Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Tuesday night. Been another long day.
Brothers were only speaking so that the one could get the situation his daughter caused "talked around".... I doubt they will speak much if any in the future. Doesn't matter, I am done with it.
There are a few other things that would be nice if they weren't thrown out, but at this point, it is not worth the money in travel even to go get. The table and chairs will be at the neighbors and that is the end of it as far as I am concerned. I didn't have it before, I don't need it now. There will be alot probably tossed and it is a shame... but it doesn't make a bump in the road in the whole scheme of things.

Got the title transferred to Va and all... and paid a huge sales tax... forgot about that... had to claim the full purchase price since it was in all the lawyer's paperwork... got tags for it. And I had to do the lien paper... so it will be interesting if I can get the $25 back since I did the work for them. I am going to ask for it.

I got up at 3 out the door at 3:15 and at the farm at 4 to set up and then tested. It was 4:30 when they started ( regular time) and 10 by the time we got done. They are now milking 546 in the barn... not counting about 6-8 just fresh cows that are "too fresh" to test. Supposedly they have a big bunch to go dry soon...
Came home, got a shower and washed my hair... went to PT at 1:15... they gave me a new exercise to try and he worked on the tendon that he says is what is causing the pain down the side of the knee/leg... Wants me to call in about a week and if still not helping then go back. But basically I am "released".... although he said it was not a problem if I still needed to have this worked on. He really thinks that as I get out and around at the farm, on and off the tractor, that I ought to get more flexible and hopefully less pain. Then I went to the DMV and did that. Then came home to finish packing the samples....
Tomorrow I hope to get the boxes out of the Explorer into the house... I will put the plates on it so it can be driven.
I have a farm to test tomorrow afternoon.... I will stop and get the samples and milk at the farmer I get my milk from, on my way to test the other farm. This is the farm that their computer crashed that I spent several hours 2 different days getting them straightened out. They sold about 50 cows and are down to about 85 from the 140 or so.... Will be a shorter milking. That's okay, I get the same travel miles pay, less on the actual cow numbers of course... but that's okay too.
Got to load the meters and hoses and bottles in the morning.

Eyes have been really itchy and watering...light breeze all day too. Got cloudy this afternoon and I was sure we would get some showers but they seemed to go across south and some north...still some chance tonight. Then possible showers for the next 2 days and RAIN on Friday... I hope they are right.

Nothing else much going on. I need to get the plants into the planters and the ones that are going in the ground. Lawn needs mowing already again... stopped and the guy I want to plow the garden wasn't home... will check tomorrow again. See when he can do it. It will be getting close to when we can safely plant with no frost worries.
I am tired from the weekend push and then 1 good nights sleep and then up again early today. I need a couple days worth of "extra sleep".

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
We just got a short downpour that wasn't supposed to happen. Windows part down on trk. Ran out, closed. Got wet! Leather seat will be wet in morning😔. Take a towel and dry. Then rains tue & wed, plus Fri night thru Sunday! Been checking weather for Glen Allen. Rains for sat but could change and timing/ amounts not clear yet.

Sounds like you may have a couple days home after tomorrow.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Got a shower last night, I never heard it but there was .2" in the rain gauge this morning. It is partly sunny out, somewhat hazy but not looking for any real rain today now. Looks like on the radar that @Mini will be getting some pop up stuff later. We are supposed to be on the hit or miss showers list for the next 2 days then more likely rain on Friday. Hope that it doesn't do anything on Sat for the poultry swap.

Going out to put the meters and hoses in the car , and head out to go test. Going to stop by going through town and get a couple things... I used up all the bread and stuff before we went last week so need a few little things.
The other day I did find wide mouth canning lids so got a few boxes of them to have.

DS called and they are going to take 2 loads of cattle to WVa this afternoon. I told him I couldn't help since I had already had a farm scheduled. He said that was okay, it was a last minute thing since it is pretty dry right now and if it rains this weekend like it says, he won't be able to take them as getting in and out is treacherous. That will be good... that many more out of the barn lots and off feed. He was getting another load of hay this morning... he bought 185 rolls I think... and we are still feeding quite a bit with the cattle that are still around the barn... all the cows with new babies. They will be going to pasture here in the next couple of weeks.
It will be hay making time before you can shake a stick too....

Got to go out and get things ready to go.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Wed night. Pretty nice day overall... Temps hit 82 on the recording thermometer here... down to 61 at 11 p.m. supposed to drop into the low 50's maybe even down to 48-49.... I am leaving the plants out though.
There aren't too many that I can salvage out of the hail damage, but will take what I get. Next year, hopefully will be better....

