Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday afternoon. It started out cloudy, 33. Stayed cloudy all day and this afternoon we got some showers/lt rain. I went to the bank and then went to Walmart because it was right there. I needed a heating pad because I cannot put the heat on this knee I want. I do not have a microwave so can't heat the "paks" that I have for the freezer.... they are for either heat or cold. While there I did a few other things. Got some material to fix a 3 corner tear that DS put in one of his nearly brand new flannel shirts. Caught it on the tractor door as he was getting out of the cab.... he brought it to me to see if I can fix it and a pair of pants that need a seam resewn. Plus 2 shirts that the button holes are too big and the buttons always pop out.... so I fixed both of those shirts and will maybe get the pants and other shirt worked on this weekend.

So, I came home, got some of the chicken back in the oven to reheat for supper and some broccoli. Put some things in the freezer. I got 12 lg. cans of frozen lemonade for ice tea since I had so much trouble finding them this summer; so getting a "stash" in the freezer to stay ahead. I want to go to the discount store, Smart Shopper, for some other groceries... maybe next week. Their ice cream prices are better and they have alot of stuff you can buy in bulk... but the crappy weather just convinced me to come on home and do it another day.

Talked to a farmer today and she said she wasn't really pushing to test but had called to see how I was doing. But they are selling some cows next week and I said that if I got a little help with set up, I could do it tomorrow so she would have some current milk records and she said that it would be great and that they would help any way I needed. The nice thing there is you walk right into the parlor, no steps to go down into the "pit" like many parlors. Their cow numbers are down to about 140 from 160, and they will help set up and pull the meters and load in the car afterwards... so it will work out pretty good. Plus with her in the parlor, the cow numbers will be right because some of the cows don't have numbers... most are registered and have names.....and she knows the cows. So I will stop at the farm where I get my milk too and get his info and samples for his cows as they get run through with this farm. It will be a long day, but getting me back into the work routine.

So, that is what my day consisted of. Tomorrow we are supposed to warm up and rain in the afternoon.... good day to be in the barn and I can "recuperate" on Sunday.....

Called the dr office and got my appt time changed for my appt in January. 9 a.m. does not work when you have to fight rush hour traffic to get there. So have to be there at noon which is great; same day no less. I have heard that the dr is often late but I can deal with that. Better to not have to try to drive 4 hrs... leaving at 4 a.m. and getting into the traffic there when everyone is going to work, and possibly getting there late and starting off the morning on the wrong foot. I can leave at 7, take my time and if I get there early, have a good book to read, and if he does get held up, no big deal.

Going to go in and see about getting some things rearranged so I can get the sewing machine out and see about fixing these clothes for DS. I am going to get the bottles into the trays for tomorrow's testing, then will get the meters and hoses into the car in the morning. I have to change all the brackets on the meters for this farm, so will do them as I load them in the car so they are done. Hopefully it will be warmer like they say. Knees are feeling the dampness though... going to take something so they don't get to hurting too much. I did a few of the exercises this morning although I was aching from yesterday. Tomorrow I will get quite a bit of "exercise" on them so will not do much in the morning.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Testing that farm, with their help, sounds doable. You'll be tired and achy, as expected...but, it will help you - believe it or not. Your muscle, ligaments, etc, are being retrained. Some are being used that haven't much in years...accommodation during the bad knees going wonky. So long as you don't overdo in next few months, progress is happening. This time next year it will all be just a shaky memory. 🤗

I find heat helps if I have sore muscles, as well as gentle stretching....esp the back. Hope your sleeping better now.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Saturday night. Left around noon after loading all the meters and hoses I needed and the sample bottles. Stopped at the farm I get milk from and got his 5 samples and info on his cows and then went to the farm I was testing. Got there a little early and it took about 15 minutes longer for me to carry in and set up the meters than normal so not a big deal. Testing/milking went good and I didn't have any problems keeping up or anything. Knees didn't hurt to stand. The muscles are a little sore... like when you do more than normal and so you get achy muscles from extra activity. But no spasms, no problems. Guess this was the test. 6 1/2 weeks from surgery. So I think I am ready to get back as long as I don't try to do too many days in a row. They helped me carry meters and all out to the car but I had already unhooked everything in the parlor.

