Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Had a decent day. Got the onion plants... got 3 kinds and hope they do better this year than last year. Picked up a few more green bean seeds.
Got the outback inspected, had to have a bulb replaced that was out, and since they didn't have anything else sitting there, got the oil changed and all fluids checked and all so should be good to go for a bit.
Next will be the explorer and the forester. I have to get a new lens for the forester's signal light as one is broken and it won't inspect. The explorer has a message in the dash that says the oil will need changing soon.... it will be 3,000 miles here shortly.... had it changed when I brought it home from NH ... LAST MAY.... yep, maybe 3,000 miles in a year...
Deb is here for a week working remote... and we took the explorer to go out to eat. One of the brakes is grating so need to get that looked at. It needs inspection in May so will take it in on a day they aren't busy again... and get them to inspect and check the brakes and do the oil.... it might need brakes... I have no idea....

Got a recording thermometer for the greenhouse.... so I can regulate it a little better and not have to have the heat turned up to much.... also got a "utility knife" to cut the cardboard to put down for the "floor" to cover the deck boards with the slats that will let colder air up through on the windy days. Have a couple of big boxes to cut to use. Maybe will get to that on Wed..... we are not supposed to have much wind the next 2 days but then picking up with some storms coming in mid-end of the week.
Did not get the other plant stand put together today and not tomorrow so maybe do that on Wed morning. Deb wants to maybe take her truck down to get inspected... we will leave it Wed morning, and then go back and get it Thursday morning or so... I will be home later on Wed eve so probably won't go get it then. I will have to leave at 1 to go to work, and set up at that farm to milk by 3.... so don't know if it will get done then.

Tomorrow I have to be at the dentist at 11... got the bottles in the rack to take... want to leave here by 10:15 to be there on time and then go from there to do everything else I want to do and then go to work. So will try to have everything ready to go tomorrow....

Temp is down to 46 from a high of 62 today. Forecast is for below normal temps for the next 2 weeks....


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
He has got to want to get over her and he is not at that point ..... I guess I am too cold hearted as I would have not let this destroy me as he is letting her do to himself... He has to make up his mind to be done and I don't think he really is there....
It's a shame, but it is like being on a diet, stopping drinking, or taking drugs, they have to want to change, and you can't do it for them. He has to be ready to move on. While it would be hard in the children (gf's daughter and gf sister's kids) he needs to make a break with them too. Being around the kids and doing stuff for them keeps everything fresh in his mind. Not to mention that both gf and gfs are using him to benefit their kids without having any feelings for him.

You are not cold hearted, just pragmatic and seeing it for how it is.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just a few notes.... 35 yesterday morning, mostly clouds and cool. Had a not very good day... was violently sick to my stomach when I took my meds before I went to the dentist... didn't eat... and they did not settle and I had to cancel dentist as I couldn't stop heaving. Really bad... laid down for a couple hours and finally got past it and kept down some ginger ale... I guess I have always eaten when I have taken them and never thought about it... So, about noon I decided to try to go to do the few errands anyway.... loaded everything in the car and went to station to fill car since I didn't fill it because that farm canceled last week that I would have filled it near them where it is cheaper. So, filled it, got in and it wouldn't start... like the battery was dead... barely cranked once. WHAT ???? Opened hood, checked wires and all that... NOTHING. So... called my mechanic and he said he would come check it... luckily the shop was only 5 miles away... he came up in a little bit.... and realize, the car is sitting right at the gas pump..... and did some checking... jumped it to start it, and it was running and he said the alternator is not charging... so he said to take it over to the guy around the corner that has starters and alternators, and he would come put it on for me.... we try to deal with him because he is local... and OF COURSE he does not have the one for my car. So a few minutes later Wayne came... Ronnie said he didn't have one and none of his suppliers had one in stock... so Wayne said he would see about getting one and get it on... he took me back by my house (on his way back to the shop) and dropped me off. I took the forester, went back and got the stuff out of the car for work, and went to work. By now, of course I didn't have any time to go to the nursery or anything else... but I did get to the farm in time to do the testing...

Came home and ate an egg salad sandwich... and it stayed down okay... and my car was back in the driveway...he had gotten the alternator in it and delivered it home to my house.... I will go by sometime today and thank him and find out the "damage"... cost.