After getting everything in the car, the outback; not the new one... it doesn't need to smell like cow sh!t or have dirt/manure/wet meters and hoses dragged into it, besides I still haven't gotten everything out of it... went by and got the samples from the other farmer and got a 2 gal bucket of milk .... went by and got gas and a bag of ice to keep it cold, and went on to test. I did not leave early enough to really stop and do any shopping. So, I went on to the farm, set up and we started milking and all.... took not quite 2 hours... only 1 person in the parlor and it went good. Used to take 2 1/2 to 3 hrs, for 140-150 cows with 2 it really was good. Plus with the hired guy that quit, now gone, no stress or aggravations. I preferred it....
There were alot of catch up paperwork because this is the farm that their computer screen went bad and I spent the 2 trips there to get the new computer with the program put in and created some new reports for them for the vet and all as they were shipping that group of cows on that Monday (I was there on Thurs and Fri).... anyway, there were dry off dates and sold dates on a bunch of cows that did not get put in so I got all that done for them....
I still have to get a few of the reports that I created for them, put into this computer... I will pull the specs off my computer and then edit the reports in theirs so they have the reports the way they want and are used to working with. Amazing how you get used to something like that and then you get all confused when it is in different order and changed... especially when doing something like a preg check and you have limited time to find things on the sheet you are using as the cows come in the chute for vet.... You spoil the farmers a little and it is "job security".....

So, after getting all done that I could, the meters washed and loaded, I stopped on the way home and got bread and a few little things... came on home. Samples are in the house, chickens locked in and I am done for the night.
Talked to DS and they had a good trip to WVa with a total of 26 calves; 2 trailers.... will have to make one more trip with 11 more... need 37 total... He said that there were 3 that acted like idiots in the barn and they didn't go... he has several in a couple other lots so he will get them all in and pick out 11 more and then the rest will go to the sale... He is really glad to get those 26 out of the lot and quit feeding them. He did say that he was supposed to get a check for them, the agreed upon deal, and that he needed to pay some bills and would get totally squared up with me as I hadn't gotten any money for calves that got sold lately... he wanted to pay off a few bills so he was not paying more interest on the money like his equity account... and for fertilizer... he said the interest rate on the equity account has gone up 2% in less than 6 months... it is like an "operating expense" account.... and I totally get where he is coming from.
And on top of that the guy called and his tractor trailer load of fence posts is ready to be delivered.... that'll be in the neighborhood of $8-9,000 I imagine....25 bundles per trailer at a cost of $3-400 a bundle since there will be some 5-6 inch and some bundles of bigger for corner posts and such... but they are to be used for the NRCS program that he is going to implement in July ... eventually he will get back about 80% of the costs.... and has 2 years to do it... I told him I would loan him that money out of the annuity money I got out of my parents estate... but since he hasn't been paying me for the calves lately, I used most of that for the engines and all in the cars and the downpayment on the Explorer... so when he figures up what he owes me, I will just "loan back" that money to him for the posts. I also hope to get a bundle or 2 of the posts for here... I will naturally pay him cost.... maybe get the fence line posts in sometime later this year???? GOT to get the hay shed up so we can get more edible hay out of the hay we make this year... then I think he will be working on the post driving in the fall/winter. I am not going to hold my breath... but I am hoping that it will get done. If things start to slow down and get tight, I might be able to get one of the fence builders to do it for a decent price especially if I already have some/all of the posts..... if this economy goes to he// in a handbasket; there might be some of the guys looking for work... never know...

Interest rate hike today of a half percent... biggest hike in over 20 years... may be another rate hike in June AND July they are saying... going to be a really tough year....

Tomorrow I will get the milk out of the ice in the cooler and pour into gallon jars... get the meters out of the car and put away... next farm is Sunday and they have their own weigh jars so don't need any. Get the samples packed.
Got several cows at the nurse cow pasture that I want to get preg checked so am going to try to get them into the barn catch pen there so they can get moved to "doug's barn" and they can get checked on Monday too. Anything that is not bred is going. Got a couple of calves there that need to be worked (castrated) and the holstein bull need to be dehorned and "worked", and a couple more that need to be caught to be sold...while prices are still up things need to be gone.
My plans now are to go to the poultry swap this Sat, May 7th; and meet up with @Mini Horses ..... then go to the sale next Sat - May 14th- with any of the odd balls, singles, etc that need to be sold. Got a few here and there that don't match... get them off the feed bill, and get all the other cow/calf pairs moved out to pastures... That will be after the preg check so can also take any open cows too....

Tomorrow, Thurs, is supposed to be dry then 70% chance of some rain Friday morning, a lull in the middle of the day then real rain & possible T-storms Friday eve... 1-2 inches they are saying... but not going to put any stock in that until it happens...

Past time for me to be in bed...


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’m going to check into that NCRS program if I can ever get closed on my farm. Supposed to be today, but haven’t heard anything from the title company.

Getting the extras out of the herd and off the feed bill is a good thing. Feed is up and going higher, hay here is already $100 a roll. I’ll have to buy some, but at least I’ll have lots of grass at my new place.

