Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yep, @Baymule ; family drama.... I am done with it. I am getting the check from the bank today and sending it. If there is going to be a problem... I will get it back and they can take the explorer and TS. DS said he has already sent the check for the backhoe and if there is a big stink over the truck then they can keep it. Don't think there will be any problem over the backhoe since none of them are in any position to want to deal with it.
Doubt we are going north next weekend... DS said he may just take the cattle, meet the guy in CT to load on his trailer... and then when there is a sale we will go and that will be that. I have had all I can take from this niece that has decided that now it is the "principle " of the whole thing... that her uncle, my brother, has had too much control and that she says that he has paid off the lawyer to rush things???? When the will states 90 days after my fathers' death it is to be probated and then cleaned out so the house can be sold expeditiously???? And it has been 7 months???? But she didn't have a problem with it before now or if she did, it couldn't have been too big a deal or she should have gotten together with the rest of the grandchildren (her cousins) and made her "principles " known... and all she says it is not about the money...
Give me a break. So, I told DS in a text that as far as I am concerned, they can keep or sell the explorer... no skin off my back. If I get it, I get it.... if I don't, then I don't. Supposedly she sent a text to the lawyer and stated that she and the other grandchildren listed (which DS refused to be a part of) were not happy with the way things were being done and she and they would not be using my brother (who is also a direct inheritor) as their point of contact and they would deal directly with the lawyer... more money out of their inheritance...cuz you know that the lawyer charges for every phone call and every minute of their time..... if there is a bit of a to do, and they contest it, they will forfeit their right to anything from the estate... And if everything is not agreed upon at the end of that 90 day period, then the executor has the final say so...
So aside from what DS does about the cattle trip, and what the lawyer says to this latest bit of grandstanding (in my opinion) , will determine the final outcome. There is nothing there I have to have... and if it proceeds to an auction company coming in and then selling it, they will wind up paying 30-40% out to the auction company to do all that work and then have to pay for what they want to get out of it.
SOOOO STUPID at this point in time.

Other than that .... It is a BEAUTIFUL morning... 53 to start, already 70, sunny... Plants are out on the table, sample bottles in the trays to go in the car. Laundry in the washer to get hung out in a little bit. I need to leave here by 12:30 to go to the bank for the paperwork... unless I hear from DS to the contrary on what the lawyer's reaction to the e-mail from my niece is... if it blows up, then I will go to the bank and tell them that it has suddenly changed due to an heir not agreeing all of a sudden... and refuse the money. Other than that, I will get the check, send it off certified with return receipt... and go to test. Haven't heard anything to the contrary from the farm, so guess that the driveway RR crossing has been completed. Oh, farm just texted and all is good so will have to go to work :\ on this nice day. :hit Oh well... Tomorrow is supposed to be real nice and into the first of the week.

