Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Too bad about the bull. Hopefully he settled some cows before his intestines decided to go exploring his scrotum. Dang, if it ain’t one thing, it’s another. Sounds like a productive day, getting cows sorted .


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
We have 2 that were definitely bred by him because it was before the 2nd bull was put in the field...might be 3 or 4 possibles since it was right when the other bull went in.... problem is, since he was bigger and more dominant, we think he prevented the other bull from breeding some of the cows, so wound up with a bunch open anyway. Just a rare thing...
Yes @Mini Horses he will bring back some income since cull bull prices are quite good right now. Bad thing is, he is a gelbvieh, and we really wanted to get some of the "cross" calves on the least he is walking and acting normal, so no discount because he is lame or injured in a way that would affect anything but his breeding ability...
Dreading the preg check with the other group of cows he was in with, although some of them may be bred to a different bull that they had been with prior...when we moved some cows around... then put this one in there as a clean up and for a few odd cows we stuck in there... I will have to look up who went where when...but at least we know what could be coming...

Preg check done in record time this morning... GREAT check... only 1 open cow out of 25.... 5 were only about 2 months... and several of them were older cows... 4 were over 6 months so were bred right when they got moved in there.... we pulled those 4 out and moved them across the driveway and their calves are weaned as of today..... the 3 heifers that were not preg from the nurse cow pasture/snyder's, at the preg check in January...... were all 3 months so they settled as soon as they got moved in with this bull in January... They are big heifers... should have been calving with the ones that have just calved up there at the nurse cow pasture... but will calve in Sept/Oct... and with their size, will just stay with cows that are calving...

So, seems DS had to take her to a dr appt for some sort of treatment.... because sister suddenly said she couldn't go.... so that screwed up the day... So, DS had to leave just a little bit after the vet left, so I moved the 4 across the driveway to the calving field, moved one of the old cows that was open the last time, and her calf and another calf into the little lot where my other old cow and calf had been... so she can get a little extra to eat and then she will get sold when her calf gets a little bigger and he will have a buddy in there when she leaves and he gets weaned... then they will get moved over with the weaned calves... this way the lot won't get grown up either... Then I sorted out the 1 open cow and her calf and put her in with the damaged bull for now... and had to match 3 calves that had never been paired up as to who went with who... so they get moved to the proper fields for the summer... so all that is done...made a list of the 3 calves that are coming off the cows that got moved across the driveway to put in the weaned group at the barn.... made a list of the 5 that were shorter bred, and the ones 3-4+ months and their calf numbers, so he can move things around whenever he gets back... I didn't plan to be all day doing this, so he can sort them out some... he might move them all down to the pasture near her house, with the other 5 or 6 he moved there yesterday... and then can just catch up and bring all the calves back to the barn for weaning in July... or he can sort off the 5 that are shorter bred, and put them somewhere else for awhile and keep the ones further along for down there...

I finally came back and have laundry in the washer and have to get some samples finished packing to go out... ate a sandwich for lunch and took a break and going to get back to doing some stuff...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Seems that I get to "do alot of the work" . DS texted me at 3:30 that he was just getting back... and I was at the pasture next door where the couple of cows got in the catch lot and I couldn't get them out without everyone coming in... so they got to stay there last water but tough..... got the one out this morning, but the other cow's calf got out through the fence, came up the road (by looks of the manure) and got in with her.,...and I could not get them out the gate.. So they got left all day today too. I finally got them to walk up to the catch pen which I had switched gates around (drug them around, nothing on hinges or posts)... got them in, re-switched the gates so they could go out... naturally some of the others came in but they had been in there last night so there was no more grass in that little catch pen... so managed to get everyone back out and got gates put back where they should be.
So, DS did not pay much attention to the list I made up... he loaded a load of cows and a couple calves to take to the pasture down near her house... called me on his way, and I asked if he got out the 3 calves that we just took the cows away today to put across the driveway.... "Oh I forgot.... I will have to check and make sure if they are in the trailer, to bring them back"... GRRRR... luckily they were not in the trailer... but he didn't separate out the 5 that were only 2 months bred from the ones that are 4-5 months bred... so ALL the calves at this pasture are coming off in July, so the cows get at least 60 days break (we'll see if that happens).... he said "well, I guess I could have taken the shorter bred cows to a different place" .... YA THINK..... he said he was coming back to get the rest of the cows and the calves, but that he probably wasn't going to take the 3 bred heifers as he didn't think he would have room in the trailer... and he would have to get them and the 3 "newly weaned" calves out of the group... maybe I could come to the barn and help when he got back????

I had just finished at the pasture, so just went on to the barn... managed to separate out all 3 bred heifers and the 3 calves and there was another calf in there, that needed to come out too... so that is the only one he had to help was off another cow we "dried up" the other day.... and the calf is nutty (wild eyed and spooky). Managed to get that done, he loaded the rest... and we put the damaged bull, out with the calves we were keeping there... and one cow that jumped the fence across the driveway, wanting back with her calf, that we had separated out the other day.... going to have to move her elsewhere I guess... the open cow and calf went with the bull that needs to get semen tested tomorrow....DS then stopped at the end of the driveway, walked up through the field and took a bucket of grain, and managed to walk the other bull we needed for the BSE test, across the crossover pipe on the creek, and into the lot below the barn there.. so both bulls are in with the open cow calf pair, and I think he may have put a couple more calves in there but I am not sure... anyway... hoping they will come right up to the barn when I take a bucket out there, since he is going back to work tomorrow; and I have to take them to the other vet where he had made the original appts.... won't need the appt on Monday now... just tomorrow... since we got more done yesterday than had originally planned...

