcher block top if I got a portable.... and this one fits the bill. He brought it with him from Texas or OK or somewhere.... seemed like it was meant to be. His daughter was the one that put it on craigslist, and that was who I e-mailed... she called him and gave him my number.... he said after I paid him, and we were taking it out to the car; that his daughter called not long after he had talked to me earlier before lunch, and that she had 3 more inquiries.... so I am really glad that I went to see it and buy it. Sometimes things just work. Might be a little less convenient than having it "under the counter" .... but no installation, no plumbing, nothing to get it to work. Rollers/wheels on the bottom work really good too.

As for the stove.... been doing alot of looking and have not found anything even remotely that I like so far in the newer styles... Have been scouring the sites for an older one that someone took out in a kitchen remodel... found 2 but they were both sold already when I called.... so that might be a smarter, and cheaper way to go it I can find something.... for now.... going to keep looking and keep my options open....

Got to go to bed as I have to get up and leave by 3:30 to go test in the morning....will see about maybe doing some more looking when I am up that way as I think there are a couple of appliance stores up in that direction of the farm....

Was up to 93 today on the porch... I didn't even look at the one on the deck....
Even left the clothes out... I will get them in tomorrow..... rain water rinsed....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Glad you got some rain, even a little is a blessing. You are right, I think we are going to have shortages and prices will go up.

That's great on the dishwasher. You will like having that. I hope you find a stove that you like, Electric or gas?


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
As for the stove.... been doing alot of looking and have not found anything even remotely that I like so far in the newer styles.
Are you giving up on the antique/classic stove?

Good deal on the dishwasher. Good timing too!

At 93 I'm sure he's tired of cooking for himself. Don't know how long ago the wife died but I've been the primary cook since '79 and it is getting kinda old!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Lunch time.... ate a tomato the samples in the other room to get packed.... will drop them off later.

DS texted me, and we are going to work the cattle for the neighbor that we usually help and where we make his hay. That's this evening..... and I just remembered that there is the cow sale in Staunton tonight at 6 pm.....Oh well.... there will be more...We will see how it goes tonight... DS said we might have to take the calves to doug's barn... (DS's barn now) because these bull calves should have been done back in April but so many cows were late calving.... and now the early calved ones are getting pretty big.... and his chute is not the best.... so we might have to take them to the barn to do them in the better more secure chute.... Supposed to be there by 5... so I can drop off the samples on the way.

Anyway; got up and left at 3:30 was sticky even then. Testing went okay but I was stiff... Then I left there and went to check out another place for a stove, but they were closed for vacation. Stopped at a farm and dropped off 3 gals of chlorine bleach... they use a diluted solution as a pre dip and gallons of bleach are nearly impossible to find even in the grocery store.....So I found these when I was in Lowe's looking at their gas ranges.... and was perusing the aisles.... Discounted a little..... discontinued brand/ then I came down and went to an appliance store that sometimes has used appliances.... didn't really like either one they did have and they would have to be converted from natural gas to propane..... talked to the guy for a bit and he was nice, but not much help. Then went by schewels which was on the way home... tried out a couple recliners... and the only 2, that I even kinda liked were Lazy-Boys... but no swivel rocker recliners... and no electric ones available in the 2 that I preferred.... the one was pretty comfortable....

One thing I got thinking about the electric ones.... if things get worse in this country.... I might not want it to be electric anyway..... really leaning towards the one I saw and liked since they can make it a going to make a decision on it by next week and hope that one is still there... got a couple more places to go look.

Then came home and stopped to feed the horse because the sky was getting pretty dark..... I decided to get the clothes off the line because it was a brisk breeze and I didn't want them all over the lawn..... sadly the clouds seem to have moved off.... I checked the radar and it looks like a good line is going to come through but is going to stay 20-40 miles south..... :hit:barnie:he........just want to cry over that.....

