Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Something for people to check out.

And anyone interested in other info... go on cattleforumtoday and go into the general category and down to bull**** and politics... threads pandemic=dempanic and the politics threads.... much more outspoken on that cattle forum... but alot of info and the thread about the election is informative.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Your key fob battery might be dead.
sory you had problems, that would royally tick me off too.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Baymule took the little truck and got a new battery for the stupid fob at the truck stop last eve... and still nothing. :somad:rant:barnie:he. That's when I realized I could pry the window away from the car... it does not have a frame like the older cars....thank goodness.... a little bit and get the rod down in to hit the unlock button... First going to get a duplicate key made.... and then going to see if the "new battery" is a dud... then see if you can just get a fob thing...
73 was the lowest it got last night. already almost 90 at 11 a.m..... Maybe some t-storms and rain this late afternoon . :fl🙏🙏🙏🙏:fl:fl:fl Then we will see what the storm "fred" does.

Got a message in to a person close by to the south, with a propane stove.... hope to hear from them. None of the habitat restores or any of the other thrift/secondhand stores I have called have propane... only a couple of electric...not going there....

Been puttering with things in the house. Haven't moved the dishwasher in the kitchen, that is next on the list this morning. Had to take a few minutes to get off the knees. Going to go out and put the water on the trees so if we do get rain, it will soak in around them if we do get rain later... Been hoping to find some reduced hoses so I can cut them and make short pieces to run off "y type" connectors and then can water several at the same time. Going to need it next year too for when I get the rest moved.... That reminds me, I need to go check them too... with no rain they are probably not getting alot bigger, but I sure don't want to wait til the d@#n deer get them.

So that is the start to my day... hope you all are having a good one...

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Have you thought about a drip system? They have attachments that connect to a hose bib and you could even get a timer so it will water automatically and you don't have to remember to turn it on or off. I think ours is a Rain bird brand, I will try to take a picture after work.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Larsen Poultry Ranch ; yes I am thinking some sort of drip type system... but even the one nursery that I really like, does not carry much for that.... I figures I could make my own system... partially because I have a couple of hoses that are rather short.... they are put together pieces from getting run over with a mower in the past:hide:hide:idunno:idunno

...can't imagine who might have done that....yes I did a couple but a couple just came up with little slits in them... so I just put in the repair pieces... but I did not put in connectors, I put in both a male and female end so I could use them more efficiently lengthwise... like to the chickens and such... And use Y 's so that I could run a hose in different directions and not have to haul them around so much.

But I would be interested in what you are referring to.... I am going to have approx 20 fruit trees to move this winter and they will need some TLC to get established next year..... all depending on the weather....
Even planning on the knees working and not being a problem to move things around like it is now....

Speaking of the fruit trees.... I went by there to check on the peaches.... and the D#@N DEER were at them again. Lots of peach pits and little piles of pellets all around the trees... SO I picked the ones that were looking near to being ripe... where the most little pile of pellets are... and the peach pits...:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:rant:rant:rant:somad:somad:somad

I have found 2 more trees that must have both a grafted trunk and a trunk from the root stock... because there were 2 more that had some very small ...not near ready.... peaches and some that the deer were helping themselves to...and it looks like they are coming out of the ground so I am sure that is what it is. I will see how the smaller ones grow and what they taste like. I grew the 3, that I have here, from peach pits from a local tree's peaches... and they are very sweet if not real big peaches.

I am going to just move them as is when the time comes... and see what happens. Really completely separate types of trees....
Going out to turn off the water and move the hose to a different tree for tomorrow. One spot that has a slit puts out a little water and the end puts out alot more... so I leave the small slit part on one tree and move the end between the other 2 trees.... seems to work out real good.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
So a few more things. Got 2 plastic grocery bags about 1/3 to 1/2 full of the peaches I salvaged from the deer stealing them. Going to put them out in a couple of "flats" that I have here so they can ripen and not get too bruised up, and I can find any soft spots.
Turned off the water and moved the end of the hose to the other tree for tomorrow. That will give them all about the same amount since the one spot puts out about 1/2 of the end, with it having only a smaller slit/leak.

