Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I read the post you referred to @Bruce .... I want to see some actual plans before I get too enthusiastic, but if there is some help then it will be very nice. It was very vague.... Part of it is going to be looking at and changing some of the "rules" that make it financially impossible for a small business to be able to put into practice all the requirements that they have enacted over the years. Making small slaughter houses to put in certain equipment that basically is not practical for that size operation... to not allow farmers to sell certain products; in state or across state lines without USDA certification... when many of the state inspections for plants are actually stricter but do not cost the small guy a small fortune to implement...

They actually did get more snow a little north and more into the center of the state than we did. We wound up with about 6-8 inches here... but the wind blew so hard it was very very hard to measure....
It started as rain Sunday night, changed to snow...icy pellets of rain/snow... then to all snow and it fell fast. By noon it had passed us, the sun came out but was windy and cold all day. and looks like @Mini Horses did not get hit with much snow.
The temps dropped to 15* here last night on the porch... DS said he had 9*. The sun came out and the roads were melting what little there was on them. Got up to 40* today so was nicer. No wind thank goodness. We did not lose our power, but it was hard to keep the temps in the house up with the awful wind...

So, I rescheduled the big farm from this morning to tomorrow (WED) morning. DS had to work all night again and could not help at the farm. Tomorrow he will come and help and then leave to go to work so will only lose about 1-2 hours. I will stay and finish up the herd.... then come home and pack the samples.
Finally got the samples sent out UPS today from the other day's test.

Went to PT today for the first time in the pool since I had the replacements. Boy, my legs felt like wet noodles this afternoon. Really working on the muscles/tendons/ligaments... WOW..... But it was good in the long run. Wish I had access to a pool a couple times a week. Stopped on the way home and paid the electric bill at the bank.

So then after I got home, got on barn clothes, insulated overalls, and went to the barn. DS had gotten the group across the driveway to recheck, and all the other cows in the barn. We separated the calves from the cows to make it faster to run the cows through. The group that was left in the "due to calve field" were almost all open. Since some were checked several months ago... 2-3 months, they should have been pretty far along. NOPE... nearly all were open... and so after we got done with all the cows and the vet had left, we went through and made a few decisions and half will be sold. Some of the young ones got run out back with the ones with the small calves, and will get a 2nd chance. Several will just get culled.
The ones he moved home on Saturday, with spring calves, were much better. There were about 13-14 in that group. Only 2 open and one is getting another chance and one is definitely getting sold.
The one that came from the nurse cow field that was in heat is open, so she will get sold. Her calf is a year old. I am not sorry to see her go. The one that didn't milk much is only 40 days bred... she ought to be in the 7 month range as her calf is over a year, so she will go because of her being a poor milker. If she was a long time bred and close to calving she would have gotten a 2nd time but not if she could not even breed back. The little one that lost the tiny calf is 5 months so she will be a spring calver and get a 2nd chance.

Not planning to sell any calves (heifers) this week now. I am glad. And now the weather forecast is for more possible snow coming this Thursday night...which might mean that he won't even ship these cull cows this week. One reason that he is not going to ship heifers, besides the weather... is there are still more heifers at another place that might match up and make some bigger groups. Some of the heifers in this group of 13 he just brought home, are really flighty/high headed acting. So I think he is thinking to not keep too many of them.

With all the open ones, selling them will give him a little money towards maybe buying a few breds or cows with calves. Several of the open ones are mine too, and one is a young cow that raised one nice calf and has not gotten bred back with 2 different chances with 2 different bulls. Can't figure out why she wouldn't breed back but not going to give her any more chances. Out of a nice cow of mine.... Vet said nothing wrong feeling inside her.

So tomorrow morning I will leave by 3 or so to be in the barn to set up their samplers so they can start milking at 4:30. Got the boxes of bottles in the truck already. DS will drive separate so he can leave and go to work. I will come home and pack samples after I stop and get a brake light control that DS said is worn out as it sorta works when he wiggles it... and stop and get milk on the way home. Wasn't going out there yesterday and didn't have time today. With more snow in the forecast now for Thursday night , I want to get milk so I have it. I have a PT appt for Friday morning but we will see what the weather does. Might not get there.

So I am going to get going. Ate a bowl of french onion soup and some rice I had made. Have some tapioca pudding I am going to eat for desert. Then headed into the shower and then getting some sleep for tomorrow.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Wednesday morning. Been a long one but done testing and home. They are up to nearly 530 cows in the parlor. They are at their upper limit for feed bunk and free stall space. Normally they run 490-510 through but right now they are really full. And they have 100 due to calve in the next 2 months... some will be going dry too, but that is way way more than they can handle. They did sell about 20 to another dairy farmer I know... and I called a farmer I test for who was looking for about 5 cows since he has culled a bunch here lately; that he ought to contact them. On top of it, the cows are averaging 98 lbs of milk a DAY. There were several that made 70-80 lbs of milk this morning.... That's like 9-10 gallons just this morning.... This farm is cutting edge efficient. Sad thing is the cows are just numbers though. Still, they are able to make this farm profitable with the production. Costs are higher because of the increased feed input and higher costs of the grain and concentrates they need to get the cows to produce this much milk....but they do a very very good job with managing these cows for profitability; as well as keeping up on top of their health and reproductive condition.