So, as soon as the bulls get brought back, then the next group will come down off the hill where the damaged bull has been... may as well get them figured out... and move them off to pasture to get rebred if they are open as I suspect many will be.
Then all that will be left to check are the ones behind me... and to pull those 2 bulls out...
By then it will be time to cut the sorghum/wheat and then right into orchard grass....

He did text me just a little bit ago and said "Thank you for everything today... I know it was alot and very fast this morning!!!! and you sorted everything today... Thank you for making it happen".... WOW:epThe best thing is he didn't get all pissed off and impatient with me... I ran the head catch in the chute, wrote down the cow #, gave them the vacc shot, he and I both did some of the pour on ivermectin as he was getting them up the alley to the chute inbetween, .. 5-6 at a time in the catch pen behind the alley for the chute... and some got a 2nd ear tag that had lost them... and we did 25 cows from start to finish in about 50 minutes... Plus, the vet looked at a cow that was limping badly... she had an abscess and he pared her toe a bit and we gave her a shot of NuFlor and have to do it again in 3 days for infection as the foot/toe was swollen... nothing in it but don't know what caused the abscess in the first place... they did that first so really, we ran the cows through in about 35 minutes for the preg test...faster and smoother than it has ever been... of course, it was REALLY REALLY GOOD that they were all pregnant too except that one... having all the open ones really pisses him off... and it hurt money wise as if they don't calve regularly, then that is lost income...

All that and I took the samples from Friday aft herd to UPS as I hadn't gotten them all packed for yesterday, and went to Lowe's to see about getting a couple more "plastic" planters that look like 1/2 barrels for the dahlias... to keep the da#@%d moles out of them... and to get the different plants in the "dirt"... can always plant them in the ground later on...picked up some pansies and violas (johnny jump ups) that were marked down too..... Got some thoughts and plans for putting some things along the split rail fence along the road and on the slope there where the ditch is there along the road, for the water and all... soooo, we'll see... and I want to get some more day lilies at the poultry swap/flea market when I meet up with @Mini Horses in 2 weeks... nice thing is they come up every year... and if I don't have the "bed " all ready for them, I can plant them in some tubs....
Glad I got all that barn manure/dried stuff the other week... going to need it...

I see 3 teeny tiny asparagus spears coming up... so some of the crowns at least appreciated being planted...

Going to have to soak all the planters I have already planted though... not enough rain and too much wind this past week....

Reminds me, @Mini Horses did you say you have more tubs than you need??? I have some of the molasses mineral ones from the cows, but could use more if you have some to get rid of...cracked or leaky ones preferred !!!!!! I pay fair prices !!!!:thumbsup;)

I have some serious POISON IVY around the lilac bush and that is near where I want to put some of the irises and daylilies... will have to put them in tubs so I can kill the PI and not poison the plants... I have tried a few other things and it is really growing fast and alot this spring, so I guess poison is going to have to be what I do to get rid of it... I CAN NOT handle it at all.,...... it is growing along the edge of the deck too... just don't want to kill the lilac bush... ANY SUGGESTIONS from anyone that has dealt with it and not killed everything else in their garden????? My GF's dad in CT years ago could pull it out by the handfuls and not get it... wish I could find someone around here like that....!!!!

Had some shrimp in the freezer that had frosted in the package, so pulled it out and thawed it and ate "shrimp cocktail" for supper....

Poultry Swap at Gilmanor Farm on May 4th.... INVITING all that may be within driving distance... Dawn until you drop... will be ACRES of stuff there... we always have a good time... this is the 4th time (??) @Mini Horses and I will meet up...we get to have a gab fest, walk "miles" and last fall for my BIG 70th b'day... I actually packed sandwiches and took her a bunch of potatoes and tomatoes and such from the garden... food has gotten so RIDICULOUSLY EXPENSIVE... we sat under a tree and had our own picnic... there are several VA members here... send me a PM and I will give you my phone # and we can coordinate meeting... Twice a year event... 1st Sat in May and 3rd Sat in Sept.... we have had some pretty nice weather in the past... come prepared to WALK.....

My leg is still hurting really bad... sciatic nerve??? and I have been hobbling today as walking has been VERY painful.... took stuff all day to get things done that had to be done... would have been nice to have had some more help.... but then some of us know what that's like.... 2 days until my chiropractor appt... and my first massage therapy appt also...I would have liked to gone to the chiropractor sooner, but there just weren't any days to do it these past 10 to get it better before the Poultry Swap in 2 weeks...

Did go out and get the clothes off the line I had hung... 20% chance of a passing shower tonight.. and I need clean underwear so decided better get them in while they are dry...!!!!!

