Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sweated out the fever/chills finally last night. But we got a freak pouring down rain/hail/horrendous wind last night about 9:30 or so. Cats came flying up off bed, I leave the door to the porch open a bit for them to come and go at night and it blew open, banged the wall... stuff blowing in the entry way. POURING rain and hail on the floor... this with the front porch roof being at least 8-10 ft out over the concrete..... Just got the doors shut and laid back down. It was over in less than 15 minutes or so... and a bit later it was calm and I got back up to make another trip to the bathroom and opened the door a little again. We got over .7 inch of rain in that...

Plenty of mess this morning. I am not feeling like doing much but not hot/cold like yesterday. Tore the shelter, that was torn anyway, pretty much apart out at the chickens... knocked most of the tomatoes off the vines and several of the sunflowers are on the ground. Took out one tree behind the shelter... maybe 2 as there are tons of the white pine branches down... all across the netting around that end of the garden. Will look it over better later or tomorrow... going to need some serious chainsaw work.
It tore apart and snapped several of the connectors in the 1/2 greenhouse on the deck... don't know if I can fix or repair it. Both end "doors" were open and tied back due to the heat this time of year but the wind still tore it's half off the deck and bent like a pretzel.
Knocked the metal shelves in the carport over into some of the boxes stacked in there... going to have to try to take the stuff off of them, and set them back up... can't figure out why/how it did that since they were right against the side of the carport... only stick out 24 inches... took both sets of them over partway into the boxes stacked in there....
I saw the loader from VDOT on the dirt road below me so must have taken a few trees/limbs/branches down into the road below there, on that curve.
Feel alot better than last night, stomach growling so hungry now... but weak/washed out. Oh well, it will get better...
Going to eat something and lay down for a bit again... then ought to feel a little more like "surveying the damage".


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
OMG! Sounds like you caught the end of one of the hurricanes. I thought that the latest one was going to miss the US. And isn't it late in the year for hail? Good thing you are safe, but shame about all the damaged stuff that will need repair or replacing. You can attach the metal shelves to the carport at the top by using wire through screw eyes in the side of the carport. That is what I do for earthquake safety ever since we had one that toppled all the tall metal shelves along the walls of the Connex. What a mess!

Hope you feel better soon. Don't try to do too much before you are better - you don't want a relapse.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
No hurricane... just storms that they said we were going to see some of... pop ups with this heat makes them worse some times...
We can get hail here most anytime but it is common with these type of pop up storms that "come out of nowhere".... I think that @Mother Hen got hail just the other day...
Yeah, will have to attach the shelves to the side... never had to do that before... just weird the way it hit things...
Those hurricanes are still way south and out to sea, east of Puerto Rico.
Ate some eggs as I had a hankering for them.
Nope, not going to do too much today that I don't have to do...

Think I am going to sit here and watch a movie for a bit.... got clothes to fold if I can get motivated to do them too....

It also took alot of pieces off my wandering jew plants and some of the others... only took one smaller pot off the chain where they are all hanging though... really weird....and it was a spider plant that I just popped back in the pot and hung back up.... why not take the other 15 or so off the chain???
Got a headache now but at least no fever/chills.... I think that makes me feel the worst... plus then every bone/muscle everything aches with that, so except for the little achey feeling, I can live with this.
Put a gal of water out to steep for iced tea as milk does not taste good to me right now. May as well take advantage of the sun for a few hours... I will try to get back to doing something maybe tomorrow.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
YIKE what a stormy mess. UGH. I second the screwing shelves to the walls - but then I'm also in earthquake country.
Sounds like you're passed the worst of whatever bug you picked up , but it'll be another down day to get rid of it.
Hope you're feeling better soon.