I think it is the "tipping point" @Mike CHS ... seeing alot more stamina and I can do things without the pain and cramping that I had 2 weeks ago. Also, walking more without the cane is giving me alot better balance....Just needed to hit that point I guess. Still some tightness but the heat and Theraworx magnesium foam for muscle cramps and spasms has really helped. Plus taking 2 ibuprofen and 1 tylenol together about 1 hour before testing seems to catch it ahead of the game. Using the 2 together seems to have a synergistic effect too. The one lady PT I have seen the last couple times said she has been reading that it may be more beneficial than just taking one or the other... so I tried it. I don't take much at home anymore either... just when I am going to be out and "pushing" the limit some. Not saying I won't have "bad days" but hope they are a thing of the past for the most part.

I kinda have liked to not "have to" go anywhere. But it will help to have the work income again....Got the propane tank filled the other day....$2.99/gallon..... HOLY COW..... I am going to see about getting a bigger tank this spring/summer and be able to get it filled at lower summer rates.... if it gets any better this next year....

My farm that is 125 miles away called on my way home and wants to test on Wednesday... so I will do them. Have to take the meters to the owner sampler farm on Monday and hope to do the farm up the road from them on Tuesday. It is another double 8 so 16 meters to set up. That is where Geneva has gone back to work full time... But after todays' herd, (double 8 also) I think I will be good to go. Meters to set up, and I will have to go into the barn and down 4 steps into the parlor to set up... but not the end of the world. I will go early, set up, take a little break before the milking time so I don't push it too hard. The hardest will be after milking and all is done, to take everything out when I am more tired.... but I will do it.

There is one more that wants to test next week but no set up there... I am thinking Thursday. Wed herd will be easy, more driving there and back than anything; because they are down to 60 cows...

It got very WINDY this afternoon and some rain came through. Talked to DS and reminded him about the 2 beef to go tomorrow, and he said he was out on calls for work.....trees down on the roads he had to go cut up. We are supposed to have more wind with possible gusts up to 40-50 mph so he is expecting he will be out again tonight. I don't think we got very much rain but will check the gauge in the morning. We had less than .05 from yesterday's showers.

Warmed up some of the chicken and stuffing and had some cranberry sauce with it. Going to go in and take a good hot shower in a little bit. I will bring the samples in tomorrow and get them packed to go out Monday when I go to PT; and get the bottles ready for the other farm to drop off with the meters after PT.
I put my spider plants out on the back deck to get a good rain watering and am going to bring them in as the temp is dropping now into the upper 40's. They don't get as much sun in the house so I like to try to get them out there in the sun when the temp isn't too low... and with the warmth today, the rain would do them some good; even though they didn't get any sun.

Prayers to the ones in the areas that the tornadoes hit... my heart goes out to all that lost property and the ones that lost family members. It is such a horrible mess for them.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I think it is the "tipping point" @Mike CHS ... seeing alot more stamina and I can do things without the pain and cramping that I had 2 weeks ago. Also, walking more without the cane is giving me alot better balance....Just needed to hit that point I guess. Still some tightness but the heat and Theraworx magnesium foam for muscle cramps and spasms has really helped. Plus taking 2 ibuprofen and 1 tylenol together about 1 hour before testing seems to catch it ahead of the game

Woohoo!!!! I know this is what you needed to have....a successful test. In another six weeks you'll be chasing cows at a run. 🤣 🎉🎊👏👍🎉


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Good cold got down to 29 and the wind finally laid down too. BIG change from upper 60's yesterday. The sun is out and is supposed to warm up to the 40's. Crazy swings.

