Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’m sorry about losing the calf. I don’t think I could let that go. I’d HAVE to open my big mouth something along the lines of don’t bring me any more of your and GF’s F-ups for me to try to save. Probably wouldn’t do any good, but at least I’d feel better.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sunday....chilly 43 to start and possible FREEZE warning for this evening... It was still comfortable with long sleeve T-shirt at 8 p.m. or so last night. But it is raw and chilly today... clouds and feels just chilly....

Had an interesting day yesterday... further reinforces the stupidity of some people. I got up and was going to text DS about taking the cattle/calves to the sale... Got the bottles ready to go up and get a text... seems he is AWAY in TN (secret where) and that I can get the cows in and take them... to make sure I get the one cow in the barn first (nut case that had the dead calf) and then move my others across the driveway and then load them...
LIKE REALLY...... I was a little bent out of shape... he hadn't even told jim he was going to be gone this weekend... of course he has not been staying home at his house at night again..... guess she got over her little "I need some time to myself" mood of a couple weeks ago....

I almost decided not to go... because I hate driving the crew cab he has hooked up to the trailer... it just makes it that much longer for turning and all that ... plus I do not like the aluminum trailer... and the lights aren't working STILL....but then I said screw it I was going to take them... So jim helped me at the barn... got the cows in and shut the gate so the one was caught and could not run back out of the barn..... then I got the others across the driveway... brought my one other older cow and her calf too, who had gotten very thin this winter...DS penned her in the little field where we used to keep the blind calves; she is getting some age on her but has a decent heifer calf I would like to keep as a replacement.... got the 2 cows with calves to sell and the other high strung cow... loaded and shut in the front and then loaded the one with her the back section...... went to nurse cow pasture and unloaded her and her calf, got the big holstein bull calf and I left for the stockyard.... got there about 12:15; long line... got unloaded at 1:30 and went in to eat some brunch/lunch.... they were selling goats and then went to sheep. Then had some pigs... @Baymule would have loved it... had a couple boar hogs in the 4-500 lb range that brought $.05/lb... and a couple of real nice FAT sows in the 350+ range that sold for less than $.50/lb..... one litter of piglets that brought $50/head that were maybe 15-18 lbs... barely old enough to wean..... ALMOST bought them.... but I need a pen for them first...they were berkshire and something else crossed it looked like... could not use the trailer for more than a day until "his highness " got back from his little trip... do not need to listen to his crap about anything I passed on them... the hog market has gone to he// in a hand basket here...

The 2 little heifer calves on the 2 cows that just weren't doing anything... only weighed something like 120-135 lbs... should have been well over 200 lbs at 3+ months old... they brought a little over $2.00 /lb and that is more than I would have given for them... maybe someone can feed them to get them to grow but it was not worth it to me... The holstein weighed 120 lbs.... and they did put him in the baby calf pen with the graded calves... averaged 105 lbs in that pen... and mine was only 2 weeks old... so a little older but still had some dried navel hanging and was strictly on milk so he qualified... They brought $4.95/lb...I think.... I was watching the small calves in the ring where my heifers were... but I am pretty sure that is what they said... and the next smaller "graded" ones were 93 lbs avg and brought like $4 or 4.25/lb... SOOOO... if they brought close to what I heard... he brought more than what I paid for the 3 and the twin bulls are still at the barn... They would have brought in the $125 range so good I didn't take them... I paid $150/a piece for them. So that is good... the big one paid for all 3 so the twin bulls were "free" and I will just have milk replacer and stuff in them.... I will just raise them up and sell later on as holstein feeders when the time comes... Just like my twin heifers... they were "free" after I sold the mixed twins and the other calves... made a profit and still have the twin heifers.... They are doing pretty good. They come and go, in and out the creep gate... coming in for grain and eating grass and hay at the rolls of hay out there...
I did go get a bale of good orchard grass hay for the calves this morning also....

I did not stay for the cull cows because they had graded beef calves there, and the also had the fat cattle sale ... it would have been real late. I wanted to get home before dark due to the no lights on the trailer situation.