Other than that all is pretty much normal... :hu Who knows what normal is....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Some people just insist on being stupid, even to their own detriment.
Hope you can get the Explorer, I think you’d like it.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Home from work and brought the samples in so they don't cook in the car in the morning as it is still getting full sun there .... that will change here shortly once the trees across the road have leaves, since the sun comes up in that direction. In case I don't get out there early or forget to get them... the car gets hot quick inside.
Talked to DS a bit and the e-mail was not nice and it said that she and her 2 cousins were the recipient grandchildren and that as the grandchildren, they would no longer allow my brother to represent them... DS said that was real kick in the teeth since he is also a grandchild... and the oldest one in fact... and in the "complaint, it was stated that several things did not appear in the inventory and that there were things missing from the house during which time as my DS and brother were there at the house... IMPLYING that they were "taken" as in stolen..... and the only time that DS was there with my brother was when I was there after the funeral and we loaded the sewing stuff that my father had expressly called me about a couple weeks earlier to see if I wanted it as they were starting to clean out the "sewing room" and all the accumulation that my mom had....
And she was questioning the competence of the real estate person the lawyer was going to list the house with and the amount that was suggested it be listed for...
But " it isn't about the money"..... BS
My other brother, (father of the niece that instigated and wrote this e-mail).... who has not gotten along with the poa brother for many many years.... said she was ridiculous over the fuss she was making about the valuation of some of the stuff... he had called my poa brother about the wood chipper that is one of the pieces that the valuation had been set, like the explorer and all...and they actually talked on the phone for over 2 hours; and he was informed of the e-mail and what was going on.... we all got copies of the estimate of value of the contents... told him that the tools were over valued... and then when he found out that his daughter had sent that e-mail to the lawyer, he was not happy. And my poa brother has been paying for the expenses of keeping the heat and all on at the house and doing the mowing and snow plowing and all and not turned in a bill to the estate and I had told him he needed to turn in bills and my other brother said he should also... even though it means his daughter will in essence get less as it all is supposed to be paid out of the estate.... It is soooo ridiculous...
My son's very hurt over the wording and the implication that he basically was being implicated as a thief..... of what she never stated.. because he never expected for her ( them) to act that way...
We talked it over and he said he just wanted to take the cattle and the he// with all of them... but since my poa brother is coming from NY for the weekend 30th-1st, as was originally planned, he told DS that he HAD to come, that the lawyer has been informed of the situation, (and now the niece says she will be there that weekend) and that we were to come and get the stuff that we wanted, and then except for the trip to get the backhoe... that will be the last time... we will do our part, and I will help, to do some cleaning out and packing up of stuff, and then the rest of them can do anything else... brother will get the tools and such as was agreed on in the paperwork...take them home to his house.... and then when DS goes up to go fishing with brother in July, he will bring home what ever tools he and brother decide to split up.
She seems to think that it will take 2, 8 hour days to clean out that house... she is delusional... there is 2 weeks worth of work there if they are going to go through it all.... my parents were pack rats... and it is the accumulation of 60+ years and 3 houses worth of stuff... there is alot of stuff from my grandmothers house in there still...And once you get to going through things, you know how people will stop and say "I remember this "..... Won't be our headache anymore....DS said that he really doesn't want to even go there now... he has his memories... and he spent more time with them in the last 10 years than all 3 of the other grandchildren they really have no room to talk...
This has badly affected the way he feels about his cousins....the implication that he stole things from the house...
So the cattle (and us) are going next Thursday/Friday... and we will be there for the most of the weekend and then coming back home Sun eve I think.
I went to the bank, got the check and it was mailed out to the lawyer... certified and return receipt... PO guy said it should arrive on Monday.... I will go by the DMV next trip in town, maybe wed... get the temp/transport tags dated for Sun ... good for 3 days, call the insurance co to put it on the ins for the 1st of May. I have to carry full coverage since it is financed.... which is understandable... Hope to only have it financed for 6 months... when the house is sold there is a small set amount that each of the children gets, and I will use it towards paying off the car. The rest will be disbursed as the will dictates.... mostly to the grandchildren. And that will close that chapter of our lives.

So other than that everything went okay today. I got the 2 loads of clothes hung and the chickens waterer filled. Testing went fine. It was up to 81 on the recording thermometer here and very little breeze at all. Really warm compared to 4 days ago when it was snowing and a freezing 30 degrees....
The redbuds came out and went real quick and the dogwood trees are in full flower. The lilac here at the house is barely opening the flowers.. a couple of temps like this and it will be out full. Peonies all looking good... hope to see blooms soon.

I can barely keep my eyes open... and tomorrow is the bull sale we are going to go to mid day... closeby so not a big deal... but we are going to have to buy at least one somewhere.. so figured we ought to go look since he is a neighbor and has some pretty nice cattle. Time to hit the shower and the bed....


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
State taxes in Va are due in May so not an issue here...
That is decent of them. Nice not to have them due at the same time if you owe. And if you are getting money back you can always file earlier.

