Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Uh Oh... no water.... is the well getting low since we have not had alot of wet weather???? I mean it is a well, but water still has to percolate down through the ground. Maybe the water reserve is drying up??? :barnie:barnie:th:th:hit:hit:hit I did a couple loads of laundry today but it has never been a problem.... Only a trickle out of the faucet... Checked the breakers and flipped them off then on, but they weren't tripped.... not going to deal with it tonight. I have some in the kitchen in a gallon jar to make tea... I will heat some and take a "sponge bath" and see what the morning brings. Not essential enough to bother DS at this hour... Tomorrow....


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
The one time I had no water a few years back I messed around checking all sorts of things. Had power all the way to the "out" side of the shutoff switch. In the end the well guys figured out that one of the wires near the top of the wellhead had arced and fried. WHY it did this, 40+ years after the pump was installed, is a mystery. There was JUST enough slack that they were able to cut that wire and wire nut the 2 ends together. Been good since then.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
We have a well that is a little over 1400 feet deep
I can't imagine having that drilled and waiting and waiting and sweating and waiting and checking the bank account until they hit water at 1,400 feet!!!!!

Did you HAVE to take the city water? If the well is in good shape and the water good, I'd rather not pay the city for their water.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I can't imagine having that drilled and waiting and waiting and sweating and waiting and checking the bank account until they hit water at 1,400 feet!!!!!

Did you HAVE to take the city water? If the well is in good shape and the water good, I'd rather not pay the city for their water.

The well needs a lot of treatment for Sulphur which costs more than the commercial water so there wasn't much of a decision. Our well is in the nuclear emergency file as available water since it is so deep but I sure wouldn't want to drink it but the sheep like it.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
"WELL".... PUN INTENDED.... I had water this morning so I guess it is just low. I am going to be very careful with it...
Took a shower this evening and washed my hair... turned it off in between soaping up and rinsing and conditioner and then me washing.... Flushed the toilet too and it filled up so the "reserve" where the pump sits in the pipe, must be low and it is not filling very fast.
Nope no town/county water available here... If it continues to be a problem I will get the well pump people here and see if they can drop the pump down a bit in the well.... Might see about a cistern so that I can store some and then it can fill/refill it slowly.... cost like 2500-3,000 for a concrete cistern... but that is cheaper than a new well and could have a hand pump added for possible "loss of electricity..."
So, just have to keep an eye on it...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Did PT early, got the special antibacterial soap at the pharmacy, they said for taking showers for the next couple days to kill off bacteria... went and got milk on the way home. Had to go pick up the meters and hoses from the last farm and get things ready to go test. DS called and his father is not feeling well, he thinks that his father is not taking his medicine... he is on the truck at work that puts the "oil " down to put gravel on it on the roads and can not get off so asked if I could possibly go by there and let the chickens out since his father fell yesterday and feels too bad to go out there today... I said that I would go do it on my way to work... it is a little out of the way but not the end of the world... DS was concerned that they had feed and water because his father sounded weak and disoriented... If he would listen to the doctors then he would be alot better off but he gets on a kick and won't take his prescription I guess...
So they were okay, added some water to a few pens but they were okay. There is a neighbor that ex pays to take care of them when he goes to chicken shows and such, and DS got ahold of her and she was going to do normal feeding and lock them in this evening and do them tomorrow too. See how his father is doing. DS says that it is just a matter of time as his father won't eat right and all, and he is not going to be able to stay there by himself if he will not take care of himself... Just one more thing DS has to deal with.

So left there, grabbed some lunch and ate on the way. Stopped by the feed store and picked up a couple of bags of feed to use to get the couple of bigger calves in the catch pen, at the nurse cow field, sometime between now and Sunday so they can get weaned off the cows. Then went to the farm to drop off the meters and bottles for the owner sampler farm. I had talked to the farmer and said that I would be back Thursday morning after the 500+ cow herd down the road... so he could get them tested in the next 2 days so that is fine.

Then headed to the afternoon farm and got there a little early and had time to just sit and relax a bit. About 1/2 to 3/4 hr early. But you never know about traffic and such. We tested and it went well and then did the computer work and finally left there to come home.

Dentist in the morning at 8 a.m. so will get up about 6 or so. Expect to hear from DS sometime about whether we are chopping. I will come home get changed and get the samples packed and it will depend on whether we are chopping or not as to how the rest of the day plays out.
Time to go to bed, I am tired.