Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
You had a day! And that’s another reason I love my sheep so much! They never get out, don’t give me much trouble and even the wild ones generally calm down. Cows get out a lot, if there is not a hole, they will make one.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Ridgetop ... DS is talking about taking some of his father's chickens to the poultry swap; texted me to ask when it is. He used to go to more poultry things but just is not as passionate about the show chickens as his father, or even as much as me. I don't even know if ex has whatever breed it was he had a few years ago... not like I try to keep up with what he's doing.... rather not know except that it is becoming more of a part of DS's life now with his father's failing health conditions. If DS wants to take them to the swap that works for me... but I am not going to do it for him. I wouldn't get enough money for them or something...

Never got back on here last night. DS called and was again at loose ends as he is most every night now... he went to GF daughters practice last night and spent some time with the father and his gf and is helping to coach the team.... sounds like GF did this same exact routine with the ex all those years ago..... DS says that he keeps telling him that he knows EXACTLY what DS is feeling.....
Comment was made that it is much more pleasant at the practices with GF not there...... which she won't be for at least 2-3 weeks... she is really hurting with these ribs and someone stays with her every day at her house since she can barely get up and down by herself.....
DS was telling more of how she has really started down a darker path, and some of the ways she has detached herself from life in general.... and I keep trying to just "gently" tell him that she is not capable of the type of commitment that he was and that she does not stick with a relationship through "thick and thin"... just not in her makeup or basic core of her mind. She is just too self-centered about things... if it serves her purpose, then she is all in... but when she gets tired of something, there is a lack of any personal connection and she just discards it... and wants to just stay "friends".... God help all the "fair weather friends" like her....

Started out not quite as cold this morning, 37 as opposed to the 33 yesterday... Sun is out and will warm into the low-mid 60's again... tomorrow warming with the rain coming in and real warm on Sat but windy again...

They came and tilled the garden yesterday with the roto-tiller; I noticed after I got home from all the crazy things during the day. So, it is ready to start getting things planted... of course it will be another 6 weeks before out last frost date... but the cold weather stuff can get put out... onions and potatoes which are going to be a big part of it due to the deer situation...other stuff... need to get serious about it since I wasn't really into that mindset yet.... thought it would be mid April before they tilled it which would have suited me just fine...

Doing a little bill paying that I haven't set up on automatic..... got to eat and get my butt in gear. Would like to try to get on some more "fence pile cleanup/sorting"...
Got to get in touch with a couple of herds too....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
You had a day! And that’s another reason I love my sheep so much! They never get out, don’t give me much trouble and even the wild ones generally calm down. Cows get out a lot, if there is not a hole, they will make one.
Can't blame the heifers at the barn for walking out an open gate....:hide:idunno....

the cow is another story... always looking for a way out to the "grass is greener on the other side".... :he


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
In for a sandwich... hard boiled eggs last night, so made some egg salad. 2 loads laundry washed and on the line. Walked around the garden making notes what I want to do and where... Going to pull the couple of boxes of potatoes open and see what the sprout status is... expect they need to go in soon. Need to go through the seeds and see what I might still need but I think I am in pretty good shape...Do need to go to farm bureau and get some of the onion plants... I get better results from them than the little sets it seems. I used to always plant the little sets up north but I think that the difference in the long day and short day ones makes the plants work better here for me.

Need to get the walk behind weed eater fired up and see about getting some perimeter of the garden done.

Plants all out on the porch and watered.. They dry out fast when this wind blows. Trying to get a few things done on the phone also. Tried to call Shelter Logic and got put on hold... will try again.

Found Bekaert (sp?) brand high tensile sheep and goat fence for under $410.... 330 ft roll... Red Brand is not high tensile and it is $395..... @Mini Horses ???? Can bring you some to poultry swap.... the bekaert brand is supposed to have a coating to last 30 years...
Time to get back out and do..... something.....

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Fence has gone up a bunch since we bought ours. Our fencing is half Red Brand and half Bekaert and I prefer the Bekaert, especially if you are doing it by yourself. Red Brand is twice the weight.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
DS was telling more of how she has really started down a darker path, and some of the ways she has detached herself from life in general.... and I keep trying to just "gently" tell him that she is not capable of the type of commitment that he was and that she does not stick with a relationship through "thick and thin"... just not in her makeup or basic core of her mind.
Really sad about Ds. He ought to think about this like his cows and cull.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Don't know what triggered it but got a real humdinger of a headache this afternoon... didn't get much else done. Except the phone calls... waste of a nice day outside... but just could not take the loud hammering etc of doing the posts...
Brought the plants all back in because it got chilly this afternoon as the sun started to drop... Got up to 64 but I had a sweatshirt on when I went outside.
Tomorrow it is supposed to warm way up, 70's then rain and stay in the mid-upper 50's and 70's on Sat... then drop into the 30's later Sat night...
Did get through to ShelterLogic and a set of replacement cover, front,back panels and the whole big over the top&sides is about $260... have to go out and measure it to be sure of the size... Then during some perusal on the internet again.. found a complete one; frame and all.. and different companies with the same one... from $175 to $275.... free delivery... :barnie:barnie:he:th:th.....
so what do you do?????:idunno:idunno:idunno.....

The replacement cover on ebay is the same price as from Shelter Logic direct... so no savings there...then my head just got worse so I quit... but I did find a 1/2 style... goes against a wall or the house... that would be great this time of year for the spider plants and such so I didn't have to bring them in and out.... several sources, same one, and one place has them on special .... end of season type thing... since we are still 6 weeks out from last frost date.. might consider that for now... and then decide to replace cover from Shelter Logic... or try the other one I found ..... they are all the plastic fabric type, not the poly carbonate hard panels... BUT... the price is a lot more palatable.... the only plus to the shelterlogic cover that actually fits is that the frame is already put together...

Going in to take a shower and go to bed early... going to make an "adult beverage" to see if I can get to sleep better instead of taking more ibuprofen or tylenol or something...

Any body hearing about the new deal that Brazil has made with Russia or China... about NOT using the US dollar as the basis for exchange... and the possible repercussions as the dollar will lose it's value and we will go the way of Venezula's monetary breakdown and rampant inflation that will render the dollar useless on the world market???? I only caught a little bit of it... got me VERY concerned if there is truth to that...
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Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Haven't heard about that. However, for the US dollar to be removed as basis for exchange internationally, all of Europe, Africa, India, South America, Central America, Japan, Canada, Australia, etc. would have to agree wouldn't they? Just Russia, China, and Brazil could not do it on their own. What would it take for that to happen?