Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
@Bruce I hope the avian flu passes your girls by. You might put them on lockdown behind hardware cloth, to keep the small birds out.

Jan, it’s all about the therapy. Getting outside and doing more will sure help with getting more flexible. Losing weight is hard. Basically it’s a small portion of meat, vegetables, little to no carbs and water. It’s hard to stick to. Why do carbs have to be so darn good? I’ve tried all the imitation stuff, but bread is bread. Wanna be is not bread. Sugar is sugar and wanna be is some nasty stuff with an aftertaste of things indescribable. Blech. I lost 18 pounds on the Covid diet, followed by the grief diet, I don’t recommend it. I’ve gained 3 pounds back, hover between 133 and 135. I refuse to go over 135 and will drop carbs to do so.
Shockingly... or maybe not... I have found homemade bread... even homemade made from unbleached refined white flour.. just fine for all of my blood "numbers"

There is some scary stuff put into bread on the grocery store shelves. Real bread gets stale or moldy after just 2 days.

Think about it.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’ve made bread, from milling the wheat into flour. Yes, real bread needs to be kept in the refrigerator. I’ve made Keto bread from almond flour and while it’s ok, it’s just not the same. Store bought bread is great stuff! With all those preservatives, we should be pretty well preserved ourselves and make some good looking corpses!!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I hope the avian flu passes your girls by.
Me too. They found another bald eagle with it today .... in my county. I assume up in the wildlife refuge, I've never seen one from the house.

There is some scary stuff put into bread on the grocery store shelves. Real bread gets stale or moldy after just 2 days.
Well ..... I've made plenty of loaves of bread, no scary stuff and it keeps about a week up on top of the refrigerator. Of course the store stuff lasts about 3 weeks and yes there are a lot more things in the ingredient list than flour, salt, sugar, water and yeast.


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Well ..... I've made plenty of loaves of bread, no scary stuff and it keeps about a week up on top of the refrigerator. Of course the store stuff lasts about 3 weeks and yes there are a lot more things in the ingredient list than flour, salt, sugar, water and yeast.

Even when we don't eat it all up... it goes stale by day 2. :idunno


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Warm and partly sunny today... after the partly cloudy early. Hit 82 on the recording thermometer and that was after I left around noon to go to work... after the sun had long since gotten high and moved around the side so it wasn't shining on the thermometer...

The only bread I eat is pretty much a sandwich... and lots of days I don't even eat a sandwich... just the egg salad in a bowl or tuna... A loaf of bread goes moldy before I even get through half of it unless I stick it in the freezer for future bread pudding or stuffing or something... and I never got around to making the bread pudding the other day when it was chilly... and fed most of that to the chickens because I forgot to put it back in the freezer.... That is one thing I am pretty good about because I don't crave carbs all that much... sometimes I make easy stuff, like the rice stuff the other day, but even with that I look at the calories to try to stay with in a reasonable amount... This weight is from 2-3 years of alot less than normal activity because of the ankle replacement and then the hurting so from the knees... I am drinking twice the water that I was, but it also is a balance as I seem to be retaining more "fluid" and even the PT guy said that he can see it in the left knee/ankle but not in the right... yet my "vitals" are all very good... Just aggravating... I have cut back on milk, but then I get sluggish... milk seems to give me the energy I need... I might drink one or 2, 12 oz cans of soda a month???? and that isn't all the time... just when I get a craving... one of those 12 packs of cans can last me 6 months or more. I will go months without even having any here. I do keep gingerale in case of an upset stomach... but the last time I had a can, it was getting "flat" because I had had it so long....
I don't crave sweets most of the fact I more often "crave" a good meal of vegetables.... ice cream is my "downfall" but I still have several 1/2 gallons from when I got them before I went in to get the knees done.... Haven't had any in several weeks.... I don't bake sweets often.... and it has been quite awhile since I treated myself to any bakery product... because the last time they just didn't "hit the spot" and wound up giving one or 2 of the muffins to the chickens when they got mold spots...
I am sure not being the perfect "abstainer" but it is still upsetting when I have definitely cut the intake and there has been no real progress in several months. Hoping that getting outside in the nicer weather will help.... Maybe it will finally start to show as my body changes gears and the cut back finally starts to kick in...

Got some more boxes of bottles in the house to put in the racks... will be dropping off stuff at the owner sampler farm after I test and get done tomorrow night. Have 2 herds scheduled next week... neither uses meters, and one is fairly close to the O.S. farm.. so will pick up the stuff on the way home from there. He is tenatively going to test Tues/Wed... I will be coming through there on Thurs morning as the farm I am going to wants to do a morning test.. since it is no set up I said okay... Only have 1 more to schedule and he didn't test until late in March so will probably go til the first of may...6 weeks?....

