Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Both of my parents are gone. It was a sobering thought to suddenly realize that I was the "old" generation. Yours is a tough situation. You live too far away to visit much, you want to help, but it doesn't sound like your help is wanted. The important thing is that your Mom knew you and knew you were there. She told you that she loved you. Cherish that memory and the many other memories that you have.

Why life backs up a dump truck to dump everything at once on a person is beyond me. As if one thing isn't bad enough, here comes more, and more even yet. So much sadness, pain and despair. You are right, life is fragile and precious. It goes a lot easier when you have good friends who love you, and we all do. We can't make any of it go away, but we can be here for you. The heart just sorta went out of you, overwhelmed by all of it hitting at once. Big hugs.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I so feel your pain & confusion. Watched my mom go thru all this and I can say, she will be "taken home" sooner than later. It is heart wrenching. We are all here for you in spirit and love and caring. You have done what you can and will be allowed to do.
There is help there. Retiring & going there will not work, it appears. Besides, your mom would not want that. :hugs:hugs

I am so sorry for your family issues and the recent friends you have just lost. It is hard to accept. Our prayers are with you.:flypig


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thanks to everyone "being there". I do appreciate the thoughts and friendships..
Nothing new to report, no changes that I have heard. My sister said she will talk to me in the next few days but has been swamped with work and stuff.
There was a "community gathering" for the 3 generations and the friend, that was lost in the country store explosion. It will months at least before the "exact cause" is made official. Still hard to believe.
Been trying to get cow/calf pairs moved out to pastures. Grass was slow to get growing, too much wet, now it is so tall and heading out already. Not complaining, just such a fast turn around.
Started cutting hay this afternoon. I imagine my son will have 15 acres or more on the ground by the time he quits tonight.
Just got the discbine (hay mower/conditioner) back from some work on it, not wanting to even see the bill. Have had 2 tractors worked on and the third one is up at the guys place now. Took them to a "new to us" guy. A friend/fellow farmer has had some stuff worked on there & said the guy is good and not so terribly outrageous in price. Don't know all that has been done on everything, but the ford 4600 had power steering issues; been worked on twice by another retired farm machinery mechanic and still had issues. Can't keep doing that. My son has been doing some stuff, but with the headache issues, some days he just can't do it. So, it is better to have someone else do it right now. Plus the time factor with working a full time job and the cows needing to be taken care of.
There is hay down everywhere with the forecast being mostly dry through Sunday. Possible scattered chance of a few t-storms on Thursday. I tested Mon morning, and this afternoon, and there is hay cut in nearly every field I've seen. Farmers are going to be working their butts off, literally, the next few days. Corn is coming up in most fields, some up 6 plus inches. I haven't even gone back to look at ours.

My riding mower has been down, carb issues. Seems that so much stuff is "throwaway" nowadays. Just ordered a new carb for it. Last year had same issue; new carb last year. PITA. But after a nearly $75 carb last year, just found a couple places on line that I can get it for $15-$20. I can buy 4 for what I paid last year. Ordered one, If it works, then replacing it yearly is not an issue. They are cheaply made. I only use NON ethanol gas in it too, but the o-rings and stuff don't last. My lawn will need to be mowed for hay by the time the carb gets here ---guaranteed Sat. It's been down 2 weeks. I had the carb "cleaned and the jets blown out" and it cost $39.00..... and they must have never taken it apart to look at the gaskets/0-rings. Done with them....

And then there is my subaru forrester. Was on my way to test and the engine started acting up. Lost power, managed to get it off the road off an exit and it quit. Engine.... only had it back 2 1/2 months.... used engine.... but I expected more than that. So, looking at a "new" engine because I like the car and that will be cheaper than a "new used car" that I know nothing about.... Just can't seem to win....
I had the "top half" of the engine rebuilt several years ago for my little 4x4 ranger that I use around here & on the farm. A couple of people said why not go buy another vehicle. I said that there was no way I could buy a 4x4 to beat around in the fields for the $900 that the rebuild cost. That was 2 years ago... I paid $450 for the truck from a friend and drove it for 2 years off and on before it needed to be rebuilt. It has a few little quirks, but runs good, 4 wd drive works, heater works.... what more could you ask for? Certainly couldn't find all that for under 1500....

Been looking at vehicles like my forrester but at $3500 to $6000 for a used one, I'd rather put the money into mine. I had 260,000 on the original motor; I had no complaints about that. But this second motor I expected more... Plus the inconvenience of it being out of commission for 5 months. Will see what my son and this guy finds out in the next couple of days.

SO how has everyone else's days been lately???????

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Good to get a "check in" from you. Well, my "day" seems to be going better than yours but, as they say, "it ain't over yet".:D =D Hay being cut around here, also. Yep, corn is up, up & away. 23 acres next door is for sale & had a pending sign on it. Pending came off the sign & farmer has planted this week....probably cotton.:idunno

Hoping your son can get some relief from those headaches. That can be brutal for a constant issue.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
It is Good to know ya are okay and sure sorry ya have to deal with the difficulties ....we understand facing problems with a lite "pocket".....and hope it will all workout for has to be a better year for hay there, and I dislike mechanical issues is never easy dealing with them when emotional issues have your mind occupied on other matters....ya are a wonderful Lady and so sorry that things are so difficult for ya , for so long.....:hugs


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thanks to all. It's not that things are SOOOOOO's just that geez louise, a break in the "breakdowns" would be nice!!!:eek::eek: :he:barnie:barnie I'm more than willing to pay for a decent job to "redo" things that need to be redone....:rant:somad. You expect things to break down if you farm. Even our brand new discbine had issues the first time we took it out a couple years ago. :thOH WELL, that's farming.
I was just kinda ranting a bit..:rant.. and hey, if I can't do it here, where can I do it. :idunno I actually just sit back and laugh a bit because it is like "really... just another day in Paradise". :th And I am walking "MURPHY'S LAW. The car issue upset me a bit though. And the riding mower wouldn't have made me so mad except I have cut the yard 2 times already, then it decides to give me grief????

Hey, it is a nice morning, sun is out, supposed to be in the upper 70's low 80's again. More humidity coming in, 30-40% spotty showers Thursday... then sun and warmer and more humid. But overall, a pretty nice looking next 5 days. :celebrate
Got to get the 240+ samples from yesterday afternoon's test packed for UPS and might try to take the weed eater and do a little. Have one that runs on a battery, no motor to breakdown:bow, and I can run 1 battery before my ankle or knee starts to hurt from standing. So I do a bit at a time. I really DO NOT LIKE to cut grass or weed eat. :hide If there's that much grass, something needs to be grazing it. :)

Still looking for a place, nothing has "hit me" yet.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I have knee issues too. We have talked before. My knee burns like somebody hammered a piece of lighter pine through it and set fire to both ends. On a bad day, my gait is a lurching from side to side like a drunk zombie. I take tumeric mixed with coconut oil to make a paste, and wash the disgusting lump down with something to drink. In 30-45 minutes the pain subsides and I can get on with life. Morning, sometimes noon, and night. Sometimes not at all, just depending on how bad I have abused myself that day. LOL Try it, I buy a pound of tumeric powder at the health food store for under 10 bucks.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Ya know ya can rant and carry on right here...we all do....I just didn't want ya feeling soo weighed down by it....anything mechanical in nature has never really been "kind" to me either, so I stand right there in the "boat" with ya....when ya get the ethanol free gas, do ya put Sta-bil in it?....I put it in every gal I get...since the "changeover" I have very little carb issues....and on the rider mower, I installed, a cutoff valve in the fuel line between the tank and filter.....Sta-bil helps with air moisture getting in the gas....:)

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