I was thinking I would go out and do some mowing or weed eating.....but it is too hot....will see what the radar/forecast looks like for tomorrow. Got to check my calendar and see who needs to be done and text the one that hasn't called to return my message..... I'm not going to get excited over it.... too hot to make it an issue.... and they all pretty much know that the knees are scheduled.....

Sun is coming back out....:rant:somad:barnie:he:he:hit:hit:hit 90 out now... it will get hot if the sun stays out...

Going to go pack the samples and maybe get off the knees for a bit. I am a little tired too, I didn't get alot of sleep last night ....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Bruce, forgot to address your question/comment. No I have not given up on getting the old stove redone... going to ask around, from the farmer that has my cows at, about maybe someone up in the Mennonite area up there that maybe works on them....There is a place up near where I used to live; in NY, that is on the internet as refurbishing old stoves... don't know if it would be practical to take it up there.... might talk to them and then possibly take it when DS is making a trip with a truck up there.....would probably be ridiculously expensive because that is like the ridiculous area money wise... Westchester County, NY..... but I still think that the best place is in Pa in Amish country.....

I just realized that using the dishwasher will make the unpacking of the boxes for the kitchen stuff goes faster.....well, maybe I need to get the things in there put away... get the step stool.....get the cabinets better organized with some of the stuff that is unpacked.... and then get more stuff in and washed....I can keep the dishwasher where the stove goes for now and it will be out of the way.

Going to order the cover for the camp stove so I can keep it set up on the back deck for now.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yeah, @Baymule . We have "done" ... worked..... his cattle for him every year for the past several years. He has a catch pen and a head catch but has not kept it up and the one post is not well anchored... we have had to do repairs the past few years each time we go to use it. He has big cows, 1500 lbs many of them.... and they don't get worked with much, just him out in the gator checking them in the field... so are not near as "tractable" as ours are.... so a few get wound up when they get brought into the pen. Most are not mean, just not used to people out there on foot around them....
Anyway, we usually get them worked in the spring after his calves are all born... the oldest will be maybe 2 months down to newborns... but he had a bull that did not settle some of them last year, and some got bred late, so his calving season has spread out now. He has 2 out there that are maybe 2-3 weeks old.... and a couple that are not fresh and I suspect not bred. So, it got decided that they just had to get done and several have pinkeye.... one calf nearly blind.... luckily it's momma is a pretty quiet cow. Because of my limitations right now, i cannot help much getting them in because I cannot move quick enough in the field like to block an attempt to get by me when there are several of us trying to "herd" them towards a gate.... so DS had to wait until he could get Caleb to help us. He's the guy who used to work for us years ago, and still comes and helps occasionally... he just got on full time with the state as a state grader at the cattle sales... looking at and then "grouping" cattle that are the same for sales in bigger lot groups.... they normally bring better prices when graded into groups for the bigger buyers... anyway... his time is more limited now... but he told DS he could help yesterday so that is when we could do it..... and we pay him good to help too....
So yes, these bull calves were in the 150 to 500 lb ranges.... some born back in Mar or April.... and several had runny eyes and the little one was nearly blind with it in both eyes.... so not only had to "work them" but had to treat eyes too and that is better to do with our chute as we can contain them so that DS can even do the shots in the eyelids of the ones that were bad. So we got all but 2 cows and 2 calves into the smaller lot that we finally convinced the owner to build several years ago... after we used our portable panels to help contain them in a smaller area around the barn.... then hazed them all in the barn lot except one big bull that went over the fence last year and got back out with the cows and the owner said to not worry with. Well, he has had pinkeye and has very limited eyesight and is very spooky.... could not get him in... then after getting the rest in the pen, got one of the 2 cows out loose in but the other one and the 2 calves took off into the upper part of the field and they got left. Hopefully, after DS talked to the owner, he will work with getting them into the smaller lot and then maybe we can get them into the little barn catch pen....
You would think that after doing this all these years, that people would finally "get it" about what needs to be done to get these animals to come in so that we can work with them better.... and for them to not get all worked up about coming in because they are used to doing it....but there is no common sense and the owner does the same thing every year. So most will follow him in with some grain, but he does not make sure that the spookier ones come in so they don't get with the program... and we have this same rodeo everytime....