SOOOO STUPID at this point in time.
And all prior points in time. I'm sorry you've got this one non-thinking PITA mucking up the works. She'll not have many friends in the family when it is all over. You are right, the more she puts her sticky fingers in, the less she'll net in the end. I'm sure the lawyer isn't enjoying this and will make sure to charge her for every second of his time. At what rate? Many hundreds of dollars/hour.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Always got to be one in the bunch….. That’s too bad for your son, he really wanted to keep the family together but it looks like there is zero chance of that. The old folks die and the family falls apart. Sad. People get scattered out and there isn’t a central gathering place any more to pull them together. Hopefully somewhere in there, a few can remain friends. Son needs to make it clear to lawyer that he is not one of “all the grandchildren”.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yeah, DS is pretty upset and he is trying to not "react off the cuff" right now. Brother called DS; said that he had been contacted by the lawyer up there... asked him some questions, brother told him what all had been taken when we were up for the funeral, and the arrangements father had made for the sewing machine and stuff prior to his passing.. thing is no one else sews in the family.... and that several got a few momentos and everyone was there after the funeral and in full he was not aware of what is "missing"....
Lawyer wants to go through the house on Monday, see what is there and then make a determination as to what will happen next. After all he is THE EXECUTOR of the estate... and I don't think he is very happy with the tone of her e-mail...
DS says that he will wait to see what lawyer says... but that if there is going to be a big stink, then he is taking the cattle just as soon as he and the guy can agree to meet and the he// with the rest. I said that if there is going to be a problem with the previously agreed on vehicles and equipment, then the lawyer can mail the check back to the bank and the deal on the car is off...... I don't have to have it... If I can't get it this trip up with DS to take the cattle, then they can forget it...most of the reason to wait on the cattle was to go to the house to start the clean out process...and get the explorer.... DS said that he talked to the cousin in Fl that is pregnant and tried to get her to understand that every month that it gets dragged out is more money out of everyone's pocket and more into the lawyers...and taxes and such..... and that this whole "conspiracy of DS and brother being there next weekend is just too convenient" BS ; and she won't get it through her head that we put off taking the cattle to be able to make one trip and make it count...

On to better things. It got HOT today... 83 and bright sun....
Went to the bull sale and wound up with more than we could have imagined in our wildest dreams... Looked at the bulls, picked out a couple we would consider... there were also several cows and calves there but we didn't even look at them, we never buy any since they are usually priced well above what we usually want to spend. A good friend of DS was there with his daughter... and he had a list of bulls that he wanted DS opinion on.... so we looked at all them too. Had a hamburger lunch that was provided, they were good and were real home grown beef...
Sale started and the prices were a little down from what we figured they would be. The base price started at 2200... and most were bringing in the 28-3200 range which is a little off. Bidding started on the first one he liked, and it went up by 100 each time... and it was choice of 2 bulls in that pen. Finally after piddling back and forth, and getting to 3100, the other guy was waffling a bit then said yes, then DS said, okay, let's quit fooling around, I bid 3500... the other guy quit. So we got our choice... The other guy was offered the 2nd bull at 3500 and he said no... So they put him back up for bid and he wound up bringing 3600.... to the guy who turned him down at 3500 as the 2nd choice.. he thought he would get him cheaper... The friend bought one for 3300 I think and several brought 28 and 3000.... then they went down the other side of pens and bidding on the cow/cf pairs... 1st pen....They were 1st calf heifers, with 300 lb calves on their side, AND confirmed bred back.... 3-in-one's..... they offered choice in the pen... we bought all 3 for 1700 each... then the next pen of 4... we bought 2, then on rebid bought 1 more... didn't take the smallest one. There was a pen of 3 all had bull calves... we did not get them... then they had 2 pens with small calves, a month old... they brought 1750 or 1800 each... and then the last pen had 3 more and they brought 16 or 1700....
Makes NO SENSE to buy ones with little babies unless you absolutely did not want fall born calves... because the ones we got all have calves that can be weaned off by Sept and they will have a new calf in Oct/Nov.....There are 2 bull calves and 4 heifer calves I think. If the heifer calves are nice, then we will keep them for replacements... if the bull calves are nice... they could be potential future these are YOUNG COWS.... they have their whole reproductive life ahead of them. We have paid as much as 1200 for bred cows with no calves, come from who knows where, not as nice... so this was a good purchase with future potential.... We will cull out a few more cows, anything that is open....preg check in 2 weeks.... to keep these. DS kept saying to me, mom, I never even looked at these cows or pairs, because they always are too high for us... but these are 3 in ones....
So, we planned to maybe put 4000 into a bull... but instead of spending 4 grand we spent a little over 13 grand, and both of us feel we came out way ahead. I like the bull, and these young cows will grow a bit and put on weight and they were nearly as big as the cows in the pasture we put them into....
I think we made a good purchase. We told the owner to call us when they got most of the other trailers/buyers loaded and we would come back to get them. The friend also went home and got his trailer and came back right about the time they called and we went back. So he loaded his bull in the front of his trailer; put our bull in the back section... we loaded the 6 cow/cf pairs...they would all fit in ours, but why crowd them.... and came to the barn... he backed his trailer up in the lane to the bull lot..... and we unloaded our bull and walked him into the field... then the friend went on home and we took the 6 pairs up through the field and into the back pasture and turned them out with the other cows with fall calves...
I like the bull we bought.....I really like the package deal on the cow/cf pairs....

