Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
You know what? This niece is going to screw over the whole family, no matter what. Go get your Explorer and DS his backhoe. It’s going to be a big mess whether y’all get those items or not, so you might as well go for it.

Hahaha, your son should have a chat with the lawyer. Since he is not one of the Goofy Grandchildren Group, go ahead and figure his share now and don’t bill him for all their squabbling. Then when it’s finally settled and they get zero, he can walk away with his share. LOL


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Tuesday noon. It was supposed to be showering but now looks like it will be coming in here shortly and not as much as previously forecast. We will take whatever... like we have a choice???:idunno:lol:.

Sent an email to the lawyer since it turns out I am supposed to be "making an offer" on the Explorer.... legal BS .... and all the "heirs" are supposed to agree to the offer. I said in the email that I was of the understanding that it had already been agreed upon, and that at this point I am making this email stand as my offer...BUT... considering all the recently expressed opinions by my niece, and the other 2 grandchildren, excluding my son who is also a grandchild, about the wanting to go this weekend and that we "rearranged our delivery schedule of the cattle" in order to make it one trip, I was having some second thoughts about the vehicle. If it could not be worked out, then I would withdraw my offer as I do not need the vehicle. This whole thing has become a bone of contention that I am afraid I will blow my top if I go there. DS was impressed with the wording in my email, and that I touched on some of the subjects that the niece alluded to in her email to the lawyer, about the way some things have been done; with my telling what had been discussed and all directly after the funeral and the items that had been taken by several members with full agreement by the family members there. And that the 4 of us "direct descendents" , meaning us 4 children, were all in agreement about everyone being able to make choices about items....before we were enlightened by the contents of the will that left it to the grandchildren and one brother to make decisions...
I told DS that if this drags on, that they can keep the Explorer... we are not making separate trips for all different things... I will go with him the end of the week to take the cattle and go to the house if that is what it comes to. If it gets hung up, then he is going to CT to meet the guy halfway, switch the cattle to their trailer, and come home and he will have the neighbor up there go get the backhoe and take it to his house, once his offer is approved, and the rest of them can clean out the house and just send him the check. My brother has decided to turn in the receipts and log of all that he has done to keep the house and grounds up... and that will be coming out ot the proceeds of the estate... so he will get paid for his time and work, all to the detriment of what everyone's share is. She is costing everyone... so be it. Like my son said, it will be money he didn't have before, so whatever he gets will be a plus, but she is costing all of them and paying the lawyer more... All my brothers' expenses will have to go before the court for approval for payment, so more time and costs...
If I go up and anything gets said, I told DS I would be likely to slap her silly and wind up in jail. I am that pissed over her stupid grandstanding.
Seems that my other brother is going to be able to take his trailer and get the chipper he has put in a bid on, and has a list of things that my Fl niece and sister want... if my sister does not get home from Fl where she went to help the preg niece get things ready for a baby... she is supposed to come home on Wed eve... so no reason why she cannot get up there on Sat.....
If we go up and do this in one trip... we will leave Thurs night/early Fri morning... take the cattle to VT, come back to NH, late Fri aft., go to the house and start getting together the things we want... do more on Sat and then leave early Sun to come home... it is 12 hours... over 750 miles DS said....

Clouding up some outside, my allergy pills finally have kicked in so going outside to do a few things. Need to get the tractor under the carport. I want to get some boxes together... go by the cardboard dumpster where I was getting all the boxes when I moved stuff out of the house....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
What a difference in half an hour. I went out to start the mower and move it. I must have left the key on or the lights or something... battery was tea totally stone flat dead. Wind started blowing. Got a small tarp and barely got the mower covered and got soaked just getting in the house. Then it suddenly started to hail and we got such a downpour of rain and hail.... all the plants on the table on the deck.... I wasn't going out in it to try to get them and get beat all to he//.... then it blew right through and is now just raining... I got all the plants moved to under the table but there are alot of the small ones that got snapped off... the spider plants seemed to have weathered it pretty well... but the ones I had in the starter trays are really beat up. Trays were full of water so I poured off what I could and just shoved them under the table. The bought veg plants are bent over and lost some leaves but I think they will come back. It happened in 5 minutes after I went out... not expecting the hail by any means.
Begonias lost a few flower petals but okay otherwise.

I will salvage what I can, later or tomorrow. This is supposed to be gone by this evening.

WOW, just WOW. Radar showing a bit more coming through... well, they are so well watered that they will drown, so under the table is fine. Dark clouds to the south but the sun is trying to come through...

I might go out and take the rest of the meters out of the car since I will not be testing anything the rest of this week. The one farm never got back to me and if I go with DS then I am not scheduling anyone for Thurs or after, anyway. I want to get the outback completely cleaned out.. found evidence of a mouse in there with some shredded papers and a partial mouse eaten package of graham crackers that I keep for snacking. :barnie:rant:somad
Too much stuff gets stuffed in the back seat, and now it has to be cleaned out.
I do want to get some topsoil stuff for the planters for the rest of the flowers I have here, and get them planted so they have a chance to get settled in. Too bad I didn't have them done for this... wouldn't have hurt anything. OH WELL.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
3 times I tried to post a long post and it wouldn't go through... then it erased most of it... I finally erased the rest and said forget it.