A bag of feed for meat chickens, 20%, is $20.99 now at TSC for Dumor brand. I was checking, want to raise some next spring. I’ll probably try to buy enough for grow out so I don’t get surprised by price spikes.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Noon on Thursday. 54 and up to 71... some sun but a little cloudy now.
DS called and wanted to know of I could meet the tractor trailer with the posts... he was at work and would leave to come there to unload but wanted me to make sure the guy would find the driveway and all. Somewhere around 9-12, they would call when they got close... I said I could. So he called and said the guy was going by the exit before ours so I went up and he got there a few minutes after I got there. DS was on his way from work and he got the neighbors skid loader - it is bigger than ours - and unloaded the posts.
These are 6-7" by 7 ft long... 30 to a bundle and only 14 bundles on the trailer... these posts are in the range of $17-18 EACH now. Used to be 10-11...... so 420 posts @ $18 each is $7560 for the trailer load. There were supposed to be 2 bundles of 8ft posts and they did not put them on this load... by buying a trailer load you got a better rate, mixed sizes allowed... so he was suppose to get the 2 bundles of longer posts for corners and such. Don't know how they will work that... So my numbers were a bit off and he got bigger posts not the 5-6".... they were not available.... and he got the 6-7" for a little bit difference so he took them. Instead of 25 bundles of 25 each it was fewer bundles and more per bundle... the 5-6" ones are more posts per bundle; I think the guy said there were 40 to a bundle of 5-6". But the money I was thinking, is still about the same... over 7500....

I watered the plants outside this morning,even though we might get some rain later. I will probably put them under the table if it looks like we will get some hard rain.

I ate a bowl of cereal earlier but am hungry now. I have some hard boiled eggs so time to make some more egg salad. At least I have fresh bread to use.

Need to get the samples packed now and sent out. Eat, then maybe get the rest of the stuff out of the Explorer. And I need to get the meters and hoses out of the outback as that is what I am going to take to the poultry swap I guess. Don't want to take the ranger because of rain... If I get anything I sure don't want it in the back getting soaked. Not planning on alot of anything, but you never know...


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I can’t get used to the push button start that “reads” the key fob in your pocket and won’t start without it.
I LOVE that feature. Had it for the last 18 years. Even my garden tractor has it. My real tractor needs a key. So do the doors on the house. I'd rather have no keys at all. When DD2 was in Driver's Ed, she had no idea what to do with the key other than stick it in the slot because she saw others do it.

MIL hasn't left without her purse since they got their first Prius in 2010. No fob, no driving away like she did when she kept the car key in her pocket.

I'm guessing you don't use a key to start your computer or your phone. Probably push a button, no?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday morning. Got a little rain already, was down to 59 and only 61 right now, comfortable temps. We are supposed to get a lull in the rain until 2-3 pm, and then some severe weather coming. They have upgraded our weather alerts so likely hood of wind and hard rain increased... and they are saying that hail is likely. I will move all the plants under the table around noon or so and bring the spider plants back inside. The table is against the house on the deck, so will do to hopefully protect them from the hail as it almost always comes down straight rather than sideways. Plus they will be way under, not that many so that they would be out in the front edge.
I did plant all the begonias in 3 planters yesterday afternoon. Might try to find something to cover them with so they don't get shredded. This light rain so far has been perfect. Watered them in real good.

Can't get the replacement computer to get on the internet with my wireless. I tried all the steps, so next is to call the wireless provider, and see if they can talk me through it. Otherwise, take it to Staples I guess. Got to be able to get on the internet for work to send and receive info from the computer center... I want it to be able to pick up from this one for when this one quits. Sorta like a carbon copy backup... since this one the screen is just about dead. I can get it to work occasionally, but it fades off. I can't depend on it to take it to farms.

Several of the "salvaged" $1.00 african violets that I got are starting to bloom. Looks like I have a couple of duplicates. The plants look so good though, dark green leaves, new growth that just has a "healthy" look to it. They are getting so spread out that they are getting crowded... got to figure out some new shelving in front of some different windows I guess. A friend sent me a couple of plants from a company they got off Ebay.... NICE PLANTS. Full 4" pots, not starter 2" pots like the violet barn. The violet barn plants were well packaged and healthy, not saying they weren't and they are growing good. But I was so blown away with the nice ones from this place. PJ's Plants and Things. Well wrapped and got here in very very good shape. Cost a little more but well worth it for a full 4" sized plant. Not any more costly than named varieties from our local greenhouse and more to choose from. Super fast shipping too... it was on the sheet the day that they were shipped on, and they got here like 3or 4 days... shipped from Fla. I had never done plants through the mail, but it opens up a huge world of availability of different things. I will be sending a gift certificate to this friend so they can pick out what they want from this grower.

I am going to get a couple boxes into the car for tomorrow's trip to the Poultry swap. If the rain has stopped for awhile, I am going to try to clean some stuff out of the car. Back is empty but back seat needs to be "purged" of all the stuff that gets tossed there. Looks to be a wet day, tomorrow. Oh well... I need to get a couple of laying hens since the leghorn is the only one laying. I want to see what all is available... There will be alot of chicks I am sure... and usually alot of plants and things for your house and yard. I got some daylily's a couple years ago and they are doing good here.
I am thinking that there might not be as many vendors either with the costs to travel now. But in the opposite train of thought, there might be alot of vendors, hoping to make a little money to help with the expenses of the future. Besides, anyone that hatches out chicks will be hoping to sell so they don't have to raise and feed them.

Got to go get some things done around here.

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