While we were waiting on the phone call. DS was taking apart the front of the 4-wheeler to get to the radiator that has had several instances of being "compressed" by the winch pushed back into it and it finally is not salvageable.... Needs a new radiator... Then after we got the cattle unloaded, he was going to feed and then would come get me and take me down to get the forester so I could get it home. Then I got back with it... and decided that I really did need to get on the mower... so I mowed in front of the house and around the edge of the property and part of the side and back yard area... Got to pick up some sticks and stuff... and mow a little more... then mow the garden area down (scalp it) so I can lay the plastic on it to kill the grass so it can get tilled in a couple weeks. Also have to bring in the clothes so that I can mow around the clothesline... didn't need them to get covered with the grass....

Then, Deb had called earlier, and was out for the weekend, and we had arranged to go out for some dinner... and we went to Red Lobster as I was just wanting some seafood... and we left at 7:30 and got back at 10:30... it was EMPTY.... Prom night so very little customers at 8 p.m. We lucked out... no wait... got to sit and just enjoy it. She won't be out for a couple of weeks, is taking some vacation time and going to MAUI... yep, week.... she has never been, has a time share deal, and 2 friends are going with her... good for her...
So tomorrow I will hang out one more load of clothes that are in the machine soaking... jeans and shirt from testing that got well splattered.... get the garden area mowed short... and see about going to the farm to get the silage bag plastic to bring home to get on the ground and hopefully "cook" the grass underneath....
Then I will be already for the electric netting that has been on backorder... and go get my heifers at the dairy.
Also try to get the calves in at the nurse cow field too so they can get worked and tagged.....

Poultry swap is in 2 weeks and so far it is still on... I really need a couple of laying hens since I think that the 2 red ones have just about quit laying... can't find any eggs or a "nest" with their eggs and am just getting 1 white one a day. Would like to get 3-4 laying pullets and then see if I can find some good New Hampshires again...
Got some bad news, the guy who did my poultry processing called and said they have closed the butcher shop... they have had some inquiries about the equipment, so might be able to find someone else to do it. Luckily I don't have any meat birds right now...

One of my dairy farmers knows someone that processes rabbits... so I might see about getting some Rex rabbits as I want to have the pelts to be able to make some stuff... they are SOOOOO soft.... I passed on those Rex rabbits a couple years ago for $5 each.... might be able to find some again this year... if not now then in the fall... but with feed prices so high... there might be some deals around.... Just something in the back of my head....

It is getting late, after midnight... didn't realize that... no wonder I am tired... I got alot accomplished today and I am not "hurting" so much as just achey from working ... good kind of achey... Need more days like today...
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
WOW! What a fantastic day! Y’all spent some money, but y’all got unbelievable deals on all the cattle. 3 in 1 and like you said, you may add one of the bull calves to the herd, plus the heifer calves, and cows are due in the fall. Have you two broken your arms patting each other on the back, celebrating your good deal? LOL

After a long day, full of activity, your knees are only achy. NOT screaming in pain and misery, just achy. That is wonderful.