Went to look at and bought the gas stove. Real nice shape... crack in the front glass.. that unfortunately shattered on the way home. Guess it was the vibration...It is only on the front part... not the inside glass where the oven door shuts... it is unfortunately the whole front door panel... instead of metal with a second window in it... it was actually all glass with part of it "painted" and the rectangle in the middle, clear glass. I am hoping I can find one to replace it... they replaced the stove in a B&B guest house they rent... and it is in very very good shape...Outside looks like new and not scratched up or anything. So I am not unhappy since I only paid $95 for it as they wanted to get it moved.... and it is all set up for propane.. I can use it as it is because the door shuts and all... just doesn't look nice with the panel missing now. I am researching to see if I can find a new one for it. Glad that I called and it was only 35 minutes away. Very nice people... I will get it moved in the house this weekend. Need DS to help. I got it off the truck on the back deck without any real problem... but that was a little down from the bed of the truck... There are 3 steps UP from the deck into the kitchen... and needs to just go straight in the door... no room to "walk it" in.

I also got the dishwasher hooked up and ran a load through. Seems to work fine. So that is a plus too.....haven't taken the stuff out yet to look at it closely....

So, that is the news of the day.....

Going to have to haul some water to the nurse cow pasture if we don't get any of the "possible showers". Spring is taking longer to recover... and I really would like to put some in the water troughs in the catch pen where the calves can go in to drink. Just get a little ahead of it so they don't have to fight with the cows at the big trough and it gets drunk down and then they can't reach it for a few hours.
DS texted me and wanted me to go check water at another pasture... the float is giving him a problem and he can't get the parts for that old float... is going to have to get in it to get it all apart it looks like. So he has been turning it off when he gets it filled and then goes by there every other day... It was down a foot, no cows around anywhere... so I just turned the valve and filled it to the top. He is talking about moving the cows to another section so can do that over the weekend. The pastures are dried up.
It just keeps splitting and going just north and staying to the west or developing in the eastern side of the Blue Ridge mtns...
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Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I have known the frustration of watching rain pass on by while needing it badly. It's especially hard for you with the size herds you have. Hoping it rains on you soon!!

What a week...a dishwasher and stove! Maybe you can get a replacement front from manufacturer. Worth a try. Suppose the old one you have isn't same size....of course not!

Do you know next chicken swap date?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Mini Horses ... trying everywhere to get the stove panel... no longer available from mfg..... stove looks like new... but older.... GRRRR... working on looking for something else to fit... have messages out to a couple on ebay that have other parts for this model... and a name to call first of the week as possibility... going to contact some local repair places.... :he:hit
My old stove is totally different mfg and about 40 years older!!!!!!
Sure never expected to find both a dishwasher and a stove at the same time... but I am ready to start getting things more organized in the house.
Problem with this funky shaped kitchen sink is the dishwasher takes up the whole corner to be able to hook up the hoses and be able to have the water discharge... I have never in my life seen a double sink that are at 45 degree angles... really different. Sets in the corner, and if you aren't careful then when you swing the faucet from one to another it will get on the front of the counter where you are you really have to turn it off every time... Hate it too, they are too small for anything practical. But that will change whenever I have to redo the counter tops... the formica is "raised up" where water has gotten under it and is going to come apart and peel eventually... I will put in a different sink then... either a "normal " double that is side by side or just a real big single one. Got to see if the pressure canner would fit in one of the double sinks... thinking I am going to go with one big single...

Still no rain... shows on radar that it is east again of the Blue Ridge mtns....maybe this afternoon???? Some clouds and sun but supposed to get cloudier...
Need to make some lunch... I am hungry. Not hauling water right now, hoping that we will get some of the rain but if not in the next day or 2, then I will haul some.
Looks like tropical "Fred" is going to come in more west and so should get over and up to us by mid week.
Radar shows you possibly getting more today...

Poultry swap should be 3rd Sat in Sept... I will check out the dates.

Gotta eat...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sitting for a couple minutes. Then going to do the horse.
We have had some dark clouds in the south and in the north, some thunder a couple times, some sun.... 20 drops on the deck... then just now sun again but thunder to the east... looks like they are gettin it north in Staunton, and east towards Charlottesville.... :hit:hit:he:he:he:th:th
Radar showing maybe tonight we will get some, but we are still in the area that the heaviest is looking to stay south and more north... seems like we are right in the middle at the dividing line....