So, I will go get the check later today if there is someone there in the office... or tomorrow I guess... Tomorrow, I have the mandatory meeting that I have to sign in on the computer for... and then the semen/BSE (Breeding Soundness Exam) on the 2 bulls... I guess he will be back for that... said he would try to get them in to the barn lot Sunday aft.... I really don't care at this point. I cannot help him in the morning since I will be on the computer for 2 or 3 hours....
Have 2 new calves up at snyder's (nurse cow pasture) ... both heifers... one born Friday aft and one I found today... I need the clipboard to check... but I think there are 2 more to calve... maybe 3.... the last 2 were heifer calves... my 2 already calved... beef heifer had a heifer and the longhorn had a bull calf...

Like @Mini Horses ; today will be a good day to stay in and cook/bake or something, to take the chill off the house...The propane heater will not light... it doesn't sound like the gas is coming out when I push down on the pilot button....don't smell anything either.... there is gas at the kitchen stove. This thing needs to be serviced I guess...I have been running it for 2+ years and it sat for years before that... Not going to deal with it right now... Got a couple little heaters if I need them.....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Wow! That is some low prices on pigs! $20 bucks for a 400 pound boar? Heck yeah! You KNOW I would’ve jumped on that deal.

Load those cows and take them to auction! Oh yeah, you are in your PRIME and your DS can choke on heel dust as you are getting things done!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Went off without telling you and then texted to tell you to load up everything yourself?! What?! :somad

I won't tell you what I honestly think of his behavior. I would get booted off the forum! However, the fact that you did everything yourself not only makes you PRIME, BUT UBER PRIME!!!

Congrats on making good money on the calves.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Gee, I hope he's coming home with something you guys have been really missing and not have just gone to visit Rocky Top for a while. If we see anyone running around here with "SON OF JAN" written on their shirt we'll send him home.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
He was in TN with her... won't tell me that... but he was... so definitely nothing for me... and don't want anything either...
I have loaded and hauled to the sale myself many times... but not with this truck and don't like pulling this trailer especially... It's just the length of the truck being crew cab rather than super cab(and it is higher to get into)....AND this aluminum trailer is 24 ft as opposed to the "blue" (steel) trailer that is 20 foot AND the aluminum trailer is solid sides up 3/4 of the way and the steel trailer is pipe type so can see through the sides more... more a typical cattle trailer look... The aluminum trailer is also higher off the ground and I have trouble getting up in it with these knees still not working like they should... can't step up with my weight... bent knee won't push when it is above a 60* angle much... it is leg muscles not as strong as they were before... starting a new regimen of exercises for the legs to try to get them stronger... but it is all those things combined that just don't make me like this truck/trailer combination...way longer than the other combination...

Oh well... I can do it myself... and I did. End of story.

I did finally get the load of clothes run through; then it started to clear off this afternoon all of a sudden. Partly sun out there in the last hour so I hung them. Got another partial load in the machine of jeans/barn clothes to soak...will add these jeans that I put back on from yesterday... and hang them tomorrow I hope.
The wind has died down... will look at the forecast and make a decision about brush pile burning in the next day or 2... Got the new Y for the outside faucet to attach the hose... so need to just get it all hooked together and make sure it is working...
Going to have to water the peonies and bleeding hearts and the asparagus plants that I put in pots the other day since we did not get the soaking rain I was expecting... Glad I did not plant the dahlia bulbs yet... they are more cold sensitive.
I knew we would get some more cold even though was hoping for an "early spring"...

Took all the meters and hoses out of the car since I don't think I will be testing this week... unless someone wants Friday. Put some bags in the car, to go to the dumpster, and going to gather up a few more things I have here to take when I go.

Ate some scrambled eggs for late breakfast after I fed the calves this morning... stomach is now growling so going to eat something and then go feed bottles again..

Was going to run vacuum but then the sun came out, so maybe tonight... I am tired still though... eyes are tired feeling... it was a long week last week and I think I am just worn down... Talked to @Baymule and she is feeling it too... alot of push and stress this past week... her with the lambs and getting those chickens done...and her sister's health...