Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Mini Horses Being a true friend, we are keeping the snow/ice particles here for now... It is really nasty out there. It started with light rain late Sunday night, like 10-11 p.m. Then harder rain, then got colder and transitioned to icy pellets and snow, somewhere around 3-4 a.m.. And the wind started really blowing... Has had blowing ice/snow, and miserable out there since.
It is nearly 8 a.m. and the snow is blowing like crazy and you can barely see much of anywhere. I have not been out other than the front porch and would say there is 4 inches on the ground and it is really coming down. It looks like @Mini Horses is getting alot of rain over that way; and it looks like this stuff is going more NNE than East so don't know how much of the snow she will get. The indoor outdoor thermometer is saying 28 and it is on the front porch... open but still a little protected... The snow has blown in on the porch on everything that is stacked there.... some is covered with the tarp.... it is really really blowing right now.
What a switch from yesterday's weather and temps. It doesn't look like they have done much on the road here... I imagine the interstate and the main roads are taking all their attention and time. I have seen a couple of trucks go down the road. I have no where to go and don't intend to go out even to let the chickens out of their crate for awhile. They have some room in the crate and they certainly aren't going to die of starvation for a few hours.

What a difference 24 hours makes..... WINTER is here with a vengeance....supposedly it is going to end by 10-12 and then sun coming out and warming into the low 40's so maybe even a little melting. I was going to go get milk today, but still have over a half gallon so will be fine for another day.
It sounds like hurricane winds out there blowing....

Made myself a cup of hot cocoa and am going to read a book for awhile. I did all the dishes up yesterday except the gallon jars that had been rinsed so they will get done in awhile. Need to think about doing another chicken, using the oven and warming up the house later on. Maybe even get out the vacuum and doing some house cleaning???? I am sure I will find something to occupy my time. Just hoping we don't lose our power with this wind...

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I've got the heavy winds, rain gabatch....snow still north and west but coming! They say expect colder and snow after lunch. 41 now, been dropping fast. Yep, I'm inside!!

Expecting maybe an inch or two of white...after 2-3" of rain. Gonna be a mess!!! If temps stay cold all night, prob some slick roads tomorrow. VDOT was loading up for this yesterday morning. Already snow maybe 60 miles out....

Guess it had to happen sometime. 😔🙄


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It is looking like we will be out of the snow by 1-2 p.m. It is blowing hard and there is 2 inches or more covering everything on the porch... It will be a mess to clean up and as soon as it stops I will have to go out and brush the snow off the boxes that aren't tarp covered. Note.... have to get another tarp to cover rest of stuff.
House is chilly with the wind too. Gas fireplace heater is running quite a bit and I am going in now to see about making the stuffing for the chickens and get them in the oven to cook. That will help heat things up. The stove is electronic ignition, so once I get the oven on, it will run if we lose the electric. The burners I can light with a match but they said I could not light the oven that way. So I am going to get it on, let it stay at very low until I am ready to cook.
We have had the lights flicker twice with this wind... It is cold out with the wind. Temps right at 28.

Got the oven lit, did all the gallon jars and everything else that needed washing so that is done. Got out a big bowl to make the stuffing for 2 chickens...


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
It is off at DD1's BF's place near Lake Anna. He's got electric baseboard heat, nothing else. Apparently about a foot of snow. I hope they take DW's advice and shut off the water and drain the pipes.

And right up your alley of complaints that the big producers shove the small ones out of business Jan.
Biden offers $1B for small beef producers.