Got the spice cabinet upright and will finish getting it cleaned/scrubbed out. Need to get the wedges under it as it leans away from the wall.... typical of an older house... That gives me more room to move around in the kitchen. Then I can see about getting the kitchen stove inside... and then the cabinet back against the wall that I moved over when I was going to put my bigger older stove in.....the cabinet that was under the little breakfast island that I took out; with the butcher block top that I got to put on it , and did the finish on. That will really help get things to where then I can get around to the cabinets and all in the rest of the kitchen. Past time to get after it.

So took a break and now heading out to the horse. Got to do things in small spurts or I pay for it with the knees...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just an update... went and did the horse... thunder and darker.. but more so to the south and east.... you can see it over to the east in the Blue Ridge mtns where the parkway is and the Appalachian Trail.... it is so maddening to see it and feel the dampness in the air and not get anything. I wish it would just pour down for a bit.... still thundering out there and can see lightning to the south and east also....

Checked on the spring at the nurse cow pasture and it is trickling.... barely. Cattle had just been down to drink, plenty of fresh manure... down to only 6 inches in the trough but everyone was back up in the field.... Going to have to haul at least 100 gal or so tomorrow.... I made sure all the water troughs in the catch pen are under the eves so if it does anything, all the roof run off will go in the troughs. If it gives the calves even a little to drink uninterrupted by the big cows.... I will probably haul 2 loads tomorrow and fill some of the ones in the pen for the calves to be able to get into. If I fill a bunch of them 1/2 full, then if we get anything in the next couple of days, it will just add to it. Going to have DS take a roll of hay in there... it is getting pretty much eaten down to nothing. Bull will be coming out in 2 weeks, and a couple of calves getting weaned... but..... there is nothing for them to eat. Do not want them to start losing weight.... and a few should be calving in Oct too....

My POA brother texted me and asked if the 4 of us kids could each contribute $100 towards a months worth of father going to a horse therapy program. Seems like he is going to some of the senior activities now; since he does not have to stay at the house with mom being gone.... and a bunch went somewhere and there was a horse there and he was brushing and grooming it and made the comment that he sure wished he could ride again.... SO..... brother was looking into it and said that it would be a nice surprise if we could give him 4 weeks - once a week - as a surprise early Christmas present. So I texted him back and said yes... and that I would contribute towards him getting a trip every other week... so he could keep going through til the holidays. Then my sister said that she could also put in some so he could go for more.... it is like $85 for the session and then having to kick in $15 towards the gas as it is 45 min away.... So if we each kicked in $100 he could go for 4 weeks. I said I would kick in $200 a month for the next 4 months... through the holidays... so he could go at least every other week... and if sissy can do the same, or if my other brother would also kick in then he could go weekly. This is what he needs, a reason to get out of the house... and get some strength and muscles working.... there are horse therapy programs here in VA that are for people with disabilities, for all sorts of trauma situations... for people that are crippled...... for even kids with downs syndrome. My one brother is a little skeptical... says what if he breaks a hip... and I texted him back and said yes there was a risk... but he needed a reason to get out and this will help him with his balance, and build strength, and that I sure would rather be out doing something than sit in a chair the house doing nothing...and if I die... well it is my time....

So brother is getting the info and will let us know about payments or whatever. I offered to just guarantee it with a cc payment if they want.... or I will send a check monthly or however they want it. That might use up what I am "saving" .... the difference between my rent and now mortgage payment... but my parents gave up alot for us and although I had to work to support my horse all through school.... they always helped out and encouraged and took us/me to the fairs and horse shows and such.
My father had horses when he was a kid and was the reason I had horses all my teenage and older years. As soon as I get these knees fixed; that is something I want to do again... ride ...... I have given up so much the last 10 years.... and want to have a life again.... I have no intention in going back to things like barrel racing... but I used to love to trail ride and just got too tied up with trying to make a living and the cows and all that.

Yes they are "hay burners" ; but we do have the pasture and I could have one without it costing like it does someone that has to buy all the feed etc.....
Not a priority... but on the back burner....

So ending the day on a positive note... I am sure he will be surprised if we can get it all set up for him....

Going to look at the radar again, but the thunder has stopped/gone east..... :hit :hit :hit :hit