Farmerjan's journal - Weather

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Haven't seen your posts in a while -- catching up. SO, the forum "system" will mark your thread "watched" once we read time or two. I "unwatched" then hit "watch" so I could get email notices!!! NOW I can see you are alive and posting :D

Knowing that it is an area wide -- weather condition -- problem is a little easier to swallow, than thinking it is you. Still doesn't pay the bills


Old joke... what would a farmer do if he won a million dollars??? Farm til it was gone.....:hide:hide

Kina like how to make a million $ in horses -- start with $5mil.

I plan to do a yard sale or flea market or two this coming year with some of the "stuff" that I really don't need. I am a "hoarder" and really need to clean some stuff out. Another good project for crummy wet and cold days.

Me, too. Except it's really a frugal thing -- you might need it later. :D =D No need to buy 2X. My yard sale didn't happen.

I realize that these are not the only areas that grow crops. But it is a significant contributer to our some of our food crops and to the crops for animal feed. Plus so many are out of their homes, and businesses have been flooded out. All these things support the farmers out there. It is going to be a very difficult year for this country. The thing that concerns me is what might happen if our weather does something screwy and we get dry into the summer. This flooding will not just affect us this year, but will affect things alot further down the road.

We don't do it for the money, we do it because we love what we do. And we are normally the most optimistic people in the world.... we are always looking for next year to be better... this may break more people than you realize.

I am with you on the devastation and the general consumer, heading to Kroger, does NOT get it!! Those who farm, even the backyarders who care and research, KNOW the weather is going to hurt us....many just don't realize how much. It's a domino effect and you have pointed that out very well.

Many do not realize how much Ag there is in VA!!!! While we have had dismal weather, it hasn't been the destruction of flooding out west. We have had our share. Many of the western farms will not recover, those that do, years off. The contamination is often not thought about, or the trickle down.

Where I live, 20 yrs ago a hurricane and the run off into our rivers, flooded the little town of Franklin... 5 miles from me. There were grain bins ruptured, hog farms under water, etc. I can attest to the very issues you mention and the losses suffered. One day a thriving farm/business, next day all GONE!

Our own food and the animal feeds will go up in price!! The QUALITY will be compromised. Everyone who is able to raise their own will be blessed to have their own sources. I have a hay producer on my road, a 40 acre field across the street, plus a farmer who will sell me his locally raised & mixed grains only 30 miles away...& he also has hay. I will certainly be supporting my local farmers!! It is tough out there!!!!!!!!!!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
As most of you who even somewhat follow me, I have been "off the radar" mostly for awhile. Thank you to all concerned.

My trip up north was difficult emotionally. My mom is much worse than I thought and my father has not helped in some ways. He is a "control freak" and this he cannot control; so he is controlling what he can and I do not believe has made the best decisions. But, again, I am not consulted and my opinion does not seem to carry any weight. She is not being neglected at all, so I am not criticizing there. He has 12 hr help during the day, and she is no longer mobile, so does not have to worry about possible wandering like with so many dementia patients. They get cooked meals and she is physically clean and well taken care of in most respects. BUT, he has not allowed the physical therapy that I believe she so badly should have been getting, because it was "too hard on her" and such. Talking to him has gotten no where. I have a brother who is there alot and he also does not seem to believe she needs some of this. It is not going to change.
I offered: my words were do you want me to "completely retire" and move up there to help?. I got a well, I don't know. I'm doing this and your brother is doing this and that.....; and I cannot deal with this brother. None of the other 3 of us can deal with him. So I again offered to come up and stay after talking it over with my son when I got home. No response other than how the finances are affecting them. There is some money that will see them through for several years if she lasts that long. But, honestly, I am hoping that at this point that she does not because she has gone even further into decline since I was there. My sister was up again 2 weeks ago. Now she is not at all mobile, and cannot seem to say anything. I believe she recognized me and when I hugged her and told her I loved her before I left, she did tell each of us, both my sister and I, "I love you". But now they say she doesn't talk at all and cannot get out of the chair and they use the wheelchair in the house to take her from bedroom to living/dining area and such. She is on a pureed diet, because swallowing is very difficult. My father will not consider any other accommodations for her, even though physically he cannot help much due to needing both knees replaced and a nearly useless shoulder that he will not "go under the knife" to have fixed. Again, a control issue with him.
I tried to talk about how important the physical therapy was to keep what strength she had, but he refuses to "subject her to it" when she "can't do it".
Now I understand that she sleeps more and more. Doesn't say anything. She has no quality of life and it is breaking my heart to see her just waste away like this. My father will be devastated when she goes. He is determined that she will stay there because he promised her to not put her in a "home"; yet it is breaking him for her to be there. Emotionally and physically and financially. I do not have any answers and cannot get him to see anything else.