Going in to get a shower and go to bed.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Busy day! I hope your son realizes that you are the glue that holds this cow/calf operation together. That text was nice. Hopefully when y’all check the other cows, most will be bred by the other bull.

We have Virginia Creeper poison ivy/oak or whatever else it’s called here. I break out in nasty itchy blisters from the stuff. Secret weapon—CLOROX!! Wash with diluted Clorox immediately and no rash, no blisters, no itch, no nothing. So suit up in long sleeves, gloves, etc when you dig out the lilac bush, go in, throw everything in the washer and pour 2-3 cups of Clorox in the bathtub and soak in it. Scrub with wash cloth, don’t rinse off, pat dry and you should be ok. Then you can spray that nasty stuff. When dead, suit up again to pull it, stuff in trash bags to get rid of it and go take another Clorox bath.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Clorox causes me to get a bad rash... have to be very careful with any type of chlorine on my skin. I have to use gloves if I use it for anything...
Virginia creeper is entirely different plant than poison ivy... we have both here, Va creeper doesn't bother me. We also have poison oak and poison sumac here... Poison oak is miserable too... I am not sure if I have ever had any encounters with poison probably not. It is a "boggy soil" type of plant.

Had some early partly sunny sky but some dark clouds now. Supposed to get a bank of clouds moving through and some possible rain showers but gone by 11. Don't think it will be much in this area by the looks of the radar. Glad I did get the clothes in.

Need to run up and feed the bottle calves.

I don't do cortisone as it does more damage to the tissue and surrounding bone in the long run. Had one shot one time and got absolutely no relief and the doctor way back then said that I was not a good "receptor" ? for it... and have done alot of study of it with the previous knee and other joint pain and just decided that the long term effects were not worth it. Hopeful that the chiropractor appt tomorrow will get the spot in the spine realigned to take the pressure off the nerve. I am nearly positive that is the problem.

DS went back to work this morning, not sure how things will go... He has an appt with a lawyer tomorrow to decide if he is going to file a grievance, or possibly even a lawsuit... and the workman's comp lady, new person from who he used to have, who they have assigned to his case went with him to the dr appt the other day, and she asked him twice, if he had a lawyer... he said, she told him she "cannot advise him to get a lawyer"... but pointedly asked if he had one to confer with... said she talked to him for a few minutes after and made it apparent that he really needs to consult with one... He has 5 years left... but with the demotion... it will affect everything... he is mentally about done with it... but wanted to get the 5 years to get to the "full retirement" benefits which is about twice the monthly amount than he will get if he leaves now. That is one reason why he has been fighting to stay at work... but they have about broke him... which is what that one guy has been trying to do... I would bet my SS that he is behind it... and DS trusts NONE of the people he used to consider friends there except a very few...people that were friends before hand... No one has tried harder to KEEP his job, with the headaches and all that from the accident... than he has... He has to work 3 weeks in order to get back to "earning" time for his short-term disability since he has been on unpaid leave.. it suspends some status... the one friend has been talking to him about what he has to do to get back to where he is eligible for the full short term and long term disability status... the thing is, if he goes the disability route, CAN he legally do the farming....going to be sticky situation... hence the lawyer appt tomorrow... all this because he misused his "position" and was defrauding them by using the truck in a manner that they always have... and yes, we talked about his immediate boss and how he has not stood up for DS either... and he can retire and has nothing to lose really.... the one friend that is also a supervisor like DS was, has told him that he will go to court or whatever it takes to support him... and his job can go hang... he can find another one if they fire him... because what they did to DS is just plain wrong... he has cattle too... known him for years before he took the state job...

Well, got to get going... will go to the barn around 11:30 to get the bulls in the barn to load for the appt at 1... half hour away to the vet office.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
We also have poison oak and poison sumac here... Poison oak is miserable too
A friend moved to the California coastal area 20 years ago and had massive amounts of poison oak EVERYWHERE! She turned her goats (about 4 - 4-H) loose with the horses and the goats ate every scrap of poison oak. The neighbors invited her to do the same on their fenced property and like magic in a couple years no trace of poison oak. Kids are grown, goats are gone, but no poison oak.
but they have about broke him... which is what that one guy has been trying to do...
DWP just about dd the same to DH. Made a couple enemies when he started and they poisoned minds against hm. When they needed a job done fast and right they assigned hm to it. He held on with 7 years to go to retire. The early retirement scheme saved us.
the thing is, if he goes the disability route, CAN he legally do the farming....
This is a question for the attorney BUT what is his disability claim? What is his current job description? What is the job description for his farming work? Will he be doing the same work farming as he takes disability for at work?

DH retired and went to work doing the same thing for private construction for 7-8 years. He took disability SS when his knee failed and he had to have knee replacement because he couldn't climb power poles anymore. He could have collected his disability while working in another field that did not require him to climb. On the other hand, if he went to work as a tree trimmer, he would have lost his disability.

It really depends on what the disability is, what the disability retirement is for, and the description. DH's description was very specific - couldn't climb anymore. He could have become a pole inspector and still kept the SS disability because he wasn't climbing poles.

He needs to address this with his attorney - both the unfair practices and about his disability claim.