Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
COLD here this morning... wind has laid down some but they are saying tomorrow is going to be back to high winds. 46 early and only 53 now. Cloudy and just raw out there. WV allegheny mtns are saying accumulating snow of up to 12 inches at the 4000 elevations....:thIt won't last but still....

Greenhouse has survived the winds so far... little sun peeked out and temp up to 69 in there...

YES... still planning on the Poultry Swap on Sat... we have 40% chance of rain/precip on Sat but it is coming from the west so it ought to be decent 2+ hours east.... Plans to meet up like usual... 8-8:30 or so... we'll call once we get there? Haven't talked to DS so have no idea if he is going to take any of his father's chickens... guess we will talk some time this week... He is trying to get the trusses up on the hay barn and so might be tied up with that on Sat. There are 2 up that I saw yesterday before I left to test...

Getting ready to head out and take samples to drop for UPS pickup.... go to the nursery and see about what tomato plants I want to get to keep here in the greenhouse... like having the option to have them ready for when I am ready to plant them and not be swapping things in and out of the house. Too soon for the peppers I planted to have come up yet.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Read my recording thermometer wrong... it was down to 42 last night.... Hit 60 today and it was windy off and on all day still.... mostly cloudy too.

Went to the nursery/greenhouse and got several kinds of tomatoes, some peppers, and some Torenia flower plants that I like to put around the foundation here... Also treated myself to 2 new peony plants... a dark solid red and an almost white one... The red has a beautiful bloom and the white has several big buds. There are so many colors now.... Got my 10% discount also....
Went from there and dropped off the samples at UPS since it wasn't too far away....

Got a phone call from the lady with the chickens... she had 3 more she wanted to get rid of... said her hens just wanted to fight with them.... somehow she got Old English Games because they had "game chickens" when she was a kid growing up.... she is nice but very "limp".... I guess insipid would be an adjective... you know the kind that talk all soft and weak and just not alot of "substance" ..... She mentioned that she paid $20 EACH for 2 month old R.I. Red chicks.... 2 trios... said she didn't want any money just that she wanted them to get a good home... I offered to pay her something... but she said no... she was going to give me their bag of feed and I said, no, just mix it with the feed she is feeding the hens she has, it wouldn't hurt them.... She said, oh, well that's good.... I just didn't feel right to take the feed too. I will feed the feed I am feeding to the Lt Brahma pullet...
They are in the bigger crate in the corner of the "shelter" and will keep them in there for a few days with feed etc, and get them acclimated... see how the brahma does with them... let them out late in the afternoons when I am there so they learn to go back into the crate at night like the brahma does. They seem quiet... fully feathered so not needing any heat or anything, but will be losing the juvenile feathers for more adult feathers soon I think....

Got a call from the dentist and they had a cancellation for tomorrow and it is with the hygienist I like, so I said I would take it... so going there tomorrow. First thing I will EAT in the morning, then take the meds.....have to be there at 11.... will go to Sharp Shopper after for some misc grocery shopping... and then come home.

Decided to start some marigold seeds that I have tons of... as I like to use them in the garden for bug deterrent.....
Keep having some wind gusts this evening.... everything is in the 1/2 greenhouse on the deck except the peonies as they were outside at the nursery....

DS cut the field of wheat/rye mixed across from the house so I guess I will be raking that Thurs or Friday...some was starting to head out. He used leftover seed he had and just mixed it rather than buy seed last fall for it. I don't know what he plans to put back.....he hasn't told me anything.

Stopped and finally caught Sam at his house and paid him for the garden and asked if he could run the tiller or something over it again... said I hadn't planted anything yet with the cold... so gave him extra and he said he would get to it in a couple days after it dried out a bit from the rain we had.... that will be perfect. Then I will be able to go ahead and just plant and mulch as I go.... I will ask DS where the hay is that was not off ground that was treated and go clean up around some of the hay piles... just don't want to mix any of the places where he had the orchard grass hay so don't get any that had been treated.... I have 2 falling apart rolls to use now but it probably won't be enough.... Might just get some straw from my one farmer as his straw bales are very tight and heavy.... got some there in the shelter I can use then just replace it this fall when I put the new cover on it. Got to get the electric netting up around the garden to keep the critters out... hope the deer will stay away from it too...

Got to get some sleep so I can get up and going in the morning.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thursday morning. Down to 42 again, wind has died down some to just a lighter breeze.... Only up to 57 and still feels quite chilly. Sun and clouds today they say. The field DS cut isn't going to be ready to rake for a few days... it needs quite a bit of time to dry down with these cloud/sun days. He said yesterday that those sprinkles weren't on the forecast and I didn't argue but YES, they have been on the local forecast for the last few days....

Got a list to do, got to get started on something. At least I will have a nice clean garden to start in once he does it in a few days, and I am not in a rush for that. Good to not have to figure out how to get rid of the grass coming up now even though it is not high yet...

Saw on the news that Snowshoe WV had 12 inches of snow over the 2 day period.....We are just a couple of hours east of there... we get these colder bursts here from the mountains.

Another bank failed and got bought out by JP Morgan Chase.... things are not looking too promising...


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Yep, failed for the same reason as the others. Bad decisions on "investing" deposits.
I have a friend who just told me yesterday that she tried to deposit a US Treasury check she go as an incentive on getting solar - the credit union said there was a 7 day wait/hold before it would show up. As of yesterday it was 9 days and it still didn’t show in her account. Not sure how true it is, but that’s what she told me and another friend.


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
I tried to open a high yield savings account with my bank. Yes, my bank. Been a customer for 8 years. Nope, they said. They cannot verify that my SSN is me.

Um, I've had my SSN from Texas since the 60's. Rolls eyes.....

p.s. No I'm not compromised. Credit is good, I file taxes, bought and sold four homes with in the last 14 months under that SSN.

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