Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
When my mom canned at home it was "stay out of the kitchen" sigh.
My grandmother taught me how to make jam and jelly. She taught me to do the parafin seal then when I started canning after I married I did lids and water bath on fruit and pickles. Lids and water bath is easier and safer.

When I canned I did most of it at night since we did not have AC downstairs. I also didn't like the kids under foot when working with boiling water and syrup. I worked in the grden and got the fruit and vegetables ready to can during the day sometimes, but did the stove part at night.

DD1 did not want to learn to cook because she knew that she would be stuck doing all the cooking for the family while I did remodeling with her dad. (she was right.) I did teach her to make marmalade and cinnamon pickles in 4-H and she won blue ribbons at the fair for them. But she preferred her horse and livestock work. She didn't even want me to teach her how to sew, but went to the project meetings. She won a blue ribbon on her vest and shorts too, but that was it for sewing. Maybe the fact that she had to rip out and reset the zipper 4 times was to blame. :lol: DS2 did the cooking project and DS3 did the sewing project and made himself a pair of pajamas. My kids enjoyed themselves trying everything they could.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Home from all the testing, picking up samples, dropping off reports etc and so on. Tired out. Going to read some stuff and go to bed early. Have computer work to do for the one owner sampler farm I picked up the samples, and the 2 herds to pack to send out tomorrow... Might get to feeling like a human tomorrow to post some stuff...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Had a decent day. 61 to 83 and mostly sunny all day. Comfortable...

Samples packed, got a few odd computer things fixed for the one herd. Printed all the reports, packed all the samples. Spent time on the phone with the computer center for a few things...

Have been having water pressure problems so wound up going to DS house to take a shower and wash my hair because I am tired of the barely dribble. Felt better to feel clean and hair feels nice.

Had to unload all the meters and hoses since DS has not gotten to the brakes on the Explorer that are making grating noise... Want the back of the car empty in case I wind up spending any money... I need to load the "foldable" wagon so I have it to use... have a box in case of some chicken purchase... If I find any of those Vorwerk ones again this year, I will buy them... wish I had gotten them last year... Oh well.... we'll see.
Plan to leave early to be there before 8 but it will be crazy crowded since they were allowing people in to set up on Wed, so there will be sales way before tomorrow when we get there...

Not going to take any sandwiches, because I am totally out of bread... will splurge on a HD .....

Anyway, this afternoon I took the samples to drop off at UPS and went to the stockyard to meet DS as he was already there... wanted to see how calves/feeders were doing and he had to get some wheat to plant as a cover crop... We were going to a customer appreciation dinner put on by one of the companies that we deal with... do spraying, fertilizer, etc..... and it was VERY GOOD.... brisket, hot dog, mac/cheese, gr beans, baked apples, drinks and ice cream... I am full full. Visited with several farmers I do not see often now... and some of my farmers there... gave the reports to the farmer I had printed them for.... DS knew several of them... I'll bet there were 300 plus there... families were invited... LOTS of people...
Dropped DS back at the stockyard to pick up the truck/trailer... He did NOT buy anything... prices were up quite a bit from last week... Steers in the 5 wts hit 2.80-3.10.... 6 wts in the 2.40-2.75.... 8-9 wts were 2.15-2.25.... That's 1700+ for calves again... last week must have just been an off week. Plus corn is lookinig to be "cheap" this year... less than $4 / bushel... so cheaper feed makes better feeder calf prices.

Going to bring home the cows to be preg checked this weekend... and DS said to get in some at the nurse cow pasture... and he will move them too and it will take some pressure off the pasture and water... and if not preg they can get shipped next Friday... He has some steers, 5 or 6 I think, that were smaller, when he sold the others back in June/July.... and he says they look good and he is going to sell them... and any of the cows that come up open will get sold too.... and the 2 or 3 IDIOT crazy heifers that come in the barn then run right through you to get back out... and are making the rest stupid......

So I will see who I can get in on Monday afternoon after I get home from a farm that "has to test asap...." this is the one that I tested the end of Aug that hadn't tested in 4 years... and is having trouble with their scc on the tank....well, must still be a problem... 3 1/2weeks and they want another test.... I will have to leave here by 4, milk at 5 or so... home by 1, I hope... I will have time to go to the pasture and see who I can get in to get checked on Wed... that'll be good...
We will bangs vacc the holstein heifers, dehorn and all, when he gets the heifers back from WV... the bigger ones will be too old, to bangs vacc..... but the smaller ones will be nearly 1 yr... and they have to be done by 1 yr old... so we can go through and see who we are going to keep and then vacc them all at the same time. Just read recently there was an outbreak of brucellosis (bangs vacc) somewhere... and I do not want to ever have to deal with it and I do not want to have any milk cows that I drink milk from that are not bangs vacc for safety's sake. Plus they are tattooed....
Looking like prices are going to stay up for awhile... longer than I thought... I am not complaining... but that means we will not be keeping many steers through this winter. We'll see how they look when they all come home from pasture later on.
Going to bed so I can get up and get going....