I would hope that my mom knew who I was, and knows how much I love her. I hope somewhere the almighty being above understands that I am not cruel or uncaring, but that I want him to take her and spare her the continued indignity, and the constant pain and stress that my father is going through. There does not seem to be any way to "help" him that he will accept.
When my mom's mother had a stroke at a very young age of 59, my mom watched her in the hospital for several days, and the doctors told her that if she even survived it, she would be a veritable "vegetable". I was a senior in high school. Mom said that her mom would never want to just exist. She was a very active person before that. My mom said that she was relieved when grandma passed a few days after that because she could not dream of anyone wanting to just exist without "living" life. My mother's greatest fear was to be like her mother and have a stroke at a young age. Once she got past that age and into her 60's she seemed to get past it. But when my niece died at 17 from an infection in her heart after battling and seemingly beating leukemia, that had been diagnosed and was responding perfectly to treatment, the heart went out of her from burying her youngest granddaughter. She never responded to her other grandchildren the same way and seemed to pull into herself. I think that she is just tired and has pulled into herself and no longer wants to live. There are other factors, but I really think she doesn't want to be here anymore. Added on top of the dementia, it is very sad.

There have also been several other things here. I went on another cattle forum a few times, but have not been very active on it either. It has been alot to process. We also have lost a few friends/neighbors/and a business assoc in the last couple of weeks. And then this past Friday, there was a horrific explosion at a small neighborhood gas/convenience/grocery that has taken the life of several that my son was very good friends with. The details/names have not been released yet, but we know that the owner, his son, and adult granddaughter, as well as another were lost and it has taken the wind out of everyone's sails. The son played ball on my son's softball team; he stopped there often when going to the farm in Buena Vista, where we keep cattle, plus would go by there and get a hot dog or cold cut sandwich often at lunch time when in that area. It leaves the owners wife, and all the fractured family members. My son was called with VDOT to block the roads on Friday, then worked all friday night keeping traffic away, and helping secure the scene for investigators and those having to preform recovery operations. Now there will be funerals and grieving family and friends to try to be there for. There are no official reports, but it is thought that the explosion that leveled the building was possibly caused from the recent delivery of gasoline. The videos and pictures are unbelievable. Out in the middle of "nowhere" at a crossroads admidst farm fields and a little community.

So I apologize to all who were wondering where I was. I just haven't had the heart to "chat" about day to day life, and now this has just made me realize that we really do need to keep up with our "friends"; whether they are in person live, or on here. Life is fragile, and precious.
In between, we have sold some steers, did decent on them, and have been trying to calve out the rest of the "spring" cows and get them moved out to grass. We have been dealing with rain at least every 3-4 days, and it is again raining today. The forecast says we will be clearing out and that it will be mostly sunny for the next 5 days.....

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I'm so sorry you are going through this. I can relate to the majority of it and don't have many words of wisdom other than to say you are thought of here whether you are on or not. It is so easy to get overwhelmingly frustrated when you have somebody like your father to deal with on top of everything else.