Yes, testing went pretty good yesterday and I felt better about getting out and doing it..... but this morning my muscles are telling me that I did more than I have been doing !!!!! Right knee too... oh well, that is probably going to be the norm for a bit I am sure.

Good thing I brought in the spider plants last night or they would be frozen. I will go out and get the samples out of the car in a bit and bring them in to pack.

Ate an english muffin and had some eggnog(not doctored) for a breakfast teaser; but I will be hungry in an hour so might eat a bowl of hot cereal in a bit. Not going to knock myself out today with the cold. I never did get on the mower with the lawn sweeper as I was thinking. But now the forecast is for warming again this week into the 60's and mostly sun until the end of the week so maybe later on this week. We'll see. Would kind of like to get the lawn cleaned up some. I am going to have some testing several days though, so we will see. Don't guess it will be the end of the world if it doesn't get mowed again.

Got a small single mouse in the trap. Hope that not too many come in but that is sure better than the 6 in 2 days....

My little infared heater in the bedroom quit. I had cleaned off the screen in the back the other day, like you are supposed to, so it runs better as it pulls in the air, and it seemed to be working fine. Then came home and all the lights were off... and so I turned it off with the back switch, left it for a little while, then turned it back on and the back switch light came on but nothing in the front. Had it a couple of years so I guess I can't complain. Some of them you can get a new heating element, but they are real expensive...this was not a real expensive one so I guess I will just replace it. The radiator type ones with the "oil" in them are nice but they take a long time to warm up and cool down and this little infared one will warm a room in 10-15 minutes easily. I like the radiator one for the DR where I don't keep it too high but it keeps the chill off and then the kitchen doesn't get so cold either.

Think I want a nice hot bowl of oatmeal.... then maybe do dishes and go from there.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
You had your tipping point and now you really are on the upswing. It will continue to get better from here. Just being able to live life without all the pain from bad knees is a blessing. I’m so happy for you.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I am going to see about getting a bigger tank this spring/summer and be able to get it filled at lower summer rates.... if it gets any better this next year....
Check with the propane companies to see if you can get on a pre-buy program. 2 years ago I was getting charged about $4.25/gallon. Found out I was eligible for pre-buy (of course THEY didn't tell me, been overpaying for years, thousands of $$). Last year it was about $2.50/gallon, this year I think it is $2.75. Likely cheaper where you are in any case.

Glad the knees are doing their job now :)


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thanks @Bruce ... I will check into that. I do know that they do some sort of a summer/off season discount and I will ask about a pre-buy.... Right now they have 3 guys off with covid so are pushed a bit. I will ask after the holidays when hopefully things calm down. I did get on the monthly automatic fill for this winter since I only have the 100 gal tank. I don't want to have to remember to go out and check it since I am using it for both cooking and the LR "fireplace" heater that also heats the kitchen.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Monday afternoon. I got up and put in the hoses needed for the owner sampler farm and put the samples I packed last night into the car. Got the bottles for the farm and left and dropped the samples to go out UPS on the way to the PT. Met the new PT person and she did a required "evaluation" that Medicare requires at certain points. She says I am doing pretty good... She was impressed with the little "timed test" they have to do. Get up out of a chair, walk 15 ft turn around and walk and sit back down. She said I did very good at it and she was impressed. Did another "measurement" of the degree of bend in the knees and said it was very good. But again, Rob, my usual PT, said from way before that I was not going to have trouble with the degree of bending, it was going to be the straightening and that has proved to be right. I am still a little short of being able to fully straighten the right knee compared to the left. But the ham string seems to be a little better as I keep using heat and using the Theraworx magnesium foam rub on. I try to work it a little every morning while it is still "relaxed" from overnight. Then again during the day I will try to do just straightening when I am standing or whatever. I need to do a little more with leg lifts and such... strengthen the quads and ligaments and tendons overall.

So, I went to the farm, dropped off the stuff for the farmer. Unfortunately I am going to have to make a special trip up tomorrow to get the samples and do the computer stuff because the other farm doesn't want to test until Thursday that is right close. Can't leave them there that long. So I will do some errands and shopping at the discount store on the way home tomorrow; make the trip count and not tire myself out too much.

