Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
My credit union is offering 5.1% on checking if you use your debit card 15 times in the month for at least $250.00 total... But my American Express CC offers 3% back on all gas and grocery purchases... and you use their money for free if you pay it off every month...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Was 42 this morning, up to 64 and a little less wind but clouds and sun all day and a few 20 drop sprinkles off and on... not enough to get wet or anything.... There is a slight chance of frost tonight though... and the wind has laid down and it is very still so the temp will drop off more tonight.

The neighbor that got "his bull out", of his field since he said he needed to be out anyway... is really our bull... DS went and checked on him... so we will have to get him moved. He should have known it was not his; ours will come right in and load right up, and his won't.....

Did a few things here... then took my Explorer to the co-op and DS picked me up on his way home from work and dropped me off at my house on the way to the barn... it was not out of his way.... I called and asked.... this way whenever it is done, I will take the forester down and leave it to get inspected at their leisure and get the Explorer... then just have to get someone to take me down for the forester when it is done. IF the signal light lenses have come in....

Introduced the Lt.Brahma hen to the 3 RI Reds ... let them out of the pen/crate in the shelter for a bit this evening... she and the cockerel got in a bit of a tussle for a few minutes but she is still bigger and he just quit... Won't leave them together yet...They ran/flew around a bit in all that space... but they are very quiet and went right back in the crate with no problems and she went in hers and that was good.

!/2 greenhouse on the deck is working out pretty good.... got to water the plants tomorrow but it has kept the day temps up to near 90 when the sun was out but it came and went so much that I didn't open up the zipper door today. Tomorrow I probably will if it warms up a bit more....our temps are supposed to start to warm up again...

Forgot to post this last night.

It was down to 39 on the thermometer.... but the air is warming up. Going out to open up the greenhouse once the sun gets around to the deck as it will get very warm very fast. Calling for warmer today. Some chance of showers tomorrow... don't know what weather report DS was looking at when he cut this field... looks like it will get wet no matter what. It sure isn't drying very fast with the mixed clouds and such. Waiting to hear if he wants me to tedd it out today.
The season has begun.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
All the credit union checking accounts here are boasting 4-5% interest... with some caveats like mine using the debit card 15 times a month with $250 minimum total use.... and my normal savings account in the credit union is like .03% or something... even my TD Ameritrade account is only .03% on the cash.... and another bank is .02% or something... And my credit union offered a 15 mo. CD for 5.15%....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Okay.... NICE DAY..... temps up to 71 and just a little breeze...

Went and got the tractor and tedder after we decided which tractor since DS has the post hole auger on the Ford 4600 that I mostly use for the tedder and rake. He had Jim unhook the big Agco from the discbine he mowed with, that has no hood on it, since they are going to have to braze or do something to replace the pipe that broke off right at the muffler... Anyway... got it hooked to the tedder, greased and all tires were aired up good... Went and tedded out the wheat/rye/barley mix that he had mowed. Beautiful day for drying... it was green underneath the windrows, but had started to dry. 2 hours. Came across the road to the house and hung out a load of clothes and put another in machine.
Ate a sandwich, took all the meters out of the car finally and got them in the carport, hoses and all out. Put the cooler chest in to put some ground beef in for @Mini Horses for tomorrow. She is bringing me some eggs....

Went across the road and retedded it about 5.... it was alot drier and looked good but it kicked up a few green spots . Hopefully won't have to tedd it again... just rake it and let it dry a bit more before it gets baled.
Came back across and hung out the jeans that were done washing. Tomorrow is supposed to be decent.... so they ought to dry pretty good.