See where my peonies in the tubs are all coming up... I left them covered when we got those few really cold days... there is one in the yard; where the previous owners took the one they had as it was a family passed down plant... but missed a piece and it came up and bloomed a small bloom last year... it got hit with that cold snap and it hurt some of the shoots... it has put up a few more and they look okay so hopefully it will bloom this year again...and now they are showing some major signs of coming up... Got to decide where I want them this year... and get them planted after they bloom.... Lilacs are getting little tight flowers on them so ought to be in bloom soon. The redbuds are late coming out here... I think that colder weather really slowed them down. The 3 peach trees here are looking good. One had flowers and the other 2 have buds... praying that they don't get hit with another cold snap like we had when it dropped into the low 20's....have not been to the peaches - fruit trees - down at the other property... not moving them now....

Tomorrow I have to get more meters loaded for the farm that uses 16 (dbl 8) and all the hoses I will need for both farms as the OS farm uses longer hoses than the one I am going to test... plus enough sample bottles in trays for both places. It is getting late but I am going to go in and get the samples from this eve packed since there are only 70... one less thing to do in the morning... already printed out their info and will drop it off when I go to tomorrow's farm since it is right near there... I didn't feel like dragging my computer and printer and all up there today....would have taken it all with me today, if I wasn't going to be so close again tomorrow...

Have to get gas tomorrow... it is actually cheaper down here by me than in town to the north...

Got a list of all the things I have to do, so I don't forget to take something with me in the morning... this is getting old and older...tells me that I really am getting tired of all the hassle...


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I was skinny all my life, had to work hard to maintain my weight. I stayed around 120 pounds. Menopause changed my metabolism and suddenly it was way too easy to gain weight. Now it’s hard to keep my weight down. As active as I am, it doesn’t seem to be enough and I need a good exercise program. Not running out to buy a Pelaton exercise machine, but what I’m doing is not enough to build strength.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Just wait ladies, it gets worse! We lose the ability to build and retain muscle as when young. You turn into jello. Like you, I never gained weight! Even pregnant I never got to 120 even. Now I'm not gaining but getting "loose" where I once was tight. So from a 4 to 6 pants...same weight. It's pretty strange. ☹️🙄😁🤷:old Not appreciated. So that's what ya get in next 10 yrs. Your welcome for that insight. :idunnoWe lose our estrogen like men and testosterone.

So while we do have mental slackening, the exercise we DO, with chores, walking, lugging, animal wrangling....not just shop & TV people....we keep things in the brain active longer. Yeah, good food also. All I can say is, I'm fighting it carefully. Winter is worse with less outside things to do. My medicare has a silver sneakers thing and I'm thinking I may start to use it for some light weight equipment use.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yeah, it sucks BIG TIME.... I have the silver sneakers thing too... but it is over a half hour drive to the closest place to use it and that is just too much of a PITA with the farm and work and all that...
I am also very careful still with the knees... talked to the PT about that the other day as it is very aggravating...
I have always had a fight with weight... not as much as now... but with my dad's side of the family being "heavy, solid built".... my sister and one brother took after my mom's side and are much more slim/wiry built. Other brother and I took after father's side... GRRR:he

Samples packed, out on porch to go in car, bottles for the OS farm and the one I am going to test today ready. Watered all the plants on the porch as wind will dry them out some. Time to go out and load the rest of the meters I need and get the other hoses. Then make bottle and feed calf on the way out. She is doing pretty good. Did not start the 2x day bottle since yesterday and today I would not be home before dark and am not going to drive out in the field in the dark... do not want to accidentaly run over her in the dark since she is black... might start it tomorrow when I am going to be home for morning and evenings... she is still a little thin, but enthusiastic and not scouring so there is that. Don't know if she is stealing at all.

Forecast is calling for it to not be as wet over the holiday weekend as they originally predicted so that is good. Got lots of outside stuff that needs doing.
Gotta get going so I don't have to rush...


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont

Even when we don't eat it all up... it goes stale by day 2. :idunno
High humidity? When my sister lived in Hawaii anything that wasn't immediately put in the fridge or freezer was green in 2 days. Not just bread, cereal and the like as well.

Given the size of your family, and the BOYS!, I am surprised a fresh loaf of bread would live to see the next day.

I freeze bread after I slice it if I won't be using it in the next few days. Take out 2 slices, let them thaw (or warm a bit in the toaster) and it is just fine for sandwiches, French Toast, etc. Better to freeze it that put it in the refrigerator.