Feeding routine


Loving the herd life
Feb 11, 2021
Reaction score
Southeast Missouri
Thank you. He is the ram. I have 2 Rams, 2 wethers and the rest ewes. They Rams fence fight too much and I'm scared to be honest. I want to get there girls healthy. And also be able to enjoy them and with the rams.there it's impossible. I have about 3/4 acre for these 3 and rest are out on about 4 acres. Fencing issue for sure. This ram jumps 4ft fence and I just don't have enough space. I wanted to put the rams together and just let all the ewes, lambs and wethers together but I'm terrified of leaving Rams together. They were together with the ewes pictured a few months ago but haven't tried just them 2 together. I'm super paranoid and want some peace on the farm but noone wants a ram now let alone one with a weird looking eye (although it's totally fine)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@purplequeenvt yeah got them in terrible shape maggot feet and scared of a fly!

Sorry totally went off topic this was about feeding routine :) doing about cup-2cup grain day for each with mineral now which is really getting them to love me
We highjack threads all the time, it’s perfectly ok to highjack your own! LOL


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
If the ram is jumping a 4’ fence and being a PIA, I’d take him to auction and take whatever I got for him. No point in keeping a problem animal that can teach others his bad behavior. That’s just my opinion for what it’s worth. He may be an outstanding ram that you want to keep his genetics in your flock. If so, then keeping him where you want him will take some work.

Your sheep will give you countless hours of enjoyment. @purplequeenvt is a wealth of information. Whatever she says, you can take it to the bank.

I’ve hung out here too long! It’s starting to rain. Hope it stops soon so I can get morning chores done. LOL

Good luck with your flock, they are in the hands of a Good Shepherd.


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
Your sheep look perfect! The new ones definitely need some TLC.

Can you offer the spare ram up as meat for someone? Or put him your own freezer? It’s not hard to do yourself if you have the inclination.

If you want to keep them together, they need to get locked up together with as little room as possible for a few days. You don’t want them to be able to back up far enough to be able to smash heads. I’ve seen a big ram get killed instantly when butting heads. For most rams, a couple days crammed together and they will emerge as best friends. The exception to this is one of my Shetland rams (he’s not going to be around much longer). He will fight anyone at any time.


Loving the herd life
Feb 11, 2021
Reaction score
Southeast Missouri
Lots for me to catch up and write back on. With nice weather today taking advantage of getting things squared away...

One thing for now as far as mineral I'm giving blueprint sheep mineral. If I just fill up a feeder in their pen do I need to worry about them eating too much?


Loving the herd life
Feb 11, 2021
Reaction score
Southeast Missouri
Today went far from as planned. Of course. Got 2 newer ewes confined to trim feet. Rams started fighting at fence behind me and busted it open and newer ewes (we'll let go off 1 I had got front feet trimmed but they are so bad. She has nothing left to her feet) and they took off in pasture with my original crew. That ram was so happy but wanted to keep them separate with health concerns they are having and possible spread to my herd?! But they are loving eating pasture so letting them be until tonight. Thought about keeping them together but "their" ram might get more than unhappy....

I'm in southern Missouri, touching Arkansas, very wet here although this year has been a different story. It does snow but usually doesn't stay more than a few days but weather has been all over the place. As I think I mentioned have a couple of acres mostly fenced (sheep have gotten out with neighbors cattle) but most of it's corrected now. We have a young livestock dog that has learned to herd them more than hang so yet another problem. She will bring them home for sure but bites a lot so she has recently been separated and taking up a fenced in area I typically would use for her and sheep. Another acre the 3 trouble sheep are in is enclosed and usually used for ram and then the barn for babies (separate area) and bring sheep in at night. Def have coyotes here but never had issue with dog barking and sheep have always come in at night.
Someone also decided we needed pet potbellies who don't get along so took away more of my sheep space! Kinda of a circus.

Really like your setup @Baymule I need to get supplies to do something similar.

Lots of work to do but some of the mentioned ideas are definitely helpful. Tend to get overwhelmed with them and need to just do one thing at a time. Probably work on feedings systems first.

And getting rid of this ram. Offering him free in local radio and craigslist. Honestly never been to sale or auction yet so don't even know how that goes. Could definitely inquire. But a ram with an eye issue will that even sell?! As far as freezer I could but I wouldnt eat the meat. I just can't believe even free he won't go! Every day is a struggle with Rams. Was much more peaceful before and hopeful it will be again. Glad I got rid of our only lamb ram this year! Was definitely a start to doing things right.
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Loving the herd life
Feb 11, 2021
Reaction score
Southeast Missouri
Use a regular, plain salt/mineral mix. Don't buy the molasses "minerals", they'll always over eat that.
Don't mix minerals and feed.
They'll eat their fill, then eat what they need afterwards.
What do you mean plain mix? I see some mix salt but if there an exact mixture/way to do this?

I saw this https://www.premier1supplies.com/p/sheep-trace-mineral-premix

And feeds 10 sheep for a year?! Sounds very affordable. What type of salt do you mix,?
And it recommends such a small amount to give daily vs leaving it out and not knowing how much is consumed.... Can't sheep overdue it on salt?

For now I got the blueprint mix which I don't think I need to mix with salt?!!
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