Got down to 21 last night. Cloudy and is up to 38. The snow is melting a little bit. We should warm a little more and some sun this afternoon but not alot. Tomorrow is supposed to be cloudy and looks like snow coming in late afternoon/early evening. They say with the colder temps it will be an all snow event here. Depending on who you listen to 3-6 inches seems to be the accepted amount. Then temperatures plunge with windy conditions... and by Sat morning we are looking at possibly low single digits..... BRRRRR🥶🥶. Forgot to take the extra milk bucket this morning so will get the samples packed and then go get milk. Then I can sit in if we get the snow and not have to go anywhere.

DS said he is not going to ship the cull cows this week either. The bad weather and real extreme cold normally will cause prices to drop a bit and it the weather is crappy, there will be fewer buyers. Said he can feed them for a week at the barn rather than lose more money. Suits me.

Got to go out to the chickens in a few minutes. Carried all the sample boxes in so I can get them packed. Then I need to look at my calendar and see about calling some farms to see about setting up testing for next week. Back to the real world and back to a work schedule....


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
but if there is some help then it will be very nice. It was very vague
Of course it was, it came from DC!!! ;)

But at least there is some interest in righting this wrong. I'm sure if anything gets through Congress it would look nothing like any detail that could have been provided initially.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
This big herd is really pretty good except that they milk fast and there are alot of cows. Problem mostly in getting coordinated with help. At least no meter set up... just the samplers and they pull them off later after washing. Didn't hurt to stand like it used to, but legs/knees got tired... 5 hours in the parlor. DS stayed until they got in the "lame cows"... and I told him to go ahead and go to work... I got all the samples from them and also had to write down all the numbers of the "bucket" (fresh, treated or mastitis problem cows).... they come in last and I do not sample them but have to write them down so I can make sure they are in the computer. He left at about 9:10 and I got done and left about 10.....
Got samples packed, dropped off and went and got milk. Plan to be able to stay put after eye dr appt tomorrow and a couple of errands. Don't know if I will go to PT on Friday... will depend on the forecast snow. Not supposed to get up to freezing on Friday. Peeled and put a pan of potatoes on to make mashed potatoes a little bit ago... I cooked the 2 chickens with the stuffing Monday.... But not fully... put mine in and heated it and finished cooking and browning and just ate some. Will send the other one home with DS tomorrow and have GF to put it in and finish cooking and browning it, and she will be able to reheat the mashed potatoes to go with it. I am sure that DS is going to have to go in to work at either 8 or midnight after they see how the front comes in.... I will try to send it home with her sometime during the day I guess....

So, I am going in to take a shower and get off my knees. Have to be @ eye dr at 9 so have to get up and get going in the morning...

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Ahhhhhh, cold day and oven cooking. 😁. My kind of day. We're looking at colder but no snow... maybe slight dusting friday. Some more rain and I don't need either! It's been a fairly normal winter, so far. A few off days but, ok.

My winter work is not only short hours but also light work. Yesterday did audits/ orders for things like phones, the prepaid gift cards, air filters for HVAC units, greeting cards, etc. A lot of driving between stores. Yes, pd drive time and gas per mileage. Worked yesterday, will do half day today, then prob off a week or so. Big pick up on portal beginning the next 30 hrs vice 10. 🤣. Flexibility! Like your farms, feast or famine. But it works if you schedule it. We are luckier than a 9-5er!! BTDT! 😁

Rest up! Your legs being tired will improve...already is! The no pain to stand is a blessing. After those soft tissues catch up, you'll be laughing in the parlors!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thursday eve..... just love the yearly eye dr appt with the dilated eyes.....GRRRR. Appt went pretty good. Made a minor change to prescription..... and suggested that if I have trouble threading the needle.... as I told him when I was sewing DS's buttonholes closed.... to get a pair of the lowest number of "drug store" reading glasses. Said that it would not be beneficial to try to do my regular glasses to cover that much diversity of distance to reading. I take them off for reading, and for things like the computer and all. But the sewing needle was just a little blurry when I went to thread it..... Said all the pressures, blood vessels, cornea, etc looked real good. So done for the year... next appt in Jan 2023.... and I will get a new pair of glasses one of the next few weeks and keep these for barn work. I try to keep one pair for barn stuff... and one pair for "good".

Then, went to Advance Auto and got the brake light switch. Then went into Walmart so that I wasn't out in the "brightness".... then went to the discount grocery and got a few things. Then went to the newly opened TSC near the discount groc... and found an oil filled radiator on sale....all heating stuff is on sale... guess they think the heating season needs are done????....And then they had another discount at the register so basically got it for just a little over half price.....and picked up a cute milk can shaped light switch cover and a set of kitchen towels... considered holiday seasonal stuff... at 75% off....
Then went to Lowe's right up the road, and looked at sinks and picked up a few more african violets on sale. They had about 1/2 their flowers still, and many dead flowers... One has white flowers that are edged in green... it is very different and rather pretty....a couple have double blossoms.