Got a text... the farm I was supposed to go test this afternoon... milker is on his way to Pa...., his dad is in hospital with heart failure, has been ill, and prognosis is bad... so today is cancelled.. we talked a bit ago, and it will be up in the air... not sure if his dad will live much longer... so we have tentatively set it for Friday aft... depending on his situation and if he is back... play it by ear with his situation.

Then get a call and there is a cow out in the yard... got her back in and went along the road, have no idea where she got out... HATE this crap fence... they want green grass...I get it... got the bull in with her that we are wanting to sell.... will try to get her calf in with her when it comes up (it is a couple of months old so more independent) with the rest of the cows as they make their way up to the water trough and all that... Texted DS about them...

So, I am going to go do a couple of the errands that I wanted to do yesterday since I have got to get a lawn mower....

Temps started at 41 and it is partly sunny.... up to 60... clouds later and probably mostly cloudy tomorrow... then rain supposed to come in Thursday night... if not some showers before...

So, I'm leaving here in a few minutes... hope the day gets better....
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday eve. Been 2 long days again. Thurs.....Was getting things together and DS calls... there are some cows out at betty lou's... turns out there were 2 calves that got out... probably into the alley there and of course the gate at the end was not shut the last time someone was in there.... (NOT ME).... and they just followed along the fence and past the OPEN GATE and along the fence along the very busy road... Luckily.... I had feed still in a bucket... so went into the pasture gate along the road... called the cows to follow me... dropped some piles of feed and the calves came along the fence and into that open gate and into the field...

Then I came home to get the other car, put the rest of the stuff in and went to town and on the way to work. Had to change the brackets for this farm on 16 meters, tested and we got done and I got home about 8:30 or so... right at dark. It was clouding up and all.

We started getting some light rain around 10 then it settled down into a good steady rain... rained all night and into this morning. I dumped the rain gauge about 11 and there was 1 & 1/2 inches... YAY:bow. We have been needing a good soaking rain.
Talked to the milker and he was back so wanted to test so I said okay... Got the hoses I needed and bottles and packed the samples from yesterday and dropped them off to go out... and ran down to the mechanic's shop and nearly fainted on the bill... because they had to get the alternator at the subaru place... it was nearly twice what they cost elsewhere but no one would have one for days since there weren't any in any warehouses they contacted... I was hoping $2-250 or so... it was a bit over $400... they knocked some off the alternator price ( to almost wholesale) but they had to go all the way to town to get it special... so I paid $200 on it and will pay the other $155 in 2 weeks... he said not to worry about it and pay them next month... but I wanted to give them at least half.... plus they did drop it off at the house and all... Boy that was not in the budget for the next 2 weeks.
Stopped at the dentist and apologized again for having to cancel... they are great about that... but then I am not a "chronic lazy person that cancels all the time"... got a new appt for the cleaning... it wasn't life or death so all is good there....

Went by TSC and checked on the possibility of the mowers and such.... then went to the farm. Got set up and everything went along... his dad passed away, so he is going back up Sunday for the viewing and the service is Monday. His niece and cousin are handling most of the details there, with his phone input today after they did alot of the legwork on Thursday..... since they have been helping take care of them.... his mom has some dementia and is unable to stay alone so they are going to have to make arrangements for her to go in a nursing home... finances not good with the house having a substantial mortgage.... they cannot afford to pay the mtg and a full time care giver, so everyone feels it will be in the best interest of the mom to be somewhere that she will have care and being watched with the dementia will be sold and balance after the mtg will be put into a trust or something for her care.... she was having trouble understanding the he was not coming back to the house "later".... Dan said he must've tried to explain it to his mom 25 times and 5 minutes later she would ask the same questions or say something that totally didn't make any sense... Very tough situation.... we talked about some of the issues with my parents situation....

Came home and it was a chilly wet misty rain this evening. Warmed up some butternut squash soup to get a "warm up" in me....

Have to go get 3 R.I. Red young birds tomorrow... a friend called and they asked if I was interested in them... they already had all they wanted and another neighbor said they had too many and wanted to get rid of a few... That would be great... supposed to be 3 months old? Don't know how they will get along with the brahma hen... but they will have to figure it out... will probably keep them separate for a while anyway... She is laying almost daily, so at least not buying eggs or anything... Buff hen has disappeared... think something finally got her since she never would go in the shelter with this hen at night and I never could find where she was roosting after the one time I found her and then she changed... I thought she might be setting on eggs at first... not fertile of course...but she has never reappeared. I have managed to kill another possum, and there was a skunk and a raccoon both killed on the road after the big possum that got killed first...

