Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
On another note... we have been having some of the "practice" flyovers from the jets in the military... the Blue Ridge Mountains here are supposedly like the mountains that they have to navigate other places and they do alot of low maneuvers and such.... have had them going through several times in the last 10 days.... that is never a good sign as it signals that there seems to be more "activity"..... hoping this is not a precursor to some type of "armed conflict".... it seems to work that way in the past.... Got me concerned.

Well, tomorrow is work and I can't do anything about it... Maybe they are screwing up the air patterns and the rain is going away because of them???? Always some sort of "conspiracy theory"....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I have helicopter fly over training sometimes. But I'm 50 mile's from a couple big military air fields with copters and fighter jets that work off the aircraft carriers in Norfolk, when on deployment. The jets head out over water usually. 🤷


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Our place in Yelm was near Lewis/McCord - the big joint Army & AF base. We could hear the gunfire from the cannons when they were practicing maneuvers. Aways felt pretty safe with the army close. Probably would have been the first place hit in a strike though, now that China has balloon photos of all our bases. Better in Texas where everyone has a gun and would not be afraid to fight invaders. Well, maybe except Austin. LOL

President Clueless already has us in trouble. At least with Trump I felt that he had a handle on our enemies.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Worked, went to the other farm, did the stuff there. Home about 11:30-noon. which I expected. Let chickens out, looked at garden... he left a patch right in the middle and it turns out is has some volunteer squash plants so he went around it. Funny thing is, on closer inspection there is a bunch of volunteer Dill seedlings coming up... YAY.... I didn't see many last year and there were a few that must've gone to seed....

Sun is out, we have had a few bouts of 20 drop sprinkles several times... not even enough to get you wet. Radar is showing we might get some actual rain showers after 2... but alot of it is not going to hit us. :fl we get some of it...

Got to eat something, I am hungry...

Samples and computer in the house ... going in to work on the vacuuming, cleaning, moving stuff so hallway is empty for DS bringing home my table and chairs that were in parents house....time to get motivated here... plus if we get some of the rain, the garden ought to work up nice for the planting of the potatoes. I might go out now and put the tomato's in along the fence panel and pray they get watered in and not munched on by anything either. Then I can mulch them to keep down the grass and weeds since I did not pull the panels for him to till and there is a bunch of stuff along them. Weed eated then down to dirt yesterday evening..... have some cardboard and a stack of newpapers to use for mulch/weed suppression and then pile hay on top to hold in place.... ALSO.... There were deer tracks right across the garden that I saw a little bit ago....:somad:somad:rant:rant:barnie:barnie:he:he. Fence/netting will be next priority once I get the house ready.... and the potatoes planted as they won't/can't bother them until they sprout... and last year they did not bother the potato plants... They didn't bother the tomato plants much but did eat the tomatoes off the vine...

Lunch first my stomach is growling. Oh, Deb is out, at her farm, and is going to try to do some lawn mowing... we will do supper later on. Guess the "shower off the cow manure" will wait a few hours and just do it after I get all dirty....

OOPS... just came up another quickie sprinkle shower... road is barely wet... well, finish lunch and see whether I go out or stay in...


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
On another note... we have been having some of the "practice" flyovers from the jets in the military... the Blue Ridge Mountains here are supposedly like the mountains that they have to navigate other places and they do alot of low maneuvers and such.... have had them going through several times in the last 10 days.... that is never a good sign as it signals that there seems to be more "activity"..... hoping this is not a precursor to some type of "armed conflict".... it seems to work that way in the past.... Got me concerned.

Well, tomorrow is work and I can't do anything about it... Maybe they are screwing up the air patterns and the rain is going away because of them???? Always some sort of "conspiracy theory"....
We get a lot of helicopter fly overs in formation, and hear and feel a lot of the artillery practice from Camp Pendleton. It was all the time - but have only seen a few helicopters lately and felt/heard even fewer booms lately. Strange actually.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Yesterday I was surprised at prices the just weaned calves brought. Unusual for here but heifer jersey...four of them and they averaged $425 each. Holstein brought less but, one bull and one steer that was a few months older. $360 & $470. Pigs were almost give away $. You had mentioned the better calf prices's here too.