Found one sink that is molded right into the counter top. Just a rough estimate would cost me around 500 for the sink and counter top with the counter top 48" long.... interesting. Also this company offers a countertop in "butcherblock" that is supposed to be water and scratch resistant.... I didn't look into it too close as the guy who had looked up the other stuff was getting off and I didn't want to hold him up... but I was looking at about $62/sq foot for the molded counter top with the cost of the sink about $250 added.... It was a single sink that was pretty good sized..... I was looking for just a rough estimate and all. Not sold on it but something that can be considered. Different colors and such available... some more expensive than others. Was going to look at more but was getting to the point of I needed to quit for the day.
By then, I was getting tired and legs starting to ache. I only used the ride on shopping cart in the discount grocery store to take a bit of a break....

Came home and got everything in the house and cold stuff put away. Then went out and locked up the chickens. Looks like one is trying to moult... No eggs again. Not sure if they just don't like the feed I switched them to.

Then I heated up the chicken wings off the one I baked, heated some mashed potatoes and had some cranberry sauce with it.

Was sitting here at the desk and heard a little scratching sound and opened the bottom desk drawer and there was a mouse trying to dig into a bag I had in there..... DA#@ little basturd......jumped out the top when I pulled the drawer I cleaned out the drawer stuff... and put a sticky trap in there... SORRY SOB..... haven't gotten any in the kitchen traps in maybe 2 weeks. Haven't touched the peanut butter on them either.:barnie

I am going to go put the new "radiator heater" in the other room since it is supposed to get down to the teens and single digits. Want to keep the temps a little more moderate especially when it gets to blowing out there so hard.

Tomorrow is PT if the weather co-operates. Haven't talked to DS but I am thinking he would have to be in by 8 tonight since the rain was supposed to start at 7 or so, then changing quickly to snow as the temps drop. Full on snow before 10 and ending pretty early, like at 4-5 a.m. Still hasn't started to do anything here, and the updated forecast is for only maybe up to 3 inches now. Temps are starting to drop though... and the wind is supposed to pick up with wind chills to be near 0 in some areas. 🥶:th:ep.

It's 9 and I am quitting for the evening.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday afternoon. It was COLD this morning, but the saving grace was it was not windy. Got down to 16 here. Got up to 35 for a little bit when the sun hit the recording thermometer sending unit hanging on the porch, but has been in the 28-30 range otherwise. There has been melting though with the sun fairly strong on the roads and all.
We got about 3 inches of snow out of it. Light, fluffy, just brush it off the truck snow. I cleaned it mostly off, started the truck and in 10 minutes when I needed to leave, it was getting warm inside.

Went to PT, some ice on the side roads but main routes were pretty good. Went okay, a little sore, and we did some "agility" stuff on a "1/4 ball" thing that was like doing a balance on a wobbly board. But it helps with balance and stuff. Quads are feeling it a bit... and I need to keep working on them. But over all, it was okay. I just came home from there, and let the chickens out into the greenhouse... still no eggs. No signs of them eating any either. Oh well... it could be the change of feed and the weather. They don't eat very much either....

Came in the house and worked on going through some mail. Emptied the dish drainer. Made sliced chicken breast sandwiches for lunch. Texted a couple of farmers about testing. Just all those little things that take time and are a pain to do. Been on the computer with the new bank account I opened that is the local bank. Trying to get the online access set up. Sorted through some mail that I need to sit and write some notes for.
Have some paperwork that came from the state of NH concerning the estate that is a PITA to get things set up for online filings and all.... BUSY WORK kind of stuff. Now it is after 4 p.m. and I will go out to lock in the chickens shortly. I am also going to dump what water is there is because of the extremely low temps expected tonight. I will carry out hot water tomorrow since I walk slow it will be just warm by the time I get it into the waterer. Then it might be okay overnight since the temps are supposed to moderate; with some rain/mix on Sunday night. We are supposed to get a little warmer temps but still mostly in the low 20's up to maybe 40 during the day. Pretty typical.

Opened the kitchen door and left the glass storm door shut tight. The sun coming in through it was warm. I was sitting in the chair here in the LR and the sun coming in through the window actually made it feel warmer where the sun hit. Part of it was that there was only a very slight breeze a few times today.

We have to get the car down to the garage... they said they couldn't begin to get to it this past week with all the road calls and break downs. Plus, one of their 2 big flat bed car haulers blew the engine and they are working on getting that torn apart.... that is a big engine and a big job and they need it back asap for the business.... I get it.

Getting a little dark out there so going to go out and do the chickens while I can see.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Overcast thIs morning, sunshine this afternoon. Windy, so colder!! But nothing fell from the sky. 😁 Most of day, animals in barn or nearby. I sure know why!!!! I'm off all week but hard to work outside with the wind. It'll ease off soon.

One day I need to go pick up my new glasses! Tough schedule. 🤣🤣

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