Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Maybe @canesisters can post the fb link here or in the "coffee" thread, for the Gilman Swap... Nothing like modern technology of a drone to offer a "bird's eye view" of it... Weather was perfect... It was definitely the biggest they have ever had....

And you're right @Mini Horses ... knees were fine.. Never hurt at all, just a little tired but hey... except for the sitting on the dog food bags in the one building for eating our lunch... we never sat down for 4 or more hours... didn't run any marathon but it was steady walking, looking etc.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Worked on the electric fence... UN-attached the poly wire from the single strand of plain wire as there are too many iffy places in that poly wire... One insulator was pulled out of the post and so the wire was down on the ground...Got it all back up, unhooked the charger and it was working fine, then hooked up just the top wire... Then managed to break the wire off the tester that you stick the prong in the ground to check the fence. So am not sure if it is working. Brought the tester home and took it apart, but it needs to be soldered and I don't have the capabilities to do that. Nowadays it is just a throwaway thing I guess... might see if someone can fix it for me... simple to do I think but might not be worth it... I will go buy another one so I have it and then if this one can be fixed, I will have 2. I have had this one for years... it is a Red Snapper and will check from 600 to 9000V with the various lights that light up.

Came home and put all the plants out on the porch so they could get rain watered. Then remembered that the windows were open on the car that I drove to the farm when I got the tractor and the tedder on Friday. Closed them just as it started to rain. Soft steady rain for a bit. It has slowed now but just looked at radar and it looks like it is developing more to the south as is moves so we might not get is actually getting lighter to the west... might just clear off for the rest of the afternoon.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
A good friend of mine has been putting up with bad knees for years. I’ve been brow beating her to get them fixed. The kicker came when she was weed eating her ditch and fell -out in the road! She couldn’t get up and had to sit there until a car came along and the people stopped and helped her get up. She called and made an appointment with my doctor. She is having both knees done in June. She is excited and glad I’ve been on her a$$ to get the surgery. She is a nurse, 72 and still working. She’s in administration now, so going back to work will be easier for her than running the hallways.

For me, knee replacement has been beyond fantastic. No pain. Step counter on my phone says some days I walk 5 or 6 miles. I’m “farm active” and those are working miles. LOL

Jan I’m glad the knee replacement has done so well for you. It’s certainly life changing, for the better. You were able to walk around for hours and enjoy yourself.

I want to know why, on my phone, on the activity summary it has pushing my wheelchair as an activity! 🤪


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Monday night. Nice day, sun and some high clouds... never got any rain although once or twice it got a darker cloud then went on; up to 85 nice day, light breeze. The radar is showing more clouds but they might go above and below us looking at the air/wind patterns. Did a bunch of weed eating,loaded some planters so I can take and dump the soil into the garden and then can get fresh soil to put in them with spring/summer flowers...
Went down and paid for the explorer... liked to fell over... but it had to have both rotors and both calipers as they were totally eaten up and corroded from the salt in NH and not being taken care of like it should have been since my father's health was failing some, then his stroke... and my brother using it occasionally to go back and forth to his place in NY... and never getting washed after using it on the salted/snowy roads up there...The rotors and the calipers were in the $100 range each... so just that and the set of brakes was around $500... not counting the oil change and all that and the labor getting the wheels/rotors/calipers off the thing. I was expecting around $500 but it was more than that... Oh well, put it on a card that just went by it's bill date so will have 45 days to get it paid off....
Might put it back up for sale..... :th :hit:hit:hit.

DS said he would take me down to get it on the way to the sisters' daughter's ball game... and of course... he went right by and never remembered he would do it. Some days......
I'll get a ride down from someone . Haven't gotten the signal light lenses for the forester yet.

Hoping we will get some showers but if not, will have to water everything out on the deck.

Oh well, another day... no farms scheduled for this week either... would be a good time to get into the garden with the potatoes but he hasn't come to do it again yet... and it will be so much better to plant right after it gets worked once more... too soon to attempt to plant the tomatoes in case we get another frost.... I didn't take down the 2 cattle panels from the tomatoes from last year... I did put some marigold seeds in a tray to start rather than buy them. They will have a bit of a head start rather than direct seeding in the garden.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Tuesday. Cloudy was down to 57 but no rain here... Looked at the radar over the past 6-8 hours and it went north above us about 40 miles and it looks like they got some pretty decent rain.... and way southwest in the lower part of the state and straight across... We might get some later this afternoon but I doubt it will be much. Oh well, I will go out and water some of the spider plants that look a little dry. We only had .2 in that nice rain we had Sunday afternoon...

I forgot to mention that I have let the RI Reds out into the shelter with the zipper door open the last 2 days. And letting the Brahma pullet out also... she is a little aggressive, and the cockerel just dodges her and then she will come out and do her thing... she comes up to the house area and they just hang around at the shelter and they do just fine. In the evening they go in the shelter and they are pretty tame and will go right in their crate and she will go in her crate and I just shut them in.... They are working out really good.

Very cloudy out there... I will hope for a shower or 2.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Wednesday, Got down to 49 last night. I was looking at the forecast, so had moved all the plants back into the 1/2 greenhouse in case. Don't need them to get too much of a set back if it got down to the 44 that was on the hourly forecast. Glad that we didn't get that chilly.
Today is supposed to be sunny and tomorrow also with more "weather" coming in over the weekend. Going to open the greenhouse zipper doors on both sides and just water the plants and leave them there since tonight is forecast back into the 40's. Supposed to warm over the weekend again. We may be past the last frost this year. Now I am ready for them to have retilled the garden and it's not done...:(:th:idunno. Oh well, can't complain... thinking he might get to it in the next couple days as he said it needed to dry out from the rain that weekend.

DS texted and said the owner said the wire was down at the nurse cow pasture... again... wonder if they popped the nail in insulator out of the post again. I am going to go get a porcelain one and put a wire around the post to attach it and that will take care of the other one having the stress and pulling out the nails. There is plenty of grass in this pasture for the number of cows so they are just being stupid... unless it is the D@#N DEER....

No farms on the schedule... still haven't heard from that owner sampler farm.

Ate some @Mini Horses eggs this morning... and drank some goat milk. I think I like it better as plain white milk than chocolate...

Time to get out and get something done.