Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Mike CHS ... most of the contestants were there for a welcome thing and orientation and all that for first thing Tuesday morning. My son knows several of the Tn guys and likes most all of them. The Va and Tn people were all housed in the same motel so we all sat around and talked a bunch later Thurs night after the awards banquet. Unfortunately they did not have one place for all the meals and accommodations for everyone like some of the regionals do so it split people up after the banquet as they returned to the different motels they were staying in.

No DS didn't win.... didn't do all that good but with no real ability to practice in the make/model truck they were using there it was not unexpected although of course disappointing. There were 22 contestants in every event...and 3 places in each event so a possibility of 18 "places".... VA won 3rd in the tractor mower (with bushhog) event which was pretty good... the course was really tight and hard.... and the "prote'ge' " of the fellow that always does REAL good in the backhoe won 2nd which was awesome.... WVa won the most... home state advantage and they have been practicing with all the vehicles that were going to be used, right there on their lot.... TN won one class I think and placed in another... SC won 1 and placed in another... I think AR(kansas) won 1 and placed in 1...... I can't remember all of them...

We left and came home this morning.... Didn't get up at the crack of dawn and it was a 2 1/2 hr drive home... DS was in the state truck, so we followed each other part of the way and he stopped to see someone so I came on. Got home right about 10.... Some of the other guys left earlier, like 6 or so... and we actually ate some breakfast at the motel with a couple that were headed to Richmond and also a couple of the TN people that were leaving when we did...
Weather co-operated... they had been calling for some rain, out there on Thursday, but it was mostly just partly sunny and comfortable... Long sleeved T-shirt and a light sweatshirt early and the sun came out and warmed it up some, so just the shirt... by noon....
Home to partly sunny out today... 30% chance of stray shower but don't see any on the radar... 70's today and through the weekend.

Of course, I am working Sat aft and again at a different farm on Sunday morning....:(:th:th:hit:hit
Naturally, the sun is going to be out.

Plans are to get the cattle out of WV next Sunday 10/8.... pray it will be dry before that so we can get in and out without problems.

Going to go check on the cows at the nurse cow pasture and feed some feed in the bunk for the calves to go in for... want to get them caught up soon and castrated and all... Don't think anyone else there is due anytime soon.... and pull the bull out and the one with the new calf can go to a different pasture for awhile when it is time to get bred back... she was supposed to calve sooner than she did, that is the only reason she went there at the time... so she needs to get back with the ones she is "in time with" as far as the calving window....
Got to get 250 bottles into the racks for tomorrow and 125 for Sunday morning.... also need shorter hoses to go in the car for the herd tomorrow. I hadn't taken the meters out and will need 12 tomorrow with the shorter hoses.
Got lots of catch up with things to do, kittens were glad to see me... they had about eaten the food in the dish that I had filled heaping before I left on Wed aft....
All 3 chickens here and okay... big relief...

Back to reality.....:tongue:tongue:th:th:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Glad you had a good time. It was nice for you and DS to get away from the stress.

All DS2's feral kittens disappeared - 2 on different occasions when he opened the cage door to feed, 3 more from the large cage he built in the barn even though it had a cover, and then the last one finally from that cage. However, DS1 said he saw them in the barn and has put out food and water with the door to the cage open. It has been disappearing so they are alive in the barn. At least some of them.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
@farmerjan ... Glad you went to the "roadeo" and enjoyed the change from the farm & work. That's a hard competition, so DS being in the win to be able to go is an honor!

WORK...there's that elephant in the room, right? I agree, as we've discussed, with the differences in job force now and when we were beginning jobs "way back when". (canesisters thread). Not sure that either of us will get beyond "retirement" during 2024. Values are so different now. 👎😔 generational ethics. So we continue & look for a solution. To be honest, both of us could quit and produce more income than our current paychecks -- if we'd just quit and work from home at "something". Hey, we do anyway, just increase those things. 🤷

It's hard to "stop" the routine after 30-40 + years, right? And lose that regular contact with "our people". Dang, I need a new group of people!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Another cloudy day although the forecast said sun... nothing on radar, but now it looks like partly to mostly cloudy... we got a shower last night about dark...
Going in to get bottles in the trays and get the shorter hoses in the car for this afternoon. Have to be there before 1 to set up... with so many cows they are starting closer to 1:30-1:45 now instead of 2 p.m.

Last day of Sept .... wow .... year is going fast.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sunday noontime. Tested yesterday, went pretty well except they were missing some cows that must have gotten out a gate that was slightly open and as soon as it was noticed it was shut but several must have snuck out it, and in with the already milked cows and of course, wouldn't know it until after milking is done and I am saying where is this cow and that cow.....Not my problem.
They are looking at robots, have been talking about it for a while... and looks like it will happen in the next year... so another farm I will not have to test. It is coming to that I think with most... help problems, facilities on most farms are not designed to deal with the ever increasing numbers and if things need replacing/worn out stuff needing repair... they are going a different route that will require fewer numbers of hired help....

This morning's farm went fine, except that the left hand doesn't always know what the right hand is doing, ( too many different people hauling fresh cows to the barn and dropping them off and going to do other things ) cows brought to the barn fresh are not always written down and then no one can remember exactly when she calved... had to "make up" dates for 2 that calved to get them in the system since they are not recorded anywhere.... at least there is no set up there...

Got home and brought stuff in the house. Let chickens out and changed out of long sleeved T-shirt to short sleeved shirt, as it is warming up...
Clothes in the washing machine and will hang in a bit and probably do the dirty smelly barn jeans, later....

Headed out in a few minutes to get some stuff in the yard done I think, as it is not too terribly hot...

DS cut the sorghum across from my house, didn't know he was going to cut it... ought to dry good in a couple of is a little breezy out there today and some sun and some clouds still... and he said he is cutting the orchard grass at his green barn (10 acres or so)... so I will need to not be working on Tues-Wed for raking....

"She" had the stint out and is still being "wishy-washy" and he said that he has about had enough.... guess she wanted him to go back home Friday night after he got back and went down there... heard all this before.... so he is not in a very good mood... :duc :duc:duc:he:he:he:idunno:idunno

Well, time to put the clothes through the 2nd rinse and then hang them. And then do something productive.
Sun for the next few days and back in the 80's they say.... got 2 farms I haven't heard from that need to be done... going to send another text and then they can do what they want.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
"She" had the stint out and is still being "wishy-washy" and he said that he has about had enough.... guess she wanted him to go back home Friday night after he got back and went down there... heard all this before.... so he is not in a very good mood.

MAYBE 🫤 he is finally seeing this relationship for what it is!! That would sure make everyone happier and give him an attitude adjustment. A hard working, established, devoted man -- if he'd ONLY open up to a woman that would appreciate & adore him. They are out there. Send him to the grocery store, lotsa gals there 🤣🤫💕

Have fun in the garden. I have sunshine today 👏