I wish I could buy some of the poultry equipment. I want a drum plucker so bad! I have a couple of customers waiting on next spring, when I start raising CCX again. Plus my DD and her husband are telling me to raise MEAT again. LOL. I gave them a styrofoam box of mostly chicken breast and some pork sausage at Easter, they were delighted.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Started at 60 as the low... up to 82 already at 12:30... going to get hotter in the sun later.
Got the other clothes ready to go out... got the dry ones off the line to mow around then will hang these. Watered all the plants on the porch... I left them out last night and will again tonight...
Going to make a sandwich and then go do the mowing I wanted to. I will be able to use the lawn sweeper and get all the dried grass up tomorrow... yesterday's mowed grass is already dry.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
In for the night. It is currently 72 and comfortable. It hit 88 here today.... a week ago it was 30 and snowing...o_O:th:idunno. I brought the clothes in, did some mowing. Hung out the other load. Tomorrow I will run the sweeper over the lawn and then try to "scalp" the garden area down more and then go get the silage plastic and cover it to smother/cook it since it has a black side and a white side. I will put it black side up so it collects the heat.
We are supposed to be extremely warm again Monday, then 40% chance of some showers/rain on Tuesday... and temps dropping to 50's for a day or 2 with nights in the 30"s???? What??? Whatever happened to "spring time" temps of 40's and 60-70's ?
Boy, my allergies kicked in today while mowing... although it might be as much the dustiness from some areas that had alot of the old leftover mulch hay and old grass. Eyes been itching and nose running... whew...
I am going to go out with the weedeater tomorrow and go around some trees and all. Think I will try to get the soil in the planters I got cheap and then can get the pretty begonias I got planted. Also DS gave me some petunias and some "dianthus" (?) for Easter... never grew them before... and if I plant them in the planters the chickens won't bother them so much... because I cannot get the trailer with the chicken pens moved here... even though I asked again.... I cannot move the tractor and bridge timbers that are in front of it... tractor does not run, and the timbers are way above my strength level.... might transplant the tomatoes into other pots so they can grow more... it will be a month until they get planted anyway... They are not real big yet.... will start watering them with weak fertilizer so they grow better...
Put the "take home" from Red Lobster in the oven to reheat for my supper tonight... that was planned when we went last night.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Mon noon... Need to go make something for lunch... Was 58 and up to 80 already. Sunny, a little hazy very light breeze.

Samples packed and need to finish strapping boxes to go out. Got side tracked by phone call from ins co wanting to know about the ins on the explorer that I just sent off the check for on Friday. Ins co call was on the list... bank had already sent them an inquiry... I get it, they did already give me the money for it and want to make sure their money is insured... I just hadn't gotten to it yet. So, I explained it to the ins lady, and she was okay... gave her the vin # and all and it matched in the records for the vehicle... so as of now it is insured, full coverage...The bank will be happy...she will send the info to the bank..... I explained about going to get it; that this weekend was the plan but would know more by Tues or Wed since there is that little fly in the ointment with the one niece with the e-mail to the lawyer up there... etc and so forth... and that I was going to get temp transport tags, 3 day, to drive it home... and then take the title to the bank so that they can do the transfer with them as the lien holder... I offered for her to call the lawyer if need be but she said that was fine the way it was set up... and if for some reason it does not go through, then, to let them know, it will come off the ins... and all that. Just printed off the ins card to put in the vehicle for the trip home if it happens...
Mail just came and a pkg of a couple of rose bushes that I had ordered... so I also finished the strapping and that is ready to be dropped off. I need to go make a sandwich.... stomach is growling.
Allergies kicked into high gear after yesterday so took a pill earlier and will take another here shortly to get them tamed down... Yesterday really set them off.
Maple tree is leafing out in a hurry... can't believe the difference since the snow last Monday...Trees and bushes have gone into overdrive with the leaves coming out since the extreme warm up this past week after that snow. CRAZY....