Long story short... all of a sudden all the "offers to purchase" have been accepted... and it seems most everyone has managed to make arrangements to be there this weekend; or given their "wish/want list" to a "primary beneficiary"..... DS said he is going to talk to my sister about what is on hers and her daughter that is pregnant and can't travel....
SO.... we are leaving sometime Thursday eve... 14 hours with the cattle...take them to northern VT and then come back by the house in NH. Don't know how the title and bill of sale will get to me on Friday... if we will have to go to lawyers office or what. It will be a very long hard drive up.... DS will be talking to the lawyer as he needs the bill of sale on the backhoe... and he has not paid for the truck yet since he has not had the money.....until we sell some calves.....he borrowed the money for the cattle we bought since we had only planned to spend 4,000 on a bull.... not over 13,000..... plus he has to pay for hay that we need.... and he will have to fit in a trip to get at least one load today to get everyone fed out before we leave.
Got some boxes and will see about getting more today. Got a list of things to take, newspapers, packing stuff... lists of things to get done here before I go.

Yesterday's weather turned out to be pretty bad. A suspected tornado was in a closeby town, saw pictures of it ... of course the officials will have to confirm... but we got hit with some pretty crappy weather.
It got down to 41 so colder than I thought. Freeze warning for tonight. Everything will come inside mid afternoon and I will see what I can salvage out of the plants. Some are just gone, some look pretty sad. They will stay in the house while I am gone and just have to manage for 3 days. There is a call for more rain or showers for Sunday.... but warmer in the 60's. Still it is going to be a bit before we can get much planted... again, I was not in a rush as this is typical here. We are at a higher elevation and we get alot more cold off the Blue Ridge and Alleghany Mtns... I never get in a rush before Memorial day.... .

So, time to go out and get a few of the things done. It is windy and only 55 so a hooded sweatshirt on top of long sleeved t-shirt is minimum...


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Has the PITA niece back peddled on her whole fuss or just agreed to the bids on specific items?

I wonder if her father could tell her to just STFU before she ends up with nothing after lawyers fees.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Bruce ; All I know is everyone that had to agree to the prices and bids have done so. I have not talked to my brother so don't know if he said anything to his daughter. Don't really care at this point. She is costing all the primary beneficiaries so that is their gripe.
We are making this trip, will get what we can that is not disputed, and drive the Explorer home as well as the cattle trailer with whatever DS gets. Then there will be a trip for the backhoe and if he decides to go on and get the truck... which he is waffling on. I will go with him again so he can bring home the backhoe on the trailer and I would drive the truck. He will have a friend there close to do the work on it so it can be driven... brakes and something else I think.

It was 41 and got up to 65 in the sun but the wind was blowing quite a bit all day. It was chilly. The weather forecast is not saying possible freeze... it is saying that there will be a freeze tonight. I am thinking 28 maybe? Then some moderating and temps in the low 40's and 60's days with some more rain coming in over the weekend. "Real nice" :duc after the high 80's last weekend....

Tried to get everything done on the list. Inside plants all watered, went and got boxes from the cardboard dumpster near Wendy's at the truck stop; and got stuff from in here to go, newspapers for wrapping stuff, some bubble wrap I have, couple of blankets and other stuff for packing. I will water all the veg plants tomorrow and hope everything does okay. Can't even ask Deb to come here since she is leaving for Hawaii Saturday so she will not be out to the farm for a couple weeks. It will only be 3 days. Things should be okay. There are so many broken plants in the trays that whatever makes it will be a plus. There is always next year. Our local greenhouse and nursery, has quite a few started plants so if I need to I can go get a few more. They are getting 2.99 for a 4 pack and they are nice plants.

Did not get the plastic down; it is so muddy there where he had the silage piles and I could not get in there easily to get the stuff out. Not enough time to do it all; it is not a matter of life and death. I will work on it next week.

Farmer finally called me back after the text last week and he wants to wait til about the 10th of may or so. I will text him again the end of next week, and see what he is thinking. I have got to get the 500+ cow herd done next week, would have done them maybe tomorrow, but with going north, it was not practical; and have another farm scheduled already on Wed next week. I will work on the schedule after I get back, because it will be May already....

So, I am going to go in and finish putting stuff in the overnight bag so it is ready to go. I do need to see what the weather is looking like up there... Just so I have enough warm clothes and not too hot....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
You and your son be careful, deliver cattle and go to NH. Hopefully everything will go smoothly with no squabbling.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
You and your son be careful, deliver cattle and go to NH. Hopefully everything will go smoothly with no squabbling.
Pipe dreams......:gig:lol:

Just want it over.

Didn't get so cold last night as they said. Only 39 here... I would like to be a weatherperson.... I can guess better than they can.

Going to get all the dishes done, and make a trip to the dumpster with garbage so it isn't in the house. Move the plants to where they will get the best sun I can give them and still be in the house since I don't want them to get hit with another downpour/storm/hail event. There is some rain and all due to come in Sat or Sun so I am just going to leave them in the house and salvage what there is. Sure as shootin' if I put them out, even under the table where they will get some sun, it will rain and blow sideways and ruin them. I'll soak them in a little bit and they will manage until I get back.

Ya'll have a good couple of days; see you next week if I don't wind up in jail for doing bodily harm to some relatives !!!!:smack :th:gig:lol::celebrate:celebrate:duc:duc