Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
When my mom canned at home it was "stay out of the kitchen" sigh.
My grandmother taught me how to make jam and jelly. She taught me to do the parafin seal then when I started canning after I married I did lids and water bath on fruit and pickles. Lids and water bath is easier and safer.

When I canned I did most of it at night since we did not have AC downstairs. I also didn't like the kids under foot when working with boiling water and syrup. I worked in the grden and got the fruit and vegetables ready to can during the day sometimes, but did the stove part at night.

DD1 did not want to learn to cook because she knew that she would be stuck doing all the cooking for the family while I did remodeling with her dad. (she was right.) I did teach her to make marmalade and cinnamon pickles in 4-H and she won blue ribbons at the fair for them. But she preferred her horse and livestock work. She didn't even want me to teach her how to sew, but went to the project meetings. She won a blue ribbon on her vest and shorts too, but that was it for sewing. Maybe the fact that she had to rip out and reset the zipper 4 times was to blame. :lol: DS2 did the cooking project and DS3 did the sewing project and made himself a pair of pajamas. My kids enjoyed themselves trying everything they could.