Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Loving the herd life
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Well, have been a little helter skelter today but got some things done and more "partially.... started" !!!! Used the batteries up on the push mower and did a bunch of stuff... more to do... but I got side tracked with the riding mower and got the cart hooked up... got some branches loaded and more ready to pick up. Moved the cars around some so I could do a little mowing around where they were before.

Washed out a cooler chest so it can dry out and then get put away. Got a couple of buckets washed out too... The big cooler chest needs a good washing to put it away too.
Put more soapy water in a couple more buckets that need to get washed out. Got to get ready for potato digging here soon.

Going to get a piece of cardboard to put on the bottom of the one "wagon" I have that is all metal, to protect the butternut and crenshaw squashes and get them loaded up tomorrow. Wanted them to "cure" a little in the garden after getting them all up out of the grass and all...then will move them out of the sun and figure out storage... but they will off the ground and will have air getting around them too as the skins cure harder.

Just puttering type things outside that take some time... not killing myself to do them but working on things. Got a couple feed bags of stuff to go to the dumpster... and got more cardboard and crappy stuff to go out in the garden into a compost pile. Debating whether to actually make a "bin" or just dump in the garden for the chickens to scratch around and "compost" for me. Probably just let the chickens do it.

Walked around looking at where the perimeter fence is going and where I want the gates...

Forgot to let the clothes finish washing and run through the rins
e... left the lid up... so will get them finished and hung tomorrow. Then bring in the other ones..... They were dry, but will get damp from the dew so will have to wait for the afternoon to actually take them off the line. Time to do all the blankets and such that I want to "smell nice, like outdoors" and get hung out to get that "clean smell"...

Just ate a hamburger, and going to watch a movie and work on some more of the papers and stuff that have gotten piled up.

DS mowed some he said... have not seen him since when he left to go to PA with that friend of his... doesn't sound like he is too "happy" today... but he may have a headache again for all I know. Said in his text back, when I asked if he mowed or did he need a ride or something anywhere... that he mowed some at Deb's and would be doing a bunch tomorrow... He was missing seeing the kids and the sister couldn't give him the courtesy of a text back for several days... then sent a long chatty text like they were best friends... yet could not give him a day/time when he could get her 2.....the whole family is selfish self centered, with no thoughts further than themselves... what suits them and to he// with anyone else unless it suits them.... yet still say that she wants him to stay in the kids lives.....:rant:somad:somad:somad:barnie:barnie

The forecast is for clear and sunny for at least the next 10 days... 70 and 40 for lows... maybe a little cooler. Will get something rigged up for the summer squash plants to protect from the night time chills... Got to think about getting the spider plants and all back in the house here soon too...
I putter, too. Slow and steady...


Loving the herd life
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
I'm also using my morning "grass dry time" to do a little in the house -- the dreaded work 😁. At least it's something done, less annoying. Yesterday I scrubbed the microwave, and cleared a cabinet, cleaned it & re organized. Love results, hate the job. Maybe by end of week they'll all get done :hide:old:idunno:lol:

I love organizing, and my DS got the genes for it! I tag him for big jobs like the shed, not just for his height and muscles...but because he can visualize how best to sort out stuff.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
the whole family is selfish self centered, with no thoughts further than themselves... what suits them and to he// with anyone else unless it suits them.... yet still say that she wants him to stay in the kids lives.....
Shame that he won't let go of them. They are using him for a father figure for their kids but without any return for him.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Never liked housework, my barn was always neater and kept up, than my room as a kid, and same after I got married.. But I did a better job when there was someone else in the house to "care" about how things looked. Plus had to "child proof " things when DS was little... I am a real slacker in the house now.

Did get the broken limbs/branches out of the yard and on the pile that I had started... Deb had used the chainsaw and cleaned up around the dogwood tree back awhile ago, and they are in a pile to burn. Not a big one... might do it one afternoon/eve...
Took the push mower and did some of the stuff I didn't get with the riding mower... got more to do.

Meters and hoses all out of the car, back in the totes and storage bin in the carport. I need to get a schedule for some testing... Need bottles to do that though...

Finally talked to DS and he did some more mowing... then went and helped our retired vet friend... that we run cattle out in WV on his family land...... at his house here local... didn't know that he was helping them put down rock for a pad for his brother in law who is moving here...leveled out a spot and all this... going to stay in a travel trailer for the winter as they build a house on the farm next year... his wife is my age, he's about 10 years older, and has some health issues now... and the brother in law and his wife are younger... so she will have some company too when he's no longer with us... SO... he's been busy and had some problems with the tractor that he has been dealing with the hydraulic's with...all kinds of things that he has had to deal with...

He did get to see the kid's last night and said he had a good talk with the sister... don't know if it will help but she said she agrees that they need to try to make plans for once a week or something... he said Colt was pretty upset when it was time to have to go home... and DS said he told her it is partly because he hasn't seen them for nearly 2 months.... she has cancelled several times...

Said he was going to cut more tomorrow... and then probably stop.. he will be gone Thurs and Friday again... to another car "flea market" with the other friend... he is actually nearer to 80 and DS has been friends with the son that is his age... figures that he might not be going too many more years... although he is a pretty active for his age.....

I am going to go the the massage therapist tomorrow, I think... she has some time in the afternoon. Shoulder has been really aching the last 2 days and I can't blame it on the weather since it is so nice and not humid or anything. Could use a session, and will be on the tractor and doing some testing the latter part of the week; so will be pretty tied up.

Haven't been doing as much in the house as I should... so might see about making myself to do some this evening...
Need to eat something... ate lunch late so forgot about supper until a few minutes ago....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Shame that he won't let go of them. They are using him for a father figure for their kids but without any return for him.
He is not going to just disappear out of the kid's lives... said he will not "abandon" them... and I get it in a way... he is the father figure for the little boy because he was only 6 months when the father died... and DS doesn't have any kids and probably never will... so.... it is what it is... just he cannot "legally" claim time like a divorced father. He does talk to the xgf daughter regularly... and the sister's daughter has a phone now, so she texts DS and sends pictures... so there is that now.
Xgf daughter is spending most of her time with her father, who DS is friends with, or this sister.... wants nothing to do with the mother getting back together with the xbf... I am not surprised... xgf deserves it as she has said she doesn't care what anyone thinks and if the daughter goes to live with the father, then so be it... selfish self centered B#@%H...... she is 14 so at a point where she can start making decisions... and by the time xgf might wake up, daughter will be nearly grown, and gone out of there with the father if nothing else...

I need to find a younger person that wants me to mentor them... so they can inherit "my stuff".....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’m not a great housekeeper either. Especially since moving twice and having way too much stuff. I got rid of a lot before leaving Lindale, have a pile of boxes to get rid of at son’s house. Pile of boxes to go through has dwindled down. One of these days I’ll be unpacked. LOL I’d rather go outside and play.

I have company coming this weekend, Sarah, my friend from San Antonio, will be here Thursday with her autistic daughter. Her mom is coming on Friday. Saturday we’re going to cater a wedding, her mom and I will be serving the food. So….. I’ve been cleaning up the yard, cleaned back porch yesterday, gonna tackle the refrigerator today. Take everything out, wash, dry, put it back. Been needing to do that, I should have company more often. Hahaha.

I think finding a young person to mentor would be a great idea.

I’m glad your son finally got time with Colt. It’s good for both of them. Colt might be your young person. Your son is his mentor and Colt adores him. I know he’s a little kid now, but he will grow to be a man. You could put your son in charge of the estate. Something to consider.