Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
56-79 here and pea-soup
OHHHH EXCITEMENT --- just now slope sprinklers when on and scared two coyotes that took off at warp speed. GOOD SPRINKLERS (just on a timer only go off on Sunday).
There's a reason I don't go out grazing in pea-soup!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Chickens are out, and I picked a bunch of tomatoes and opened the garden to the chickens to clean up. Some of the high up ones might still ripen but there is a bunch on the ground from the gusty wind yesterday and most have bad spots from the hail we had a few weeks ago. I am pretty much done with having tomatoes... will chunk up these and stick in fridge to have a few salads I guess... not canning any. I found I have a huge amount of stuff still in jars and need to eat some of it. I don't do alot of tomato stuff anymore either, seldom if ever eat pizza and once a month MAYBE, eat spaghetti.... I do like tomato soup so want to run some in the Vitamix blender and try some that way. The tomatoes were not very good this year, and there were 2 kinds that basically never grew much or made fruit. The Belgian Giants did okay but they are a deep yellow and just do not make it look pretty.
I mostly liked eating the few Mr Stipeys and the small yellow pear ones; although the belgian giants did make some big ones and only needed one thick slice to cover the bread for a tomato sandwich.

The rain gauges all varied... 1.2, 1.5 and 1.8 in the 3 different ones. The wind blew alot so some was probably blown over the gauge in places. So, I settled on recording it at 1.5 inches of rain . The sun has tried to peek out but it is mostly cloudy. The ground is pretty wet so doubt I will get the weed eater out today.

Need to take a ride up to the nurse cow pasture and check on them and feed some grain in the barn in the bunk for the calves... then will go get the milk while I am out. Will get the samples packed today too so that I can drop them off tomorrow; and text 2 farms about testing.
Also get the chicken stuffed and in the oven in a bit so I have some supper later.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
The weather report said Ophelia will hit the Carolinas and the coasts of Virginia. Thought about you and Mini Horses. Hope you are ok and no damage. Yantis is supposed to get a lot of heavy rain and some hail today and tomorrow. Hope it helps the hay so we can get at least one more cutting. I still need 50 round bales for my winter supply. Cody said no problem with supply assuming we get another cutting.

I like the idea pf making the sale applesauce into apple butter. You can render it down i a pan in the oven on 250-degree heat for about 5 hours. Just stir every hour. So much easier to make apple butter and tomato catsup in the oven than on the stove with constant stirring to avoid scorching. I love apple butter and if I see applesauce on sale like that I will try your idea. Sure a lot easier than peeling all those apples and cooking them down!


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
I don't peel. Wash, core, cut, cook to soft -- then pulse blender! Finish cooking down. Very few pieces of peel you can even find after that. 👍
Wow, hadn't thought of that for apples. I know it works great on tomatoes skin on and hit the soup button (though that's a lot longer than pulsing :lol: ).


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
60 to start, and still cloudy. Might see a few peeks of sun but clouds in the forecast for pretty much all week with more chance of some rain on Tuesday.
Going out to let chickens out and then going to run a few errands. Haven't been anywhere except to get milk and tested last Friday but didn't have time to do some of the things I wanted. Need to go check on cows but haven't talked to DS to see where he has or hasn't been.

Never got this sent so am just going to add. Chickens were let out and got the samples packed and sent off. Went to Sharp Shopper and they had 3 cases (72/4oz cups) of the applesauce left... marked down to $2.99 from $4.99... which was down from the 7.99 originally...HOLY COW:ep and it is the unsweetened too. So needless to say I took all 3 cases left... It will keep until I get to making it this winter... Talk about cheapening it up more...:yesss:

Came home and got the chicken stuffed and in the oven... didn't get to it yesterday. So that will be supper later on... and a couple meals.
It is very cloudy, and damp but is a little warmer than yesterday; hit 70 on the recording thermometer but is starting to drop off. The radar shows showers tonight and into tomorrow. Cooler too. Take it as it comes.

They have hired the other girl that applied for the testing job. Come to find out she has worked on another dairy I test for .... 22 yr old with a 6 yr old... I heard she has recently gotten married... not to the father but that is not a big deal in this day and age... he works a job that doesn't get him home until after 5 so don't know how she is going to get it worked out.... she is a decent milker but had never been interested in what I was doing... gave them a 2 week notice several weeks ago; had alot of flexibility on the dairy to pick up her daughter from school and bring her to the dairy... but then continued to work so not fair to the dairy as she was supposed to go help the other tester this afternoon...and they didn't know if she was actually leaving .... IF she was really leaving... and the funny thing is when I called to check on testing, we got to talking (owner had the new premie baby a couple weeks ago) and when the name came up, I said well I understood she had been hired... BECAUSE I was talking to the other tester this morning to see how she was doing... her mom passed away unexpectedly a couple months ago.... and she asked me if this girl was the one I was talking about when I talked to her a month ago.... and then found out her name, put 2 + 2 together... and realized who it was.

She is used to dairy barns and cows so good there; but I don't think she understands what goes on with the whole computer stuff... ought to be computer literate at her age.... but she will not be done 15 minutes after milking is done... between entering information and milk weights, and waiting on meters to run the wash cycles.... she will be on most dairies for an hour after milking is over....
We'll see... not my area so not my problem...
The other tester that's leaving the end of the month is so P.O.ed at our gen mgr. over some other stuff with work, that she said she is not going to stay one day over regardless... and she is worried about her dairymen that she has tested for 30 years. (been testing 6 months longer than me).....and she has several Old Order Mennonites... so this is going to be interesting.
The gen mgr should be doing some computer training with her on the computer to get her up to speed... but she expects the tester she is going with to train her on everything... So unprofessional and the gen mgr....

I am just going to keep my herds for this next year... and make some decisions next year... let some things shake out.
Farmers are allowed to request who they want to test... some have already switched to the one still testing up there... but there are enough herds to pretty much give her full time status and benefits.. with the ones from the tester that retired Aug 1st....

And after all this, the big 2700 cow herd that I said I would go help with Lindsay,,, is going to be tested by Lancaster PA.. our affiliate... but that does not bode well for our company... that is another X against our gen mgr... I am just getting so "over it".

Got the screws for the slider piece and put them in and got it back together. It sticks out further than I thought past the other cabinet... not sure about where to put it or leave it there... for now it will stay there... but at least it is workable... got to clean it up a little and do the finish....

2 farms want to put off testing until next week.... third one has not gotten back to me. So I am going to take the meters out of the car and put away in the carport... probably not going to work any farms this week now.

DS leaves to go to WV for the regional roadeo competition this evening I think.... I plan to go on Wed aft... before dark; be there all day Thurs.... I need to go check some cows tomorrow since he has not answered me back on who he has checked over the weekend, so I will go do them tomorrow again. :he:he:barnie:rant:th

Chicken is smelling good...

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I didn't work last week. Moved all the jobs to this week, now a little tight but ok. Just couldn't get in the mood last week. Getting harder & harder. 🥹. I bush hogged one day. Did replace farm insurance, gave about 60% of goats booster vacs, little in house things done and watched it rain. 🤣 a lazy, mental health week.

It'll be good to have no testing this week. You need a break, emotionally. You can enjoy the rodeo affair and relax. Enjoy yourself.