Herd Master
Maybe you could take the OE game bantams to the poultry swap meet and sell or trade for DS. And if DS' Wyandottes are good layers get some of them for yourself.
Can't blame the heifers at the barn for walking out an open gate....You had a day! And that’s another reason I love my sheep so much! They never get out, don’t give me much trouble and even the wild ones generally calm down. Cows get out a lot, if there is not a hole, they will make one.
Really sad about Ds. He ought to think about this like his cows and cull.DS was telling more of how she has really started down a darker path, and some of the ways she has detached herself from life in general.... and I keep trying to just "gently" tell him that she is not capable of the type of commitment that he was and that she does not stick with a relationship through "thick and thin"... just not in her makeup or basic core of her mind.