Making a list of a few things I want to look for..... and a couple of things I need to pick up at Walmart or the hardware thing I need are the rubber things to go on the bottom of little cane seat I have. Couple of other things I have put on my list. Next trip to town type of things you don't make a special trip for. Got to stop at the bank ATM in the morning, on the way....
Better get the greenhouse closed up and heater turned on in case it gets down too much.... hope it isn't too cold in the morning so I can open it up... need to look at the weather report... it might be able to stay closed until I get back... I'll make decision in the morning...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Mini Horses and I both posted a little in the "Coffee" thread... the "SWAP" was bigger than ever... weather was great.... not too hot, little breeze... and there were more vendors than I have ever seen... @Mini got there a little later than me, and I had found a spot to squeeze into in the field I normally have parked in... but she got shuffled out to OshKosh in a hayfield that they had cut and baled recently... I have never seen so many vendors there... they had some stakes and lot #'s at the end of some rows and it was over 100.... not counting the ones that were in what used to be the "regular" swap spots, nearer the barns. At one time there were about 30 vendors of 75% poultry people... a few food places...then some plant people in the springtime, and a few crafters, and it has just continued to grow.... WOW....:ep:th....
We had a nice visit... walked and walked... looked at alot of stuff and she checked out all the goats and I asked her lots of questions about goats since they are NOT my expertise as all....
Swapped some milk and ground beef after I found her truck, sat and talked some more, and left for home.

I'm tired... and I am sure she is was a NICE DAY.....

DS had tedded the wheat/rye/barley "hay" again and then got it raked this afternoon. He came by and got it baled this evening... done before dark. It looked real good, a light green dry look to it... seed heads still immature enough to have stayed on the stalks so ought to make some good feed. Weather calling for 60% chance of rain/storms/showers tomorrow so that worked out perfect. It never would have been ready if the weather hadn't cleared off yesterday and today and we got it tedded out several times.

Been busy the last 2 days. I didn't even stop on the way home to do any of the errand things... it can wait til Monday or whenever I go towards town....

Let the RI Red trio out for a bit but the brahma hen decided to be a bit of a bully, so she got stuck in her night crate... and I left them out loose in the shelter for a bit. A crow "cawed" a couple times and flew overhead and they hightailed it into their crate lickety split.... so they understand an "overhead threat"... which is great.... I am still staying out babysitting them when they are "loose". When they get some more size they will be more aggressive towards her I am sure... the pullets are no threat to her but she got after the cockerel and so I fixed her wagon and locked her up for the night. He mostly stays away from her but she took it upon herself to chase after him when they were scratching for some scratch I threw out for them... plenty for them all but she's older and bigger and so is a bully. I will keep them mostly separate except if I am out there so the trio can grow up without being harrassed...

Need a shower to wash off the dust and going to bed. Allergies weren't bothersome today but pills must've worn off as eyes are itching and nose running... :barnie :he.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Yes, we had a wonderful visit!! We would both love to be closer, so many things we could share...a garden, for one :lol: the "swap" has almost gotten too big -- being crowded and hard to see all the vendors. Hope Fall one is a little smaller. But it's on my calendar!

Hey, those knees were working fine! You may have felt different but seeing the movement and sustaining all morning, success.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Morning all... only down to 53 last night... Sun is out but there is forecast of some rain/T-storms coming through later this aft and some more off and on for 2 days. Hay is rolled up so it would be fine. DS was spreading some poultry litter yesterday also so rain would be good on that.

DRUM ROLL... I went all the way and tried the goat milk. It is good.... Now, you have to remember that I am already used to drinking very rich creamy cow milk... 4.5 % butterfat or so.... so this tasted just like the milk I am used to drinking. I can see where someone who is not used to a high butter fat milk ... even store bought whole milk is only 3.25% butterfat... would find it tasted and "felt" different in your mouth. There was no "off taste" or "goaty flavor".... I also think it is the way @Mini Horses does it... with putting the qt jars directly in the freezer for a fast cool down... which is how cow milk should get treated also; and often doesn't on the homestead cow because we tend to put it into gallon jars that take longer to cool throughout the jar..... I tried it with choc syrup also and like it fine that way too, although it definitely tasted "richer".... I think I like it as just plain milk better. I had goat milk once and it tasted "off flavored" and never had it since. So, :thumbsup to goat milk that is obviously handled right.

Allergies are full force this morning... :hit:somad👎👎. Already took stuff so ought to calm down in a little bit.
Have to go up to the nurse cow pasture... seems there was a cow across the electric fence... need to take a couple of little posts to put inbetween a few of the t-posts where there is a long stretch... and take the fence tester and see where there might be a problem.

Going to open the greenhouse and move the plants out to get rain "watered"... supposed to be warmer this evening so probably will leave them out... we'll see how temps and the wind is, if it gets to be a t-storm type situation. Won't leave them out if nights are to get below 50 though.

Time to get out and "at it"....