And the goat kids there were mostly small breeds, not anything I raise. But I'll wean and grain these boys another month. I expect the meat buyers at June, with the ethnic holidays end of month, July 4 right after. My guys are chunky, slick and shiny. 😁 Better bids!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Only down to 57 last night. We got a couple 3 minute light showers... looked in rain gauge and we got BARELY 2 tenths total for the last 2 days. Enough to get the grass wet and then it dried off inbetween... Would have liked your 1/2 inch @Mini Horses .
Neighbor called and wanted to see a high school group do Fiddler on the Roof... at the auditorium at VMI.... I have never been so thought it would be okay. Since Deb and I were going to do supper, and I said I didn't want to cancel on her... neighbor said maybe she would like to go... so I called her and she said sure... so the 3 of us went. It was interesting, the sound track was a little overpowering of their voices, but it was pretty good. I am not into theater much but they knew their lines well and it moved right along with no holdups in scene changing or anything. I think it was well done for "young actors"... Left at 6 and it was 7:30 when it started and then we went for hot fudge sundaes at Mc D on the way home and was home by a little after 10. Didn't help get things done here in house ... I was tired after not much sleep, testing, some cleaning, and Planting some in the garden. Got in most of the tomato plants.... need to set up the 1/2 length cattle panel to do the rest.... seems several of the 4 packs had 5 in them, and one had 7 and the last one I got ...which I knew had a couple extra that hadn't been weeded out.... has 11 in it....:ep sooooo... need more space. I will put up the 1/2 panel that I had taken down for them to till since it was in the middle of the garden, and get them planted....maybe tomorrow. The house cleaning/rearranging is taking priority right now.
Also got the row of pepper plants in so I sure hope we don't get nights that are too cold.
I am going to have to go out and water down along the plants though as they did not get enough rainwater to get them settled in well... It is somewhat cloudy and some sun.... slight chance of a shower later but diminishing... some showers/ "disturbances" several days this week. Would be good to get some more in the garden to take advantage of the natural watering... if we get it. Soil is quite a bit drier than I thought it would be.

Time to get serious about the rest of the moving/cleaning/rearranging...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Here it is after 2. Weather is partly/mostly sunny... right near 78-80. Nice out.. No rain ... @Baymule blow real hard and send it directly to us in the Shenandoah valley.... give yourself a dry out and us a soaking....

Been working on the hallway and the "dining room/storage room"... Washed a sink full of stuff that I pulled out of a box... condensed a couple more. Still got to move more but it will be done in a bit. Time to take a break, some more allergy pills and some lunch.

Talked to DS... they are still in the NY/CT border area... Traffic is terrible so another 8 hours at least. Glad he has our retired Vet friend with him for company. Doc is a great guy and very good on the "calm" side..... talked to him also and he said that he had a nice visit with the friend DS took the spayed heifers to.... he knew him when they lived down here... so it turned out to be a good visit overall....

So, I am going in to make an egg salad sandwich and a glass of iced tea.... and get back to the moving/sorting and organizing the rest of the stuff.... then a trip to the dumpster if I get done in time. And clean up and then to the funeral home for Geneva's mom....

Got all the potatoes loaded on the wagon to take to the garden for planting, and the onion plants. Emptied the hanging baskets I bought last year for $1 so I can make up some new ones with flowers and then can maybe hang some along the porch in a few weeks. Or hold them off for more spider plants. Got some stuff together for the coming yard sale too...

I ache though... more "hard push to get done work" than I do normally.... so muscles are telling me how out of shape they are.... I need this .... get back in shape and maybe take off some fat in the process... :yesss:

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