Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Taking a few sit down minutes again. Boy, I am aching after testing this morning.
Got the dishes all done, that were in the sink, and on counter... Yeah, they need to get put away... eventually... and if they don't get put away, what difference will it make while I am gone. I am figuring 2 weeks away pretty much....

Made a bowl of pudding so I can eat some.....use up some milk in fridge.... cooked 1/2 the ham steak for lunch and ate some cottage cheese with it. Want to get all the perishables that can go bad out before... Got another 1/2 of the ham steak to eat and 1 chicken breast left. I will stick the chicken carcass in the freezer for future soup.
Moved a few things around to make it easier to get through the DR where everything is still in boxes/stored... Got to put the 2 fans upstairs, from out of the LR window, for the winter. Going to put the hall door on the hinges, here in a few minutes. Got the coffee table in the LR and have to polish it... full of cobwebs and stuff... and then will put the TV over up on it.
Got the samples ready to pack so I can drop them off tomorrow. We have a key to get in the gate at the place that I leave them, because we make the hay on the 4-5 acres behind the building. So they will get dropped off tomorrow aft/eve so they can go out on Monday.
The sun finally came out nicer. It is up to 67 so time to go out and get the rest of the meters out of the truck and put into the storage box I keep them in. Already put some in there but these are the ones from the farm I picked up on Thursday.... Get all the hoses put in the couple of totes I keep them in out of the way. This way if DS needs the little truck for something, the back is empty. Want to go out and do that while it is halfway warm out there...
Laundry to get off the line too when I go out there to do the meters.
The weather is supposed to be warmer tomorrow. So I am going to try to do the lawn tomorrow. It is not life or death if it gets done or not, but it would be nice. Get the tomato plants moved too when I am on the tractor and will try to move it up on the pull behind trailer that I got at Home Depot this summer... since it dumps, I hope to be able to tilt it and then move the tub up on it. We'll see if it will be practical.

Okay, time to get up and going again....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
:thumbsup. Finally. It's here......the last day of waiting !!! :woot:celebrate:love:clap

Tomorrow is NEW KNEES DAY......🥳🤗

Praying for a fast and great recovery time. This might be the best hurt you'll have to experience. After these years of pain, to have none in just a few weeks....WOW! Our bionic farmer will emerge -- watch out cows!! 😊

I'm just so excited for you!!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, counting down..... not looking forward to it but looking forward to it if that makes any sense. No one wants surgery... but..... the ankle fix went so well, so this ought to make life a whole lot better.... trying not to be apprehensive but hey, I am human,,,,so a little bit.....:hide

Meters put away, hoses in carport. Laundry in the house off the line last evening. Samples all packed in the shipping boxes and will drop them off later on. Got the TV on the coffee table where it will be when I get back and then I will figure out hooking up the dvd player and all. Going to vaccuum and then change the sheets on the bed and get the heated mattress pad on it. Got the door back on the hinges in the hallway so can close that off for the heat retention in the downstairs rooms, when I get back.
Moved the dishwasher so it is a wider more easily accessed walkway from the DR to the Kitchen. Will do the last of the dishes up so the sink is cleaned. Got the fans in plastic bags on the stairs to go up into the storage room so they stay clean. Going to get the suitcase out for the clothes I will need to go to the rehab....
I am sure there are things I have forgotten and things I haven't gotten done I wanted to. Have a bunch of bulbs and stuff I wanted to plant that are in the bags and won't get done because I just can't use a shovel. I mean really, I cannot put my foot on a shovel to push down to dig out a shovel full of dirt. So ridiculous..... can't keep my balance on one foot with the other on the shovel either for the pain. GRRRRR:barnie :mad::duc
Maybe when I come back.......
I would never have everything done I wanted to even if I had 2 more weeks....

Sun is out and I will stick the samples on the truck and some bags of garbage to take to the dumpster. Really want to try to get at least the grass mowed around the house and all this afternoon.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Found out tonight that the older of my stepsisters (*) is getting a knee replacement in the near future. I didn't know she had problems but given she is morbidly obese I'm not surprised she's worn it out.

* a whole year older than me, the younger of the older stepsisters is only a month older than me. And yes they are biological sisters. I guess my step mother found out that nursing a baby isn't a form of birth control


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thanks everyone... hoping it will go as good as can be.

Samples dropped off to go out UPS tomorrow. Went to dump with garbage. MOWED the lawn around the front, and the deck to the clothesline area. Got the feed into buckets with lids on the back of the truck since I never did get the couple of calves in at the nurse cow pasture... Bull is still in there too...
Dishes done and even remembered to bring the spider plants in the hanging baskets, onto the porch. Brought 2 in and am soaking them good in the sink so they will last a couple weeks... the house will be cool so no growth... will bring the other 4 in here in a bit. Made the other piece of ham steak and just ate it and finished the open cottage cheese.... will stick the chicken carcass in the freezer. Bed stripped and will go in and get it made. Suitcase out and getting things ready to pack.... since I don't sleep all that good, I figured to stay up until 11 or 12 so maybe I will sleep through the rest of the night til the alarm. Got it set for 5.

DS called and of all places he is at the emergency room, because the neighbor near his father's, took his father there... father has not been feeling real good, and I even went up and let out the chickens the other day when DS asked.... DS's GF went up Friday and took him some groceries, and milk, and said that his father seemed to be feeling a little better. He will not take his medication like he should, he is diabetic now in his older age, and he does not eat and drink like he should. He gets very combative about things when DS tries to talk to him about it. The sad thing is he is so negative about life in general and complains and bit@#*s about every one and everything.... not a nice person to be around much of the time.... That is why I moved 500 miles south 40 years ago.... and had 30 yrs of no contact until he moved down here with his wife, who is now deceased.... He has few friends because he is so hard to get along with.... this is just adding another layer of strain to DS.... his GF is having some serious health issues and DS is concerned about her and rightly so.... my replacements are really the least of his "problems" because it is more or less a "routine surgery" in the scheme of things. And barring a complication, I will be back to "better than good" in next to no time.... his father's problems will not get better and the GF's situation is going to be worrisome for awhile.

All the more reason to get this done and get myself back on my feet and going.....

Going in to water some more plants, get the bed made and run the vacuum on the rug in there so it is clean to come home to.... then get another shower with the special chlorahexidine stuff... supposed to take another shower with it in the morning... better set the alarm for 4:30 as I just don't move so fast... even got the raised toilet seat on, ready to go.

Did not get the tomatoes moved into the greenhouse... I will ask DS if he can do it but if they don't get moved and get frosted the world won't end.

Been a tough day as I was not supposed to take anything today for pain so not even tylenol to take a tiny bit of the edge off... I was crying when I got done with the dishes from just standing there for 10 minutes.... these new knees have GOT TO BE BETTER than this....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Bruce, good luck to your step sister... They told me that if I hit the threshold of "obese" that they would not do the surgery.... I stayed under the limits and my blood counts and all were good ... but I have gained about 7 lbs this year due to the lack of activity and that is because it hurts so much.... I can't wait to be able to walk and hopefully get some real exercise again without hurting so much.