Got the cows all sorted out, and the ones with no problems got a dose of pour on ivermctin for worming and flies, and turned out; and then DS hauled 2 loads to the barn and we worked the cows through the chute and treated several for pinkeye.... and wormed, then we worked all the calves through the chute. Some of the biggest ones were bulls... had to use the callicrate "big bander" that we can do them up to 800 + pounds.... Caleb helped him with the banding, holding tails up and such, I kept all the syringes filled with the appropriate shots and handed them to Caleb or DS , DS treated any that needed eyes done, and he had GF doing the eartags in the calves. She was a help to keep it going smoother and after about 4 or 5 got the hang of the ear tagger.... calves got insecticide ear tags which is supposed to keep flies away from the face.... so no pinkeye... so they will help at this point to prevent any in the calves that had no problem eyes, and will help to keep the others from getting any more reinfections....

It was nearly 9 when I got home... Caleb left after they got one trailer load to go back, loaded, and GF left then... I stayed at barn til he got the 2nd load to go back... cleaned up and got things all put back where they needed to be, helped him load the last load and then came home.

He called me about 9:30... he had left the barn about 8:30... it is only 3 miles away.... and said that he got the 2nd load off, owner was there waiting at the gate so that that they could get them all unloaded together in the lot, then was going to turn them all out together back into their field....then owner said that he thinks this is his last year,,,, he is 77 and said he does not like/want to keep doing the cows.... he has said this a few times over the years... but his wife hurt her shoulder and then fell again and has become very "frail" I guess you would say... she used to help with the shots, getting them ready as we did the calves as I usually did the ear tags.... Fred said that he likes to get out on the tractor and move the hay off the field (this is the place we do custom) and he likes to piddle around and feed in the winter... but he does not like working the cattle in the barn and doing the calves and such. He says he wants to quit. He had asked before if DS was interested... and so DS said they were talking about all that when he took the 2nd load back.... yes we are interested, and it is close so very convenient.... and I suspect that after the calves get sold this fall that there will have been some sort of agreement reached...There are a couple cows that need to be preg checked and the one crazy one up in the field needs to get sold as she is always taking off and takes others with her.... DS told me he told Fred that if we get this worked out, she will be leaving and it didn't matter how good a calf she raised because she is a trouble maker and always causes problems....a few of the cows are getting some age on them too....

Soooo, see where this goes...

Hopefully once I get these knees fixed, I will be back to doing alot more like I used to..... we'll see. DS did tell me that GF told him that he is too critical of me and that he needs to stop treating me the way he when a cow got by me out of the catch pen when they were trying to get the crazy big half blind bull calf in....and he said to me on the phone... she is right, I know that you couldn't keep that cow in as she was just going right through you smacking her in the head to try to keep her in when we were messing with that stupid big calf....
Guess I need to give GF more credit.... she did a good job once she got the hang of the ear tag pliers, and she is not and never will be a real "cow person"... but she has been pitching in alot more... since she has been off work....and he is definitely much quieter and doesn't get to cussing and getting mad when she is around.... maybe she is what he needs... and maybe she is old enough now to be able to outlive the reputation she has/had as a younger person.... and although I guess I will never like her and the way she treated him when he broke his hip and was screwing around on him, living with her in her house while recovering, with the ex boyfriend... it is not my battle or my life.....

So, I am going to get a few things done here. Naturally I am aching, but then that never stops anymore.... I want to maybe go in the kitchen and see about getting some things done in there. Do some normal household stuff.... other than go up to the horse, and go to the nurse cow pasture to put feed in the barn for the calves, probably not going anywhere today. Get the dishwasher, into the kitchen from where I stuck it in the DR and maybe hook it up and see if I can start making some more headway in there....