Farmerjan's journal - Weather

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I hope all goes well for the GF, as I'm sure you do! But yeah, DS has to just have you "be there" when he decides it's time to share. I'm sure he's stressed right now with recovery from both parents and work and farm. Only he can sort some of it out. But your doing well is certainly good for both of you. It's life, right?

Hopefully her family will be there to help her at home some of the time.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It was 36 and already up to 50 at 9:30 a.m. Sun and nice looking out. I just put some clothes in the washing machine, and will hang them in a bit. The next 3 days are supposed to be pretty nice so going to take advantage and hang some clothes.
I will have to work Wed and Thurs but will try to do some stuff around going to the farms and get a few things done outside. Rain.....wet weather coming in for the weekend then temps are supposed to drop so I would like to do a few things outside. Today will be a good start since I only have to go to get the samples at the farm today which is sorta a wasted trip... but occasionally I just can't get the farms lined up. I might not take the printer and all, I can drop off the printed reports tomorrow on my way to the farm that is 125 miles away. It is only a mile or so off the interstate so not really out of my way and will make it alot easier to not drag the printer out today. Or I might go on and take it so I don't have to stop tomorrow... see how I feel later when I make the trip....
In fact, I may not even go do any grocery shopping today so I don't have to give up a nice day outside. There is not anything I "have to have"..... maybe do it on the way home from testing on Thurs since it will be dark by the time I get done. I hate that I have to give up the bulk of the afternoon on Thurs since it is supposed to be in the upper 60's....

Another reason to think about "retiring".....hating to have to "go to work" when I want to be here and do other things... and when it gets cold out and I just don't want to have to go to a farm to test when I want to stay home in the warmth and out of the crappy weather....

Ate a big bowl of oatmeal, and going to get some things done.

I do hope that GF family will help. Her sister will do what she can and her mom is a nice person and will do what she can but she works full time. Father does not deal with "problems".... he's one of those men that doesn't do feelings or relate to women well...... But this is going to be a big wake up call for the daughter. I hope the procedure goes good and that the prognosis is good. It is going to be a tough situation and unfortunately GF gets so wound up over things... one of those that drama is a way of life. She has had a lot of things that were pretty horrible happen to her, but cannot get past so many things and it makes life a constant drama..... I am hoping she will look at this with a positive attitude and believe it is something she can get over....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Another reason to think about "retiring".....hating to have to "go to work" when I want to be here and do other things... and when it gets cold out and I just don't want to have to go to a farm to test when I want to stay home in the warmth and out of the crappy weather....

Oh, yes! Work gets in the way. But seasonally I'm so slow that I only work an aver of 4-5 hrs a WK now. Almost retired! That will end about feb.

I did get the new battery back in the tractor and used it. They didn't even check it, just handed me a new one and receipt so the 3 yr warranty could start on this one. 😁 It was only 10 months old. Cold seemed to be the clincher on a defect. 🤷

am hoping she will look at this with a positive attitude and believe it is something she can get over.
This could be most positive thing for her. Doesn't sound like she'll go that route tho.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
DS called and said that GF went into surgery late because the doctor had to do more on the one previous to hers. But she is out, on her way home and he said she is doing good. Doctor said it went very well and she should be pleased with the results. DS said she said she felt pretty good... but that she might still be under the effects of the anesthesia... I think that is probably right. Tomorrow will tell a little better. So for her sake, I hope she does not have alot of pain. She will start radiation treatments in January he said... she has to heal some... I guess the incision.

I didn't go to the farm because I am going to go right by it tomorrow, so decided I was not going to make 2 trips in the same direction. I will leave here early enough to allow for an hour there to do the computer work, and then go to the other farm. I will take the printer with me in the morning to print out the stuff too, and just do it in one trip.
I did 2 loads of laundry and hung them; got a 3rd load in now and will hang it in the morning. It was a real comfortable 62 degrees and no wind today, sunny and nice. Tomorrow supposed to be about the same and then Thursday warmer and maybe partly cloudy. I will bring the clothes in Thursday before I go to that farm to test. I have some stuff to drop off in the dumpster on the way tomorrow morning too... and all according to when I am coming home, I might go to the discount Sharp Shopper...

Pretty achy from PT yesterday. Trying to do some of the stretches on the right knee. It cramped up last night and I finally took a muscle relaxer that must've worked enough to at least let me get some sleep. Might just take it tonight after my shower if it even starts to get tight. Seems like after a full day it just starts to knot up in the ham string up the back of the knee..

Put potatoes on tonight to make mashed potatoes. They are good..... Stripped the last of the meat off the chicken carcass and put it in a pot and cooked it down for broth.

Got the sample bottles in the tray for tomorrow and printer ready to go out in car. I will shut the computer down and put it out there in the morning. I don't need it at the next farm I am doing so this will be the only farm I have to take it with me for. In fact, most of the rest I do on the farmers' computers. A couple of farms I do a jump drive exchange with, so I use my computer so I can upload at home, but I don't take the printer or do any of that because they have all the info transferred back to their computers. I do that because those couple of farms don't have internet connections in their barns to upload to the main computer system. I will do an exchange on Thursday on his computer...

So time to quit for the night. Didn't do as much as I wanted today but I did get another box unpacked and all the pot lids and stuff in it washed, and in the dish drainer to put away as soon as I figure out where I am going to put them. Might watch a movie so I can chill out then go to sleep????


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
So for her sake, I hope she does not have alot of pain. She will start radiation treatments in January he said... she has to heal some... I guess the incision.
No personal experience with this (me or family ;) ) but I would think the surgery she had wouldn't cause too much pain. I suspect radiation, and chemo if needed, will be a much bigger hit. I hope she does well.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
The lumpectomy surgery will be painful like any surgery, and if she has a lumpectomy as well (to check the stage of the cancer) that will be another incision in the armpit. For me the most painful part was when they removed the drainage tube since they don't give any anesthetic for that.

The radiation will not be painful but will be exhausting. And there is the possibility of radiation burns in the radiated area. Wearing a bra was too painful, instead I wore a silk long underwear shirt while doing radiation. The worst part of radiation is in the future when several years down the road the radiated tissue hardens and draws up. You often get pain in the radiated tissue off and on years later.

I did both. 6 months of chemo first and then radiation. I actually overlapped the radiation over the last 2 months of the chemo because I had kidding season starting and needed to be home for that. Had to prevent the kids from nursing after birth. It was hard, but it worked out. I needed someone to drive me to radiation but not to chemo. I would fall asleep on the way home from radiation and my mom who hadn't lived in LA in 40 years would get lost because so many changes and so much new building. She would wake me up to tell her where we were! :lol:

Hopefully she will recover soon. The worst part of cancer treatment is the emotional stuff. Just hearing the C word makes you sure you are going to die NOW. Can she get some counseling for that? Also have her mom or sister check with the hospital about support groups. They can help. Or hinder - my mom and I went to one and one of the women was so negative she kept telling the rest of us that we would never recover, would never get back to what we had been doing, etc. We did not go back to that group and I told the person running the group that it was a bad idea to let that person have that much time to totally depress the rest of us. LOL

BTW, the survival rates when they catch it early are much better than they were. I am almost 20 years clear. Stage 2.

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