I came down and went to the farm bureau and got the tires balanced on the car since there has been some shimmying in the front end. They all needed to have the balance weights changed. He said that after sitting for nearly 2 years, having some "flat spots", it took a couple of days of running it for the rubber to "round out" a bit. Hopefully this will help.

In between, I made several phone calls. Got the farm set up for Thursday instead of Tuesday that I would have preferred. Got the other one set up for the following week because he just changed feed and said it will take the cows a week to get back on an even keel with the change. So that was okay. Then talked to another farmer and he said that he was milking this Saturday and could test.... but I told him I didn't know if I was up to being in the barn for 4-5 hours at a stretch yet... I want to get a few more under my belt before I go to test him. He said that was fine, he wasn't in any rush.... but it was a "touch base" type of phone call. There are 2 others I could get done... and 1 other I am going to put off until after the holidays because they are a 2x herd and although it is close, I just hate going there and am in the barn for 4+ hours each milking. So, they are going to have to wait for after the new year. And I will have to do the 500+ cow herd the last week of this month to get them back to their normal schedule... which is normally their time to test. They went 6+ weeks from their test in Oct to Dec first, which was planned, so need to go back to their end of the month test as normal. Got one farm that hasn't called back yet.
So actually I am doing pretty good. If this week of testing goes okay, then I will feel like I am getting back to normal. If I can just get better night's sleep, I will feel like things are where they should be. The last few days have really helped me feel like I am accomplishing things and getting "better".....

Also made a call to the dentist. I had a shadow in the last x-rays just before the replacements, and of course could not get the work done because it was so close to the surgery. So when I was at the dr. appt. I asked and she said that I could get dental work done as long as I took the antibiotics before the appt like I have had to do in the past. So I got an appt, to have the work done, too.
Have my yearly eye dr appt in early Jan also... set up year to year. I do see a little change in my eyes driving at night......
Actually got most all I had on my list caught up. It seems unreal. There is a list for the grocery, but the phone calls and appts are crossed off.

DS's GF goes in tomorrow for the breast cancer procedure; lumpectomy I think, He is not talking about it much except that her mom is taking her in and that he will be there when she comes out, and that he is going to be "on call" for work so he can be home with her for the next few days. He isn't wanting to talk about it so I am not pushing. When he gets like this, it is best I just stay back out of his way. He gets too short tempered and I am not going to put myself in his radar for him to get all bent out of shape over. Sadly he does not do any sickness well and this is beyond his control so he is mad at everyone and everything. One other reason I did not say much to him about the rehab at the time; I did not want to deal with his attitude or anger over some things that could not be controlled and he was obviously dealing with her just being diagnosed even though it turned out to be much "less serious" than they originally said. I am not being included "in the loop"; so I will just sit on the sidelines and keep my mouth shut and be here if he needs me although he has made it clear that they are "more his family" than I am lately. Whatever.....I do hope for her sake that it is successful and goes even better than they expect. He has made it clear that she will be unable to do any lifting or anything..... I expect that her time at the farm will be very limited or non-existent. But I expect I will be getting back to doing stuff here shortly..... carefully..... but I will be able to do some hay feeding and all with the truck, so hope that he will get off his snit and start letting me go back to being a working partner in the farm.
This is going to be an eye opener for the daughter since GF waits on her hand and foot. Might make this kid start being a little more considerate of her mother and start doing more of her fair share around there. She does nothing unless asked...has no set chores or anything....does not even get up and get her own drink out of the fridge if her mother is there.....Not my place to say anything.

Well, I warmed up some chicken and stuffing and had cranberry sauce with it. Also some of the pudding I made... no sorry @Baymule , it was not chocolate, it was vanilla this time. Last 2 times it was chocolate.

Got to put away some folded clothes. Going to get sample bottles in the trays for later in the week.

Got another mouse..... :th


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