Heater in the 1/2 greenhouse is working good. Will see how bad the electric bill is next month... but keeping it between 50-60 at night. Got another piece of cardboard to put in there and that should cover the rest of the cracks in the deck floor to stop any cold breeze. We are supposed to have some sun/clouds tomorrow and then another rain Sunday... then mostly clearing but cool.... 50's and low 60's maybe with nights again back into the 30's..... so want to get it a little more "wind proof".... as they are saying 5-10 mph winds next week too. I might be able to get the other plant stand put together tomorrow ...

Going in to take a shower and dump all the "cow sh!t clothes" in the laundry basket and wash my hair and be clean for 2 days... have to bring in the samples out of the car tomorrow too and get packed to send out Monday... rescheduled farm with computer problem to test Monday eve... Then it is a new month already...

Oh, the box with the potatoes I ordered was on the porch, but I was too tired to open it tonight... job for tomorrow.... next is planting them....

Ready to quit for the night.
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Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Just remember the older vehicles have $400 alternator that are reachable without removing the vehicles are $500 to hook to electronics to find a $1500 sensor :idunno:hide:hit

My truck is coming up for inspection....hoping to check things first :fl. I have tires scheduled already $$:th


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yeah.... he changed the alternator right in the parking lot at the shop where I had taken it.... my DS has the dually truck, that came from my father that he used to pull the big travel trailer they had... and it is a 2016 or something and a P.I.T.A. to work on... all that trouble we had going north a year or so ago... now has something else wrong... One of the reasons I still want to sell the explorer... it's a 2012.. with all that "new fangled stuff" on it...
Going to get the forester inspected since I got the new windshield installed...when I get the new lens for the parking/turn signal light..... and the explorer is up for inspection this month. Hard to believe I have had it 1 year.... 2500+ miles put on it in the year and over 800 was the trip home from NH... says it is nearing an oil change.... and have to have them pull the brakes, one is making a grating sound. Maybe this next week when my work schedule is slower...

They have cancelled the change in the Farm Use tags...for this year at least..... was supposed to go into effect in July... because they can't get all the things worked out on vehicles that have no titles.... some other "hitches" in the proposed rules.... so many farmers wind up buying vehicles from estates and things like that, that have no titles... and just run then for farm use stuff... my 4x4 ranger had no title when we bought it..... plus saying that you cannot move the tags from one trailer to another like we do now for something we might only use 2-3 times a year.. say to haul hay home on a flat bed trailer... or the trailer we use to pile scrap metal on, and haul a couple times a year to the scrap metal place.... plus the requirements for "road worthy" vehicles of things like headlights and such on old farm feeding vehicles that you don't use in the dark so don't need the headlights on.... hate to tell you how many of those that are around here in this area. So, for now no big push but since I got the windshield done on the forester, I am going to go ahead and get it licensed again...then I can run it anywhere and not have some "officer" stop and question the farm use... even with it full of feed bags and buckets in the back...

Partly cloudy out and not even 60 out. Going to be a cooler day... clouds staying around some with more rain coming in tonight and tomorrow...looks like midnight or so. Some areas not too far from here got over 3 inches in this last rain... I haven't looked at the rain gauge to see what more we got after I dumped it yesterday... my allergies have already kicked in so I just took a pill to see if I can mitigate the itchy nose and eyes before I go out to do much outside. Want to get the potatoes in and see what all they sent (I've forgotten what I ordered) and then see about going and getting those new chickens and stopping and seeing if I can get Sam to come and do the garden again once it dries out a bit and then I will be ready to get into it. I see no reason to hurry so much with the garden in the spring with the "iffy" weather we get. I want to plant and mulch and get it all done at once. Going to start some pepper plants today and put in the 1/2 greenhouse on the deck... it will be another month before they can be planted out there safely without worrying about they getting a possible frost... Even if we don't get a frost, the chilly nights don't help them to grow so why be in such a rush....
I see where a neighbor that planted potatoes down the road, they are just coming up through... but they will be ready to dig in mid Aug and we are too busy then anyway... later planted ones seem to keep better for me... .

Time to get going, have to bring in the printer which I took to the farm last night, and the samples before the car gets too warm... I wasn't worried with them last night with the chilly misty rain.... not much sun out there so don't think it is going to get too warm too quick.... very overcast overall so far...